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Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Trails ... and Transportation

Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Trails ... and Transportation. Bill Wilkinson, AICP Executive Director National Center for Bicycling and Walking. Evolution of Federal Transportation Funding for Bike, Ped, & Trails. Pre-ISTEA (or pre-1991) ISTEA TEA-21 SAFETEA. Transportation Funding Impacts.

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Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Trails ... and Transportation

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  1. Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Trails ... and Transportation Bill Wilkinson, AICP Executive Director National Center for Bicycling and Walking

  2. Evolution of Federal Transportation Funding for Bike, Ped, & Trails • Pre-ISTEA (or pre-1991) • ISTEA • TEA-21 • SAFETEA

  3. Transportation Funding Impacts • State DOT Bike/Ped Coordinators • State DOT Rec Trail Programs/Managers • State DOT Safe Routes to School Managers • Statewide and MPO Long Range Plans • US DOT Guidance • ... and lots of dollars, too!

  4. Putting These Programs to Work • How have Federal public lands benefited? • What does it take to make it work? • Are partnerships important? • Plans or projects?

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