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Warm-up. You have an object in front of you. We are calling it “Object X.” Please describe it in as many details as you possibly can. Think about what it looks like, smells like, feels like, sounds like, but NOT what it tastes like.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-up You have an object in front of you. We are calling it “Object X.” Please describe it in as many details as you possibly can. Think about what it looks like, smells like, feels like, sounds like, but NOT what it tastes like. You must write a full, complete page, or ¾ in a notebook, in order to be able to eat your candy. Don’t raise your hand and beg. I’ll take the candy away. I will come by and tell you when your writing is sufficient. (NO, YOU CANNOT JUST WRITE BIGGER).

  2. Purpose of Description • Why did we just do the Object X activity? • When you are writing your autobiographical incident essay, you will need to use as many details as you possibly can. Make the reader feel alive, like they are walking in this story right along next to you. Don’t just tell—show!!

  3. What is Narrative Writing? • Narrative writing is specific and focused. • It is not just writing random facts about your life and hoping they come out okay. • It follows a specific plot chart, focuses on a single time (or time period of your life) and shows that you learned something through it and became the better for it.

  4. Specific: notes • Precision: making things exact, accurate, well-defined • Details: comprehensive, in depth, thorough • Sensory details: utilizing sight, sound, touch, taste or smell • Vividness: vibrant, colorful, dramatic, bright

  5. Vivid Writing • I will assign you a letter, A or B. • Based on your letter, you will do one of the following: • Write the most boring paragraph ever of what you are about to see. Do not use precision, details, sensory details, or vivid descriptions. • Compete to write the most amazing paragraph ever (for a ½ homework pass) that incorporates precision, detail, sensory details, and vivid words.

  6. Vivid Writing • We will walk outside and silently write what we see about the grass area in front of us. • A’s: Describing with precision, detail, sensory details, and vivid words. • B: making it boring.

  7. What else does an autobiographical essay have? • An engaging attention grabber • A plot chart • Plot: main storyline, what is occuring • Characters: actors part in the story • Setting: location and situation • Climax: pinnacle of the action • Ending: conclusion of the storygoes along with… • Lesson learned (theme!)

  8. Dialogue • A strong autobiographical essay will also have dialogue.

  9. How to Correctly Use Dialogue in Your Writing (

  10. What is dialogue? Dialogue is a direct quotation – a person’s exact words. Ex: My mom said, “I’m so proud of your grades.”

  11. Capitalizing Dialogue • Dialogue usually starts with a capital letter. Ex: The lady yelled, “Watch out!” • When an expression identifying the speaker interrupts the dialogue, the second part of the dialogue begins with a lower case letter. Ex: “Where,” asked Ms. Butterfield, “is my chocolate?”

  12. Periods in Dialogue • Only put a period inside the ending quotation marks if it is the end of the sentence – no words can follow it. Ex: My friend replied, “I can go on Monday.” BAD Example: “I can go on Monday.” my friend replied. (can’t put a period inside the quote because words come after it)

  13. Comma instead of a period • If the dialogue is a statement and you can’t use a period inside the quotations because it isn’t the end of the sentence, use a comma instead. Ex: “Lady Gaga is boss,” Maddie said.

  14. Question and Exclamation Marks • Question marks and exclamations can go inside the quotation marks – even if it isn’t the end of the sentence. Ex: The man screamed, “Watch out!” Ex: “Do you play soccer?” my teacher asked.

  15. Dialogue Between Two People • When two people are talking to each other, you have to start a new paragraph in between their dialogue. Ex: I asked, “When do you want to go?” “After school,” she replied.

  16. Your Turn! You will pass silent notes to each other for the next three minutes. However, you must write in dialogue form, and must keep your conversations appropriate. Be ready to share. For example: “What are doing this weekend?” asked Sandra. “Noah replied, “Nothing much. I might go to the movies.” “Cool!” said Sandra. “What movie will you see?” . . .

  17. Class Wednesday • You will be practicing attention grabbers, coming up with at least five pieces of dialogue for your story, and completing your first rough draft. • You will not turn your first rough draft in to turnitin.com. Instead, you will type and print it out. Save the draft on your computer so that you can easily copy and paste it into turnitin.com later

  18. Again, structure… • Intro (Exposition) • Beginning events (Rising Action) • Middle events (Complications/ Conflict) • Most exciting event (vivid details) (Climax) • Events after most exciting events (Falling Action) • Resolution (what you learned) (Resolution)

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