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UNDP Experiences on Anti-Corruption. Consultative Event on Engaging Parliamentarians to Support the Implementation and Review of the UNCAC Bratislava April 2 – 5, 2009. Anga R. Timilsina ( anga.timilsina@undp.org ), Research Analyst Democratic Governance Group (DGG),
UNDP Experiences on Anti-Corruption Consultative Event on Engaging Parliamentarians to Support the Implementation and Review of the UNCAC Bratislava April 2 – 5, 2009 Anga R. Timilsina (anga.timilsina@undp.org), Research Analyst Democratic Governance Group (DGG), Bureau for Development Policy (BDP), UNDP
Background • UNDP was one of the pioneer organizations in early 1990s to develop AC programmes (first generation of work on ATI; 1999 flagship manual Fighting Corruption to Improve Governance) • Since then, UNDP has been a leading provider of TA on AC within governance portfolio PAR/AC 41% of total DG exp in 2006
Internal Norms and Standards GA Res.58/4 Adoption of CAC UNCAC 2003/5 Merida Conference GA Res.55/61 Establishment of Ad Hoc Committee Ad Hoc Committee (1st –8th Sessions) TOCC Negotiation GA Res.55/181 Asset Recovery GA Res.51/191 UN Declaration 1999 CoE Conventions 8th Crime Congress 1997 EU Convention 2003 AU Convention 1996 OAS Convention 1997 OECD Convention
Background: continued • International norms and standards on AC (particularly, UNCAC) continue to evolve • UNDP need to refocus its energies and priorities in anti-corruption, within its area of comparative advantages Kemal Dervis:“A national system of democratic governance that is supportive of inclusive growth, harmonized with international standards and norms developed within a legitimate and cooperative multilateral framework, constitutes the crucial software of development.”--Statement to staff post HLPNovember 2006
Technical Assistance “UNCAC” Strengthening State Institutions International Cooperation Preventive Measures Asset Recovery Criminalization Law Enforcement The Four Pillars of the UNCAC and Technical Assistance UNDP’s comparative advantage is “Preventive Measures”
Capacity Development South-south Cooperation National Ownership Aid Effectiveness Inclusive Participation Demand Responsive Institutions Supply International norms and principles Human rights - Gender equality – Accountability & transparency Strategic plan – key result area Democratic Governance
Democratic Governance Approach: Holistic Approach to Implement Article 6 of UNCAC
South-South Cooperation Capacity Development National Ownership Aid Effectiveness Global Programme on Anti-Corruption for Development Effectiveness (PACDE) • Increased institutional capacity • to implement UNCAC • Increased utilisation of governance • and anti-corruption assessment • tools and instruments • Strengthen capacity of media • and civil society to provide oversight • Improved harmonisation and coordination • Increased awareness and knowledge • on anti-corruption norms and standards Expected Outcomes:
The practice architecture Oslo Gov centre Bratislava RC Regional Centre Bangkok New York BDP HQ/DGG Cairo Reg centre Dakar Regional centre Colombo Regional Centre Panama Regional Centre Suva Pacific Centre Johannesburg Regional Centre
Global level: Service Delivery platform (MoU; partnership; context policy position; knowledge management) Regional level: Regional programmes (POGAR/Bratislava/Bangkok Centre’s work; Regional AC networks) Country level: Advisory Support; governance/AC anti-corruption assessment; coordination UNDP’s Work on Anti-Corruption
Building Partnerships for Anti-Corruption at Global, Regional and Country level UNDP Partnerships: • Global level: Policy leadership (global AC CoP); strategic thinking (strengthening advocacy role); development of global knowledge products & tools • Regional level: Regional policy and strategy formulation (regional CoP); programme implementation (e.g., POGAR, Bangkok, and Bratislava programmes) • Country level: coordination; programme implementation (policy/advisory support for AC institutions, national strategies, work plans; surveys; trainings; AC-tools and methodologies; strengthening civil society and media)
Building Partnerships for Anti-Corruption at Global, Regional and Country Levels (Contd.) UNDP Partners: • UNODC (Cooperation framework at the headquarters; programming cooperation at regional & country levels) • UNIFEM; UNICEF; UN ECA: Corruption in service delivery; gender issue; AC Commissions in Africa • TI: Development of knowledge products; IACC process • OECD, DAC/Govnet : Joint assessment; Coordination of AC initiatives through DAC AC task team • U4 & GTZ : trainings; knowledge products • World Bank, ADB, AfDB, and other bilateral and multi-lateral donors Interdependence of Cooperation to Prevent and Combat Corruption