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Hazaras. By: Sterling Strickland. “Photos”. Meaning of being a Hazaras. “To be a Hazara means to be a servant a slave. Considered by most as worthless. Never going to amount to anything but a cook.” ("The Kite Runner 1112honors2boor.“). "Through the Mist of the past." .
Hazaras By: Sterling Strickland “Photos”
Meaning of being a Hazaras • “To be a Hazara means to be a servant a slave. Considered by most as worthless. Never going to amount to anything but a cook.” ("The Kite Runner 1112honors2boor.“) "Through the Mist of the past."
History of Hazaras • “History - ( Tareekh )Hazaras history is fascinating to say the least. Some researchers believe that Hazaras are the descendents of the 13th century mongol warrior, Genghis Khan ( Changez Khan ), while others trace their history to the greatest Buddhist civilization 2000 years ago”("The Hazaras.“)
Role in Afghanistan • “In more recent times, they have often been relegated to lowly jobs as cart-pullers or domestic servants. “ (Constable, Pamela) “Photos”
Population of Hazaras in Afghanistan • 2,879,000 people ("Hazara of Afghanistan Ethnic People Profile.") "Hazara of Afghanistan Ethnic People Profile."
Types of Houses • “Housing varies by location and season. In valleys, shelters are sun-dried bricks plastered with a mud/straw mixture; at higher elevations, homes are stone with timber roofs; in summer tents are used as flocks move to high meadow pastures.”("Hazara of Afghanistan Ethnic People Profile.“)
Religion • Islam ("Countries and Their Cultures.“) • “Muslims celebrate their religious holidays by going to the mosque for group prayers. Then they return home to large meals with family and visiting relatives." ("Countries and Their Cultures.“)
Language • “Most Hazaras today speak Dari, a form of Persian, also called Khorasani Persian. In addition to Persian, some Hazaras also speak Pashtu, Baluchi, and Turkic.”("Countries and Their Cultures.“) "Through the Mist of the past."
Family • “It is customary for extended families to live together in one house, including grandparents and women married to the sons of the household. Newborn babies are usually named by the older people of the household. Grandparents are actively involved in raising their grandchildren. After the death of the grandparents, especially the grandfather, the sons usually begin living in separate households of their own.” ("Countries and Their Cultures.“)
Education • “Hazaras have two systems of education. The traditional system provides religious instruction and informal home education in practical tasks, according to whether the student is a girl or a boy. The formal education system is that found in schools administered by the government. Most students attend these schools only through the sixth grade. A few of the best students are then sent to Kabul to continue their education.” ("Countries and Their Cultures.“)
MLA Works Cited Page • Constable, Pamela. "Hazaras May Play Key Role in Afghan Vote." Washington Post. N.p., 26 July 2009. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. <http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2009-07- 26/world/36830126_1_hazara-vote-ramazan- bashardost-presidential-election>. • "Countries and Their Cultures." Hazaras. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. <http://www.everyculture.com/wc/Afghanista n-to-Bosnia-Herzegovina/Hazaras.html>. • "Hazara of Afghanistan Ethnic People Profile." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. <http://www.joshuaproject.net/people- profile.php?peo3=12076>.
MLA Works Cited Page Cont. • "The Hazaras." The Hazaras. N.p., n.d. Web. 03Mar.2013.<http://www.hazara.net/haza ra/hazara.html> • "The Kite Runner - 1112honors2boor." The Kite Runner - 1112honors2boor. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. <https://sites.google.com/site/1112honor s2boor/semester-one/the-kite-runner>.
MLA Works Cited Page Cont. • "Photos." Hazaras, a Photo from Bamian, East. N.p., n.d.Web. 03 Mar. 2013. <http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Asi a/Afghanistan/East/Bamian/photo29552 3.htm>. • "Through the Mist of the past." Through the Mist of the past. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar.2013.<http://pastmists.wordpress. com/tag/афганистан/>.