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ALEXANDRA NECHITA. PAINTER. Click. 28.11.2014 14:16:24.
ALEXANDRA NECHITA PAINTER Click 28.11.2014 14:16:24
She was born in Vaslui, three months after her father, Niki Nechita, escaped from Communist Romania. She and her mother, Viorica Nechita, waited two years to rejoin him in the United States. The family settled in California, where her father found work as a lab technician, and her mother as an office manager. At the age of two, she was working with pen and ink and by five was working with watercolors. Upon her seventh birthday, oil and acrylics were her tools. She had her first solo exhibition at the age of eight at the public library in Whittier, Los Angeles County. She has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and has appeared with numerous celebrities, including Bill Clinton. Her talent led to her being known as the "Petite Picasso" as her work, to some, resembles that of the master; she has been known as a child prodigy until late in her teens
In November 1999, Alexandra was selected by the World Federation of United Nations Associations to lead a Global Arts Initiative involving more than 100 nations. In 2005, Alexandra Nechita unveiled her United Nations Peace Monument for Asia in Singapore. It is to be set up for display at the Catholic High School. She was also enlisted to make a series of paintings named "Winning Together" for the Special Olympics. She dedicated a theatre at the Lutheran High School of Orange County, which was her high school. It is known as the Nechita Center for the Arts, and has 740 seats. On January 20th, 2009, Michael Azevito, famed owner of U.G.L.Y. clothing, assigned her as the subject of a flamboyant report
Ea sa născut în Vaslui, la 27 August 1985 după trei luni tatăl ei, Niki Nechita,a scăpat din România comunistă. Ea şi cu mama ei, Viorica Nechita, au aşteptat doi ani pentru a se reuni cu el în Statele Unite. Familia s-a stabilit în California, unde tatăl ei găsit de lucru ca tehnician de laborator, şi mama ei ca manager la un birou. La vârsta de doi ani, ea a desenat cu stilou şi cerneală iar la cinci a desenat cu acuarele. La a şapte ani, a folosit culori de petrol şi acrylice. A avut prima sa expozitie , la vârsta de opt ani la o biblioteca publică din Whittier,din judeţul Los Angeles. Ea şi-a făcut aparitia, în renumita emisiune TV condusă de Oprah Winfrey şi de asemenea a mai apărut alături de numeroase celebrităţi, inclusiv Bill Clinton. Talentul ei a fost apreciat fiind cunoscută sub pseudonimul de: "Micuţa Picasso", pentru ca lucrările ei, pentru unii, seamănă cu cel al căpitanului; ea a fost recunoscută ca fiind un copil minune, până târziu la vârsta de douăzeci de ani.
Alexandra Nechita & Grandmother Alvira Virag
Flashlights from Heaven The Intricacies of Self
True Blue A new Tomorrow
Embrace Growing Up Peace Celebration
Here on Planet Earth When Sunflowers Bloom Again
Live and Let Live Adolescence The Inevitable Maze
Let Peace Set You Free
Where the Sun Never Lets
Feeding the Birds
The Tings we Want
Dreams Catching Up White Me Adventurous Mind
Golfer's Pride Hair Therapy
Nature's Roots Irish Blessing
Pinky Promise Sweet Pumkin Flower
Riding the waves Peace is Not an Option
A.C T H E E N D May.12.2009
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