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Grammar. in a nutshell. # 3. Prepositions of time. When you talk about time, you often have to use a preposition (voorzetsel). There are differen prepositions of time, they are: to – past– at – on – in – before Let’s start with the clock…

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  1. Grammar in a nutshell # 3

  2. Prepositions of time Whenyou talk about time, youoften have touse a preposition (voorzetsel). There are differenprepositions of time, they are: to – past– at – on – in – before Let’s start with the clock… Youusetoandpastwhenyou are literallytalkingabout time: It is 10 to2 (10 minutes before 2 o’clock) or It is 20 past 3 (it is 20 minutes after 3 o’clock). \ Quarter= Sopast is after the wholehour, 15 minutestois before the wholehour.

  3. At, on, incomesbefore the time (clock, day or date): • NCIS starts atnine. Football practise is onMondays. The classes start inSeptember. • Use ATto show an exact time: • two o’clock, midnight / noon, • the moment, etc. • Use ONwith: • days of the weekand dates • Use INto say when something is going to happen… : parts of the day, months, • years, long periods, duration Let’s look at this clip: http://youtu.be/v8Sas-BC5EM

  4. EXERCISES At, in or on? I go walking ........ the morning. I’m leaving ……… the end of the year. He is meeting me ……… 9.30am ……… the morning.

  5. Gotit? Excellent! NEXT UP:

  6. Future There are two ways you can talk about the future will andgoing to. You use will to say that something is (not) going to happen in the future. In Dutch you say ‘zal’ or ‘zullen’. It is a fact or you believe it to be true. For example: In speech: you shorten willto ‘ll, so: It will snow tomorrow. It’llsnow tomorrow. (Because Piet Paulusma said so and we believe If something is not going to happen that he is always right ;)) you say: willnot or won’t…

  7. Future (2) If you make a decision at the moment of speaking you use will. If you have made a past decision (something you already planned), then you use going to. If you expect something to happen or you have prove that something is going to happen or when something was planned before use GOING TO. I think, it’s going torain.(expectation – the sky is lookingverygrey) Look, it’s going tosnow.(proof – youcansee the first snowdrops) I’m going tothe doctor in an hour. (plan – you have made the appointmentalready) Add not before going to if something is not going to happen.

  8. Will? Going to? Still confused about the future? Maybe this lady will be able to make it clear for you: http://youtu.be/YDj-7oyD6l0

  9. Future (3) Exercise 2 (p. 84 WB) • Do I need a sweater when I go sailingtomorrow? 2. Whatwill the weatherbelike in Friesland today? 3. Look at thosedarkclouds! 4. What’s the weather forecast fortomorrow? 5. What are yourplansfortoday? 6. Do I need a rain coat? No, itwon’tbecoldtomorrow. It willbecloudyand 20 degreescelcius. I thinkit is goingtorain… Therewillbefog in the morning. I’mgoingtowatch a football match in the afternoon. No, itwon’train.

  10. Question Tags Ifyou say somethingand want toaskpeopleifthey feel the same way, youcan put a question behindyoursentence. Whenyou make a positive(+)sentence, youraddedsentence (the question at the end) has tobenegative(-). Sheis a really smart girl, isn’tshe? But,whenyou make a negative(-)sentence, you put a positive(+) question at the end. Sheisn’ta smart girl, is she? ?

  11. Question Tags (2) Yourepeat the form of tobe, or the auxilliary (hulpwerkwoord), in the added question. He is (+) taking Spanish lessons, isn’t (-)he? You can(+) cut my hair, can’t (-)you? You won’t (-)call me back, will (+) you? No ‘be’ or other ‘auxilliary’ in the sentence?Thenyouusedo/don’t or does/doesn’t(he/she/it). You know (+) where I live, don’t (-)you? He never (-) talks, does(+) he? Exercise http://youtu.be/3zuo56O7_aU Please complete the hand out!

  12. Check yourownanswers! On missabels.wordpress.comyoucanfind the answersto the exercisesfromthischapter. Go to: SteppingStones – Year 2 – Chapter 3 – Key. Youneed the password, so show me ifyou have finishedall the exercisesand I willgiveyou the password! Test Chapter 3: NEXT WEEK!

  13. Grammar in a nutshell # 3

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