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Comprehensive Guide to Treating and Managing Fractures

Learn about fracture diagnosis, treatments, potential complications, and prognoses. Find out how fractures are treated, what you can do to help, and the importance of seeking medical advice. Explore X-rays, CT scans, MRI, bone scans, blood tests, and more. References and resources included.

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Comprehensive Guide to Treating and Managing Fractures

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  1. Investigation :Physical ExaminationDiagnostic TestsX-rays:Computed tomography:Magnetic resonance imaging:Bone scan:Blood tests:

  2. How are fractures treated? Fractures are treated in a variety of ways. The intention of most treatments is to realign the fractured bones in their original orientation and then to eliminate movement so the bones can heal. Realignment of the bone pieces in a fracture is known as reduction of the fracture. Treatment can vary from using: e.g.(for a mild broken nose) to immediate emergency surgery: • ice • pain relievers. Because an untreated fracture can have serious complications, it is important to always discuss a suspected fracture with your health care provider, even if the fracture seems mild.

  3. What you can do to improve your fracture? • Apply ice to a fracture to reduce swelling • Prevent any movement of a victim if a head, neck, or back fracture is suspected • Try to immobilize the broken bone if a person must be moved or carried to safety What are the potential complications of fractures? Complications of fractures include: • Infection that can be local or can spread systemically • Loss of a limb • Osteomyelitis (bone infection) • Paralysis resulting from a neck or back fracture • Permanent deformity

  4. Prognosis can be determine by the specific type and region of fracture. Some of examples: • Prognosis of Skull Fracture: The prognosis of patients with skull fracture is primarily determined by the prognosis intracranial and cervical spinal injuries. Neurological complications occur. If no associated intracranial or cervical spinal injuries are present, the outcome is excellent. Poor prognostic factors include an open fracture other changes.

  5. Prognosis of acute pelvic fractures • Main outcome measures. Review of medical records and X-ray assessment • to determine the patientsresults and The mean follow-up. • Prognosis of Fracture, Vertebra: • depends upon the severity of the fracture, the amount of residual deformity, and the extent of accompanying neurological damage. • Prognosis of Tibial Fractures: • - worst prognostic feature of tibial fractures is infection;- infection is most frequent after high velocity, open injuries

  6. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-fractures-basic-informationhttp://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-fractures-basic-information http://www.osteosynthesis.stryker.com/patients/trauma_causesfractures.php?tab=3&vis=&loc= http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-fractures-basic-information http://www.osteosynthesis.stryker.com/patients/trauma_causesfractures.php?tab=3&vis=&loc= References: . http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000001.htm. http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00364 • http://www.localhealth.com/article/fractures-1/symptoms • http://www.painanddisability.com/Surgery/Fractures/Diagnosis.html Medical Disability Advisor www.medguidelines.com/fracture-vertebra www.wheelessonline.com www.hkmj.org www.bestpractice.bmj.com http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-fractures-basic-information http://www.osteosynthesis.stryker.com/patients/trauma_causesfractures.php?tab=3&vis=&loc=

  7. عرض آيات http://prezi.com/ngm6ovhpuwxz/anat-fractures/

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