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TITLE PAGE:. Holocaust Denial Cory Burkhart Mrs. Hawthorne Humanities 101T 19 February 2011. day month year. Introduction: STEP 1. Hook :
TITLE PAGE: Holocaust Denial Cory Burkhart Mrs. Hawthorne Humanities 101T 19 February 2011 day month year
Introduction: STEP 1 • Hook: • 6 Million Jewish People were killed in the Holocaust during World War II. Today there are people who do not believe that the Holocaust even happened.
Introduction: STEP 2 • LEAD-IN/NECESSARY INFO • Public Officials such as the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, deny the Holocaust daily. Its not just public officials, Neo Nazis also deny the Holocaust.
Introduction: STEP 3 • THESIS STATEMENT • Millions of people died and 60 years later people are denying the deaths and are making fun of those deaths through cartoons.
BODY PARAGRAPH 1: STEP 1 • TOPIC SENTENCE: Reason #1 • Is it right to have a cartoon make fun of the worst event in human history .
BODY PARAGRAPH 1:STEP 2 • Supporting Evidence • According to the article, “Dutch to Prosecute Arabs Over Holocaust Cartoon”, The Arabic League drew a cartoon about two Jewish people at Aushwitz. In the cartoon, there are two Jews staring at dead bodies and the two Jews deny that the bodies are Jewish people. (Sterling)
BODY PARAGRAPH 1: STEP 3 • Connect Evidence back to thesis • The Holocaust cartoon was an open denial of the Holocaust which insulted not just Israel but also Jews across the world. Should the Arabic league go without punishment for this action?
BODY PARAGRAPH 2: STEP 1 • TOPIC SENTENCE: Reason #2 • The Holocaust isn’t just denied by people who may have little education. The Holocaust is often openly denied by public officials such as Iranian President MahmoudAhmadinejad.
BODY PARAGRAPH 2:STEP 2 • Supporting Evidence #2 • According to the article, “Reinvigorated U.N. Racism Conference OKs Declaration”, the Iranian President made a speech that referred to the Holocaust and the Jewish sufferings. (Capdevila)
BODY PARAGRAPH 2: STEP 3 • Connect Evidence back to thesis • The Iranian President has denied the Holocaust openly in speeches in Iran. As the President he should be held responsible for his false claims.
TRANSITIONFROM ARGUMENT TO COUNTERARGUMENT Holocaust deniers try to argue against it being a crime by saying many things but there is proof that the Holocaust happened.
BODY/COUNTERARGUMENT 1:Step 1 • Counterargument #1 • Some people consider the Holocaust denial to be freedom of speech.
BODY/COUNTERARGUMENT 1: STEP 2 • Response to counterargument #1 • This is Freedom of speech accept that its false. There is proof that the Holocaust did happen from the locations of Aushwitz and Warsaw.
BODY/COUNTERARGUMENT 2: Step 1 • Counterargument #1 • Some may also say that Holocaust denial may be caused by lack of Holocaust education and that people should not be charged for something they know nothing about.
BODY/COUNTERARGUMENT 2: STEP 2 • Response to counterargument #1 • If Holocaust denial is a cause of not enough Holocaust education,then we should add more Holocaust education to schools so that Holocaust denial does not happen.
CONCLUSION: STEP 1 • 70 years ago people were killed in camps because of their religion. Today people deny 6 million deaths and they make fun of those deaths through cartoons.
CONCLUSION: STEP 2 • In today’s world, there are public officials and powerful leagues who deny the Holocaust and say that they were made up so the Jewish people could have their own homeland.
CONCLUSION: STEP 3 • With 6 million deaths, the Holocaust and World War II is the most destructive event in the history of the World. In schools, kids learn about them everyday in an effort to stopthe repeat of those mistakes and stop Holocaust denial for good.
WORKS CITED PAGE • Capdevila, Gustavo. “Reinvigorated U.N. Racism Conference Ok’s Declaration.” Global Information Network. 22 Apr 2009: n.p. SIRS Researcher. Web.14 Feb 2011. • Sterling, Toby. “Dutch to Prosecute Arabs Over Holocaust Cartoon.” Washington times (Washington, DC). 02 Sep 2009: n.p. SIRS Researcher. Web. 14 Feb 2011.
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