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Federal Transportation Funds for Snowmobile Trails. Christopher Douwes Trails and Enhancements Program Manager. Who is FHWA?.
Federal Transportation Funds for Snowmobile Trails Christopher Douwes Trails and Enhancements Program Manager
Who is FHWA? • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), part of the US Department of Transportation, provides expertise, resources, and information to improve the nation’s highway system and its intermodal connections. • The Federal-Aid Highway Program provides financial assistance to the States to construct and improve the National Highway System, other roads, bridges, and trails. • The Federal Lands Highway Program provides access to and within national forests and parks, Indian reservations, and other public lands by preparing plans, letting contracts, supervising construction, and inspecting bridges. • FHWA conducts and manages a comprehensive research, development, and technology program.
Funding History for Bicycling and Walking • Until 1991, almost all FHWA funds were for highway construction, with limits on funding for off-highway facilities. • The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) added eligibility for scenic byways and transportation enhancements. A technicality left recreational trails unfunded. • National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 established limited funding for recreational trails. • The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) of 1998 established full funding for recreational trails. • The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) continued eligibility with a few program improvements.
FHWA Funds for Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects and Trails • The Federal Surface Transportation Program is the largest fund source for shared use paths and trails. • $790 million in FY 2011 (under 2% of highway funds). • Pedestrians are 10.5% of trips; bicyclists are 1.0%. • Pedestrians are 12% of highway fatalities, 67% occur on Federal-aid highways. Bicyclists are 2%. • About $200 to $300 million/year for trails, including $70 to $90 million/year for recreational trails. • Bicycling and walking benefit economies and health.
Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities and ProgramsFY 1992 to 2011 (Millions of Dollars)
Key Programs Benefiting Snowmobilers • Federal Lands Highway Program • Surface Transportation Program • Transportation Enhancement Activities • National Scenic Byways Program • Recreational Trails Program
Federal Lands Highway Program • Provides access to and within Federal lands. • Project decisions made by the Federal land management agencies in coordination with local governments. • Trails are eligible for funding; agencies have put higher priority on highway access and safety projects. • Emphasis on pedestrian safety. • See http://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/.
Transportation Enhancement Activities • Transportation Enhancement (TE) activities expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience through 12 eligible TE activities that relate to surface transportation. • Funding: $927 million available in FY 2011; $550 million obligated. • Trail projects use about 1/3 of TE funds.
Pedestrian and bicycle facilities Pedestrian and bicycle safety and education Scenic or historic easements and sites Scenic or historic highway programs Landscaping and scenic beautification Historic preservation Historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities Rail-trail conversions Inventory, control, and removal of outdoor advertising Archaeological planning and research Mitigate highway water pollution and wildlife mortality Transportation museums Transportation Enhancement ActivitiesTE projects must relate to surface transportation and be eligible under one or more of 12 Eligible Categories:
Transportation Enhancement Activities • Administered by State DOTs. • Each State has its own project application and selection process. • State requirements may be stricter than Federal. • States are encouraged to use Youth Corps. • Website: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/transportation_enhancements/ • The National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse (NTEC) has project examples and State contacts: www.enhancements.org.
TE Project Examples George S Mickelson Trail, South Dakota Houghton MI Streetscape Mineral Belt Trail, Leadville CO More project examples: www.enhancements.org.
Some TE Issues • TE projects must relate to surface transportation. • General park projects (acquiring park land, sports fields, picnic areas, playgrounds, general park amenities, etc.) are not eligible. • TE projects must meet accessibility requirements. • Project sponsors must include various interest groups in the planning and project development process: equestrians and other trail users, historic preservation advocates, etc. • Nothing in Federal law or regulation requires trails to be paved. • Nothing in Federal law or regulation prohibits equestrian use. • FHWA developed a Framework for Considering Motorized Use on Nonmotorized Trails. • USDOT encourages States to use Youth Corps on TE projects, but few States use them.
Recreational Trails Program • Funds to develop and maintain recreational trails for all trail uses. • Only FHWA program to support routine maintenance • $85 million available per year. • Funds distributed by formula to States: see www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/funding/. • Represents a portion of the Federal motor fuel excise tax paid by OHV users. • States solicit and select projects for funding. • States are encouraged to use Youth Corps. • See www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/.
RTP Eligible Projects • Maintain and restore existing trails and bridges. • Develop and rehabilitate trailside and trailhead facilities. • Purchase and lease trail construction and maintenance equipment. • Construct new trails (limits on Federal lands). • Acquire easements or property for trails (willing seller). • Trail assessments for accessibility and maintenance. • Trail safety and environmental protection education. • State administrative costs.
RTP Project Examples High Bridge Park, New York City: Inner-city mountain bike trail. Winner of 2009 Coalition for Recreational Trails Achievement Award for Environment American YouthWorks crew building stairs near Austin TX. Western Wyoming Avalanche Education Project: Winner of 2004 CRT Award for Communication
RTP Project Examples Agassiz Recreational Trail, Minnesota Winner of 2010 CRT Award for Construction and Design WanogaSnopark Shelter, Oregon Winner of 2008 CRT Award for Construction and Design
Who can sponsor a project? • Federal agencies (restrictions in a few States) • Tribal government agencies • State agencies • Local agencies: county, city, town, township, borough, school, water/sewer district, etc. • Nonprofit organizations (many States) • For profit organizations (a few States) • Project sponsors are encouraged to use qualified youth conservation or service corps.
Using Federal Funds Federal funds have Federal requirements. • Highway requirements: Buy America, competitive bidding, prevailing rate of wage, design, safety. • Environmental: NEPA; archaeological, cultural, and historic; nondiscrimination; endangered species; public involvement; watersheds and wetlands; etc. • Planning: Statewide and metropolitan plans and transportation improvement programs. • Grant management requirements; allowable costs.
How does project funding work? • Federally-assisted, State-administered Program. • Most Federal-aid funds are apportioned to the States through a statutory formula. • Project sponsors apply through States or Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). • FHWA has oversight for project compliance with Federal laws, but does not prioritize projects. • Reimbursable cost share program, in general: 80% Federal share / sliding scale, with flexibilities for Federal agency project sponsors.
How do I get funds for my project? • Contact your State RTP or TE Administrator: see www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/rtpstate.cfmor www.enhancements.org. • Develop a workable, realistic project. • Get public support. • Develop funding sources and donations. • Consider youth corps involvement. • Youth Corps: Seek project sponsors. See www.corpsnetwork.org / Policy / Transportation. • Develop a good design: consider the project setting, community benefits, user needs, and accessibility.
How do I get funds for my project? • Consider potential problems: • Environmental impacts: wetlands, endangered species, archaeological impacts, etc. • Permits • Public opposition: liability, property rights, safety, environmental impact. • Complete the project application completely. • If approved, get to work! • Submit an invoice to get paid! • Celebrate success.
Federal Highway Program Update The Federal Surface Transportation Program has been extended (8 times) thru March 2012. • National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission: http://transportationfortomorrow.com/. • House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee: http://transportation.house.gov. • Senate Environment and Public Works: http://thomas.loc.gov/ • Many interest groups have opinions on Federal-aid highway program authorization: air quality, bicyclists, climate change, ecosystems, environment, freight, pedestrians, safety, safe routes to school, trails, wetlands, wildlife, etc., and organizations with positions on government activity and taxation policy.
Additional Resources • TE Guidance: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/transportation_enhancements/guidance/ • RTP Guidance: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/guidance/ • Trail Design resources: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bikeped/design_nonmotor/index.htm • USDA Forest Service Trail Publications: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/publications/fs_publications/ • ACSA Resources: www.snowmobilers.org/resources.asp
For more information: • State RTP Administrator contacts: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/rtpstate.cfm • State TE Manager contacts: www.enhancements.org. • National RTP and TE oversight: Christopher Douwes Trails and Enhancements Program Manager christopher.douwes@dot.gov 202-366-5013; fax 202-366-3409