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Task 3.3. DEVELOPMENT OF A PORTAL SYSTEM FOR SATELLITE DATA OUTPUT. Roberto Sciarra, Emanuele Böhm, Rosalia Santoleri Satellite Oceanography Group (GOS) Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-Rome) National Council of Research of Italy (CNR). ADRICOSM-EXTension Kick-off meeting

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  1. Task 3.3 DEVELOPMENT OF A PORTAL SYSTEM FOR SATELLITE DATA OUTPUT Roberto Sciarra,Emanuele Böhm, Rosalia SantoleriSatellite Oceanography Group (GOS) Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-Rome)National Council of Research of Italy (CNR) ADRICOSM-EXTension Kick-off meeting 22-23 September 2005 Ravenna r.sciarra@isac.cnr.it; e.bohm@isac.cnr.it; r.santoleri@isac.cnr.it

  2. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm Adricosm-extension: a year of change for satellite data processing New data processing software release Data format GOS-CNR website migration NASA server for data distribution

  3. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm Adricosm-extension: we did it! New Processing Chains Raw data Assimilation, distribution, analysis Processing system Final Products

  4. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm http://gos.ifa.rm.cnr.it

  5. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm

  6. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm

  7. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm 15 September 2005 MODIS/Aqua Chlorophyll concentration MODIS/Aqua Flags NRT Production with meteorological ancillary data Supplied as soon as are made available by NASA (Tipically 2, 3 days of delay) Png Image Png Image

  8. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm 15 September 2005 MODIS/Aqua Chlorophyll concentration AVHRR/NOAA17 SST Real-Time acquisition Rome Ground Station Png Image Png Image

  9. Ancona-Pescara Foce del Po 250 m 6 Luglio 2004 7 Luglio 2004 Modis Aqua 6 Luglio 2004 Stazioni standard di misura in situ : + Arpa Emilia-Romagna + Arpam Marche + Arta Abruzzo 9 Luglio 2004

  10. 06 Luglio 2004 07 Luglio 2004

  11. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm DATA Access for: SST on AREG Grid SeaWiFS on AREG Grid RT + NRT Offline production of Optimal Interpolated SST

  12. The GOS website and its contribution to Adricosm

  13. 0101 1001 0101 1001 Contribution to Adricosm and to Adricosm-EXT ADRICOSM ADRICOSM-EXT • SSTdaily products for the Adriatic Sea • SST data (AVHRR) on AREG model grid • gif images of SST at 1 km resolution • Ocean Colordaily products for the Adriatic Sea • Chlorophyll data (SeaWiFS) on AREG model grid • gif images of SeaWiFS chlorophyll at 1 km resolution • gif images of SeaWiFS case I / case II / clouds masks AVHRR on AREG GRID AVHRR png image at 1 km MODIS png image at 1 km AVHRR on AREG GRID Chlorophyll data (MODIS) on AREG GRID Png image of MODIS Chlorophyll 1 km NEW Png image of MODIS Flags 1 km Png image of MODIS Water Clarity K(490) 1 km Historical SeaWiFS web images implementation

  14. The Adricosm-EXT Satellite portal New Products New Datasets New processing chains of Fast Delivery System (FDS) GOS/Adricosm web site Upgrade

  15. the GOS/Adricosm web upgrade Sea Surface Temperature Diffuse Attenuation Coeeficient K(490)

  16. Conclusions Redefinition of the architecture of the processing chains for MODIS data. New design of the website NRT High resolution TC MODIS Pictures

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