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Alexandra High. Basic Information. What is a carry and what does it do?. A carry is a champion that is usually weak early game and needs farming through minions or enemy champions to become strong. These champions, when played correctly, can be the winning factor for your team.
What is a carry and what does it do? • A carry is a champion that is usually weak early game and needs farming through minions or enemy champions to become strong. These champions, when played correctly, can be the winning factor for your team.
Examples of strong carries • Ashe • Miss Fortune • Anivia • Corki • Kennen • Kog'Maw • Annie
What is a tank and what does it do? A tank is a character that builds up a lot of hit points and armor/magic resist. These champions can run into danger and come out still alive. Many teams rely on tanks to initiate fights with the other team and take hits from towers to protect its weaker teammates.
Examples of strong tanks • Shen • Amumu • Galio • Rammus • Malphite • Gragas • Garen
What is a support and what does it do? A support champion is one that supports its teammates and generally keeps them from dying. This might be done through healing, buffs or shields. Supports are generally weak in defense and offense.
Examples of strong supports • Sona • Janna • Taric • Zilean • Morgana • Soraka • Kayle
What is a DPS and what does it do? A DPS champion is solely mean to deal damage. DPS usually back up its carry's damage to help it kill enemy champions or take down turrets and the nexus. DPS can be melee or ranged.
Examples of strong melee DPS • Warwick • Kassadin • Xin Zhao • Olaf • Poppy • Akali • Pantheon • Tryndamere
Examples of strong ranged DPS • Tristana • Twitch • Twisted Fate • Vladimir • Heimerdinger • Teemo • Ezreal
What is jungling and why do you do it? Jungling is a different way of leveling than laning. A jungler doesn't start in a lane like its teammate and levels off of neutral creeps. This gives your team two solo lanes and also helps make ganking easier.
Examples of strong junglers • Warwick • Udyr • Olaf • Rammus • Shaco • Amumu • Fiddlesticks
What is laning? Laning is leveling and farming in one of the three lanes commonly known as top, mid and bot. Without a jungler, the set up should be 2-1-2. The solo champion in the mid lane levels up faster than its teammates because its experience isn't split. With a jungler the set up is usually 1-1-2. This gives your team two solo lanes and dragon protection.
What to watch out for in your lane • If you're enemies go missing, let your teammates know so they don't die to a gank. • Watch out for enemy ganks, especially if they have a jungler. • Turret and minion aggro when you attack an enemy champion.
Things to always remember • Wards let you see a certain radius around them which helps you know where your enemies are. • There are buffs around the map that should be taken advantage of (Golem, Lizard and Baron) • If facing a champion that can stealth, there are vision wards and oracles elixirs that make it so you can see them while stealthed, giving you a possible advantage. • Dragon gives your entire team an experience and gold boost, it should killed whenever it's up (and it's safe). • There are consumables such as elixirs, which temporarily buff your stats, and potions that restore your health or mana over time that can be very useful. • Not all champions use mana! There's no need to spend money on an item that increases mana/mana regeneration if you don't have mana.