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Recruitment Training Eligibility & Documentation . Eligibility Criteria . There are two criteria used to determine eligibility for Head Start and Early Head Start: Age Income. Age.
Eligibility Criteria • There are two criteria used to determine eligibility for Head Start and Early Head Start: • Age • Income
Age • Head Start children must be 3 or 4 years-old by September 1, 2012. (depends on site as some sites do not take 3 yr olds). • Early Head Start children must be at least 6 wks old for center base, and there is no minimum age for home base. • There is no age requirement for pregnant women. They must provide proof of pregnancy.
Age Documentation • The following documents can not be used to determine a child’s age. • Crib Cards • Birth Announcements • Baby Books • Hospital Bills • The following documents can be used • Verification of Birth Facts • Any State Birth certificate • Certification of Birth • All must be signed/stamped • An application can be accepted w/o a birth certificate with approval from the FCP Manager • Provide an example of correct age documentation
Age Documentation • Pregnant women do not have to provide age documentation, instead they must provide proof of pregnancy. • A document from a physician; preferably with expected due date listed. • Provide an example of Proof of Pregnancy documentation
Determining Income HS ACT 645(a)(1)(C) • C) In determining, for purposes of this paragraph, whether a child who has applied for enrollment in a Head Start program meets the eligibility criteria, an entity may consider evidence of family income during the 12 months preceding the month in which the application is submitted, or during the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the application is submitted, whichever more accurately reflects the needs of the family at the time of application.
Determining 12 months to use • For program term 2012-2013; you will use previous year 2011 • EHS you will begin using the same documentation as HS for the rest of 2011-2012, and continue through 2012-2013. • Previous Year is used when: • Income is essentially the same as current situation • Previous 12 months is used when: • The families current situation is (income-wise) different than the previous year
Determining Previous 12 months • You CAN NOT cross years. • Example: Taking a W2 for 2011 and Child Support for March 2012-April 2011 • All income taken must be from the same 12 month period. • Previous 12 months • Application date in April • Previous 12 months (March 2012-April 2011) • Application date in August • Previous 12 months (July 2012 – August 2011) • Application date in December • Previous 12 months (November 2012 –December 2011)
Income Eligible & Over-Income • Income eligibility is based on the federal poverty guidelines • No more than 10% of the children enrolled in our program could be over income (101% and up) • Up to 35% of the OI children enrolled could fall between 101%-130% over the poverty levels • Go Over the Income Guidelines
Documenting Income • 45 CFR 1305.2(i) • Income means gross cash income and includes earned income, military income (including pay and allowances), veterans benefits, Social Security benefits, unemployment compensation, and public assistance benefits. Additional examples of gross cash income are listed in the definition of "income" which appears in U.S. Bureau of the Census, Cur-rent Population Reports, Series P-60-185
Income Documentation • 2011 Income Tax Return • 2011 W-2 • Check Stubs (Gross, Previous 12 Months, Year-to-Date) • Social Security Benefits • Child Support • Scholarships and Grants • Unemployment • Employer Letter • Self-Declaration of Income • 1099-MISC • No Income Declaration (must include “for the past 12 months”) • Provide examples of each type of income
Income Documentation • Categorically Eligible-Children and families that are categorically eligible do not provide income. They are considered income eligible. • There are only 3 ways a family can be categorically eligible: • Public Assistance • Homeless • Foster
Public Assistance • A family is eligible due to public assistance if they are receiving: • Supplemental Security Income • TANF (Ongoing, not a one time benefit) • CCS (Child Care Services: Form 2050) • Workforce Investment Act • Transportation Assistance(Dated Gas or Transit Voucher, Medicaid transportation not applicable) • DID YOU KNOW-CCS, Workforce Investment Act and Transportation assistance are subsidized through TANF? • Provide examples of public assistance documentation
Homeless • A family is eligible due to Homeless if they answer yes to any of the questions on the Intake Form (the McKinney Vento Questionnaire is on it) • McKinney Vento Act • Subtitle B of Title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Title X, Part C, of the No Child Left Behind Act) defines "homeless" as follows: The term "homeless children and youths“—
McKinney Vento Act (A) means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence (within the meaning of section 103(a)(1)); and (B) includes-- (i) children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; (ii) children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (within the meaning of section 103(a)(2)(C)); (iii) children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and (iv) migratory children (as such term is defined in section 1309 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances described in clauses (i) through (iii).
Foster • A child is classified as foster if: • DFPS Placement Authorization • Kinship Placement documents • Child Safety Evaluation Plan • Family Service Plan • These can only be used if they are current • If you are unsure if it is current contact FCP to get approval to accept. • Provide Examples of each.
Foster • Children who have been adopted within one year, and provide a letter stating they are eligible for pre-k programs will no longer be categorized as Foster • OHS – PC – I – 052If a foster child has been adopted prior to applying for Head Start is the child considered eligible? • If a child is in foster care at the time the child is being considered for enrollment that child is considered categorically eligible. If, however, that child is no longer in foster care and has, instead, been adopted, the income of the child’s adopted parents should be used in determining if that child is income eligible; i.e. a child from a low-income family.
Definition of Family • The definition of "family" to be used in determining eligibility is found in 45 CFR 1305.2(e), which defines family as all persons living in the same household who are: • Supported by the income of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the child enrolling or participating in the program, and • related to the parent(s) or guardian(s) by blood, marriage or adoption.
How to determine # in Family Activity (A) The Green Family Jack: Sue and John’s father Liz: Sue and John’s mother Sue: 6 year old female John: 4 year old male How many people are in John’s Family?
How to determine # in Family Activity • 4 • What if John’s grandma lived with them and she supported herself?
How to determine # in Family Activity • 4 • What if John’s grandma lived with them and they support her? • 5
How to determine # in Family Activity B) Smith Family Jeffery: 44 yr. old – Kim’s Dad Susan: 43 yr. old – Kim’s Mom Kim: 18 yr. old – Unemployed Tim Reid: 19 yr. old – Kim’s Boyfriend Sarah: 17 yr. old – High School Student Nancy: 3 yr. old – Kim’s Daughter Sue: 1yr. old Kim and Tim’s Daughter How many people are in Nancy’s family?
How to determine # in Family Activity • 3 • What if Kim was applying for EHS with Sue?
How to determine # in Family Activity B) Keen Family Jim Bob: 58 yr. old – Sarah’s husband Sarah: 52 yr. old – Jim Bob’s wife, Kristi’s aunt Jake: 16 yr. old –Jim Bob & Sarah’s son Kristi: 4 yr. old – currently in foster care How many people are in Kristi’s family?
How to determine # in Family Activity • 1 • If a child is in foster care placement (and we have documentation), the # in family is 1. • How many in family if we didn’t have documentation? • 4
Number in Household • Number in Household indicates how many people are living in the home. • Include: • Grandparents • Other Family Members (children) • Boyfriend/Girlfriend (children) • Friends (children) • The recruitment/elgibility note must document who is living in the home.
How to determine # in Household Activity (A) The Green Family Jack: Sue and John’s father Liz: Sue and John’s mother Sue: 6 year old female John: 4 year old male How many people are in John’s household?
How to determine # in Household Activity • 4 • What if John’s grandma lived with them? • 5
How to determine # in Household Activity B) Smith Family Jeffery: 44 yr. old – Kim’s Dad Susan: 43 yr. old – Kim’s Mom Kim: 18 yr. old – Unemployed Tim Reid: 19 yr. old – Kim’s Boyfriend Sarah: 17 yr. old – High School Student Nancy: 3 yr. old – Kim’s Daughter Sue: 1yr. old Kim and Tim’s Daughter How many people are in Nancy’s household?
How to determine # in Household Activity B) Keen Family Jim Bob: 58 yr. old – Sarah’s husband Sarah: 52 yr. old – Jim Bob’s wife, Kristi’s aunt Jake: 16 yr. old –Jim Bob & Sarah’s son Kristi: 4 yr. old – currently in foster care How many people are in Kristi’s household?
Selection Criteria • PS 1305.6(a) • (a) Each Head Start program must have a formal process for establishing selection criteria and for selecting children and families that considers all eligible applicants for Head Start services. • (d) Each Head Start program must develop at the beginning of each enrollment year and maintain during the year a waiting list that ranks children according to the program's selection criteria to assure that eligible children enter the program as vacancies occur. • Provide 2012-2013 Selection Criteria
Children with Disabilities • 45 CFR 1304.2(2) • Children with disabilities means, for children ages 3 to 5, those with mental retardation, hearing impairments including deafness, speech or language impairments, visual impairments including blindness, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, need special education and related services
Children with Disabilities • The term "children with disabilities" for children aged 3 to 5, inclusive, may, at a State's discretion, include children experiencing develop-mental delays, as defined by the State and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, in one or more of the following areas: Physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, or adaptive development; and who, by reason thereof, need special education and related services. Infants and toddlers with disabilities are those from birth to three years, as identified under the Part H Program (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) in their State.
Children with Disabilities • At least 10% of the children enrolled in our program must be diagnosed with a disability. • The Local Education Agency (School Districts, Special Ed Co-ops etc.) must diagnose the disability and an ARD and IEP must be developed.
Selection Criteria Points for Disabilities • The child may ONLY receive 95 points for a diagnosed disability if you are given a copy of one of the following: • Current IEP (Individualized Education Plan) showing that the child requires special educational services • Current IFSP (Individualized Family Services Plan) showing that the child is receiving services for ECI (Early Childhood Intervention). • A Head Start Child that has an IFSP that expired when s/he turned 3, but the child is not yet 4 years old can be given 83 pts, as long as you are given a copy of the following: • Expired IFSP (Individualized Family Services Plan) within last 12 months
Selection Criteria Points for Disabilities • The following is notconsidered documentation of diagnosed disabilities according to the Office of Head Start: • Referral letter from physician or LEA- MUST be either an IEP or IFSP. • Medical diagnosis report- Children must be diagnosed by an education agency. Physicians don't count. • Documentation from private agencies such as: TTU Health Sciences Center, Pediatric Therapy Inc., Speech & Language Hearing Center of Lubbock etc. • Parent's word that s/he has an IEP or IFSP at home- They MUST bring it with them and allow you to copy it for it to count as 95 pts
Selection Criteria Points for Disabilities • If you do not have a copy of either a current IEP or IFSP IN YOUR HAND as you do the application, but the parent has concerns or thinks the child will qualify, the child can only be given 40 pts for a disability concern.
Selection Criteria Points for Disabilities • The following are the types of disability concerns we can give points for: • Speech impairment • Intellectual Disabilities (mental retardation) • Hearing impairment • Visual impairment • Learning disabilities • Autism • Developmental delays (MUST HAVE DOCUMENTATION)
Selection Criteria Points for Disabilities • Children should NOT receive any disability points for the following (UNLESS there is an IEP with the application): • Health Impairment (ex: heart murmur, heart condition, asthma, diabetes, eczema, etc…) • Orthopedic Impairment (ex: bone disease, use of wheel chair/walker, cerebral palsy) • Behavioral issues (ex: the child is angry, fights, disobeys etc.) • Aggression • If you have questions about whether a child should receive disability points, call the Mental Health & Disability Manager for clarification!
Selection Criteria • Child Transferring from EHS or Migrant- (EX: TTU EHS; TMC Migrant ) • Food Insecurity-a family who does not qualify for WIC/SNAP, and is struggling with providing food • Dual Language Learner-Primary language at home is not English • Family Member with Health Problems/Disability-anyone in the family who has a health problem/disability • Child has no insurance-Applicant doesn’t qualify or not receiving • Family Migrant/Seasonal Farm Worker-family member works in field • Referral from other Agency/Professional-referred from other programs • Family In Transition-any changes that could effect the children
Declaration Form • If the family is an employee of SPCAA or related to an employee of SPCAA contact someone from the employee list to do the recruitment for you. • If the family answers yes to 3 or 4, you must have documentation to complete application and you will give Diagnosed Points and Enter information in Disability Tab. • If the family answers yes to 5, you will provide points on selection criteria for suspected and enter information in Disability Tab. • Provide example of Declaration Form
IF parent answers Yes to either #1 or #2; please schedule appt with above.
If the family answers yes to 3, you must have documentation to complete application and you will give Diagnosed Points and Enter information in Disability Tab. • If the family answers yes to 4, you you must have documentation to complete application and you will give Diagnosed Points for EHS and ECI points for HS and then enter information in Disability Tab. • If the family answers yes to 5, you will provide points on selection criteria for suspected and enter information in Disability Tab.
Intake Form • Next, you will complete the intake form • This form identifies, whether you take income or not. • Enter DOB, and verify documentation • McKinney Vento Act Determination Questionnaire is on this form • Provide example of Intake Form.