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Journalism 2300: News Photography. Week Five February 20, 2012. Announcements. Extra Credit:. To be a better photographer…. …you need to take a lot of photos!. The week in pictures. MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3842331/. Let’s look at your Major Assignment I: Feature photo.
Journalism 2300:News Photography Week Five February 20, 2012
Announcements • Extra Credit:
The week in pictures • MSNBC: • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3842331/
Let’s look at yourMajor Assignment I: Feature photo • Overall excellent variety of shots • Impressed with your growth as photographers! • Remember: Constructive criticism • Need a “news hook” for photos • Put name at end of caption • Put photograph want graded first in album • Bracket, bracket, bracket! • Need to answer 5Ws and H in caption • Get familiar with Associated Press Stylebook!
Tessa Grumstrep rocks out with her dance class on Feb. 8 at Madill Performing Arts Center. Her class teaches her the fundamentals of dance. Strong composition. Good energy. A hint of red eye? Posed? A little more in caption: city where she’s from, where Madill .
Duluth tourism continues to flourish during the winter months in Canal Park. Tourists brave the winds from Lake Superior to take in the sights in Canal Park. Excellent composition, exposure. Posed? Who is she? When photo taken? Winds?
Brittany Drees takes a picture of her brother- and sister-in-law, Troy and Kim Drees, in front of a frigid Lake Superior on Feb. 10. The three, along with Brittany's husband, Jeff, were visiting from the Twin Cities to attend the North Dakota-UMD hockey games. Another strong composition, excellent exposure! Excellent caption, except where taken?
Maleeah Guthrie (left) and Nicole Swanson (right) are just one of many that spent Saturday afternoon on Feb. 11 looking for a new pet at Animal Allies Humane Society. The Humane Society has filled up with pets lately as take-ins for gone up. Adoption is just one way for pets like these cats to find a new home. Strong composition, excellent exposure except difficult to see cat: need caption to fill in blanks. Excellent caption information, except where Humane Society?
Michelle Berg serves beverages to students as they await the start of Dining for Success in the UMD Ballroom. This event was hosted by UMD Career Services on Feb. 9th, 2012 to teach dining ettiquette. Berg works with the UMD catering service. Strong composition. Good action, use of depth of field. Style errors!
A group of young girls lend a hand sweeping the ice at Congdon Park Elementary School's skating rinks on Saturday Feb. 11th. Tells story, good movement. Who are they? Exposure tricky on bright day. Crop tighter!
The Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra held their annual Lollipops concert this weekend on Feb. 12. Finished with her dance numbers onstage, dancer Laura Grieme struck a pose in celebration as she headed for her dressing room to grab a quick bite to eat and wait for the show's final bow. Stronger to see her face! Flash causes bright spot. No clear focal point.
SUNSET STROLL: A couple holds hands while enjoying a stroll along the Duluth Lakewalk near Leif Erickson Park before dusk on Feb. 12. With bare trees and no snow on the ground, winter looks like autumn. Strong composition. Tricky exposure with foreground. Who are they?
A herd of deer search for food in a field that lies next to the trainyard in the industrial park of Duluth, MN. Corridors under the freeway that are not blocked allow the deer to tread dangerously close to trains, cars, and industrial machinery. Excellent composition, exposure. Strong focal point. Could crop from bottom. When taken?
Sandy, a cross between a hound dog and beagle, is taken for a walk around the lake at least once a week for some good exercise accompanied by her owner Glen Freeman. On this particular Monday, Feb. 13 it was a little chilly, "so Sandy gets to wear her favorite pink sweater," said Freeman. Strong composition, exposure. Where’s owner? Excellent caption, except need location.
Kitten relaxes in his safe haven, an old Grain Belt beer box as the day gets underway. Strong composition. Good exposure. Need a lot more info in caption: where taken? When? Who owns cat?
Mallerd ducks arrive early to Canal Park on Feb. 12th. Lake Superior provides them with open water this winter. Good composition. Tricky exposure: flash could help. Unclear focal point. Style errors!
Residents near Arrowhead road and Lakeview drive scraped together enough snow to make some reindeer. The unusually warm temperatures and lack of precipitation is a change from recent years in the Twin Ports. Tricky exposure; sun spot distracting. Reindeer? Where taken? When?
An Ironic history board stands on the Canal Park walk way on a 35 degree Feb.13thafternoon.While Lake Superior lays iceless for the majority of the winter thus far. Interesting angle; What’s focal point? Caption errors!
The sun rises over the Duluth harbor on the morning of 2/13/12. Sunrise was at 7:16 am. Strong composition; good exposure. Pretty colors! Need more in caption: why photo taken? What’s the news hook?
Home owners at 4723 Gladstone Street decorate their yard with bowling balls using rebar. Interesting subject! Good exposure. What’s focal point? Why? Where? Style errors!
St. Paul native and antique collector Stephen Ketchmark added a barbers chair to his collection two years ago and has since turned his garage into a free Barber Shop for his friends and neighbors. Soft focus; focal point? Person in photo would make it much stronger; when taken?
Outside UMD's Chemistry building, water freezes when it comes out of the drain. This is especially surprising this winter, as it is the second warmest winter on record. Good composition. When taken? Why?
According to Duluth City Parks regulations, alcohol is not permitted in parks without a liquor permit, yet the bottles and cans pile on brown park grass. This time of year, most of the trash is covered in snow until spring clean up is organized. Interesting angle; good exposure; when taken? Bottles? Where taken?
Let’s critique each others’ work • Work in small groups to review your classmates’ work • Discuss where you took the photos, and challenges you faced/overcomed
Day in Pictures • San Francisco Chronicle Web site at: • http://www.sfgate.com/
Upcoming major assignments Major Assignment II: Portraits/Personality * Due 6 pm on Monday, February 27 Major Assignment III: Winter Events * Due 6 pm on Monday, March 19 Major Assignment IV: Sports * Due 6 pm on Monday, March 26 Major Assignment V: Spot News * Due 6 pm on Monday, April 9
Chapter 17: History • The Daily Graphic: • First illustrated daily newspaper • Difficult process • 5 by 7 inch plates • Cumbersome equipment • Days to develop • Artists drew replicas!