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Alexandra David

Alexandra David. Kick-off Meeting ‘BRAND’. ‚BRAND‘ Sub-Project Presentation. BRAND stands for B order R egions A lumni N etwork D evelopment BRAND is a INTERREG IV C Mini-Programme sub-project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) BRAND has a duration of two years

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Alexandra David

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alexandra David Kick-off Meeting ‘BRAND’ ‚BRAND‘ Sub-Project Presentation

  2. BRAND stands for Border Regions Alumni Network Development BRAND is a INTERREG IV C Mini-Programme sub-project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) BRAND has a duration of two years BRAND consists of five border regions What is ‚BRAND‘

  3. ‘A strong regional and interregional alumni network in the border regions’ The subproject has the following objectives: To achieve knowledge about migration patterns/(re-)migration To analyse ‘successful’ regional alumni networks To exchange experience about alumni network (the mechanisms behind good practice examples) To determine regional pictures, images: ‘warm place feeling’, To create a joint action and business plan for interregional alumni network interlinks and activities To form policy recommendations at the regional, national and EU-level ‚BRAND‘ aim and objectives

  4. (1) Migration Patterns May 2011 – September 2011 (5 months) (2) Analysing and Mapping of Alumni Networks October 2011 – April 2012 (7 months) (3) Guideline/Joint Action and Business Plan May 2012 – April 2013 (12 months) How to achieve the aims

  5. 1. Institute for Work and Technology, University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen (DE) 2. Karlstad University (SE) 3. County Administrative Board of Värmland (SE) 4. University of Twente (NL) 5. Hedmark University College (NO) 6. Hedmark County Council (NO) 7. REGIO BASILIENSIS - The Swiss partner for the Upper Rhin Co-operation (CH) 8. HochschuleNiederrhein – University of Applied Sciences (Institute NIERS) (DE) BRAND Partnership

  6. Border Regions Hedmark Värmland Overijssel NRW Basel

  7. david@iat.eu www.iat.eu/brand

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