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FREE PRESBYTERIANISM Lurgan Free Presbyterian Church. REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD EPH 1 V 7. “Burning but not consumed”. Free Presbyterian by:- Convenience or Conviction?. Objectives for Consideration. Historical background The different Presbyterian denominations in Ulster
FREE PRESBYTERIANISMLurgan Free Presbyterian Church REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD EPH 1 V 7 “Burning but not consumed”
Objectives for Consideration • Historical background • The different Presbyterian denominations in Ulster • The major differences that distinguishes Free Presbyterians from other churches • Why I am A Free Presbyterian
HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDNew Testament(PaulAD64)Geneva(John Calvin1509 - 1561) Scotland (John Knox1514 - 1572)Ulster(Brice1634 /Cooke 1850’s)
Different Presbyterian Denominations in Ulster • IRISH PRESBYTERIANS • (1634 -ecumenical/liberal/neo evangelical) • REFORMED PRESBYTERIANS • (1763 – Reformed/Calvinistic/Evangelical/ Separated) • EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIANS • (1927 –Reformed/Calvinistic/Evangelical/ Separated) • NON SUBSCRIBING PRESBYTERIANS • (1725 -Liberal/Unitarian /Arianists/ Universalists • FREE PRESBYTERIANS • (1951 - Reformed/Calvinistic/Evangelical/ /Evangelistic/Separated/Militant)
Major differences between Free Presbyterians and some other Protestant denominations1.SYSTEMof church GOVERNMENT 2. SOVEREIGN GRACE3. SEPARATED unto the GOSPEL4. SPIRITUAL GIFTS
1.Systems of church Government :-PAPACY(Popery) PRELACY (Establish church- Episcopalian)PASTOR LED( Baptists and Pentecostalists in USA etc)PRESBYTERIAN ( Elders and deacons elected by communicant members)
2. Sovereign Grace Predestination/Election (TULIP) Total DepravityUnconditional Election Limited Atonement IrresistibleGrace Perseverance Westminster Divines
3. Separatedunto theGospel“Contend earnestly for the faith” (Jude 1:3)
Opposed to Charismatic /neo- Pentecostal movement with its signs and wonders etc.E.g. * Visions, tongues, healing gifts * Toronto blessing * Willow Creek mega church growth * Seeker sensitive * Health and Prosperity gospelIt is the FRUITS (not the FEELINGS) of the Spirit that we should focus on. This is the true sign of being filled with the Holy Ghost. Anything which does not produce holy lives is not of the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5 v 22&23)Remember He is HOLY therefore his fruit will be holy. Spiritual Gifts
7 Reasons why I am Free Presbyterian Because of their position with regard to :~ 1. CONVERSION 2. INCARNATION 3. INSPIRATION 4. ELECTION 5. REFORMATION 6. EVANGELISATION 7. SEPARATION