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NERSC Users Group Meeting Department of Energy Update June 12, 2006. Barbara Helland barbara.helland@science.doe.gov 301-903-3127. DOE’s Office of Science.
NERSC Users Group MeetingDepartment of Energy UpdateJune 12, 2006 Barbara Helland barbara.helland@science.doe.gov 301-903-3127
DOE’s Office of Science NERSC Users Group Meeting
The mission of the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program is to deliver forefront computational and networking capabilities to scientists nationwide that enable them to extend the frontiers of science, answering critical questions that range from the function of living cells to the power of fusion energy. In the past two decades, leadership in scientific computation has become a cornerstone of the Department’s strategy to ensure the security of the nation and succeed in its science, energy, environmental quality, and national security missions. ASCR’s Mission NERSC Users Group Meeting
High Performance Production Computing Facility (NERSC) Delivers high-end capacity computing to entire DOE SC research community Large number of projects (200 – 300) Medium- to very-large-scale projects that occasionally need a very high capability Annual allocations Leadership Computing Facilities Delivers highest computational capability Small number of projects (10 – 20) Multiple year allocations Current Facilities Portfolio NERSC Users Group Meeting
Regarding ASCR High Performance Facilities: Conclusions Current Office of Science high-end computer and networking facilities are among the best in the world Current and expected near-term Office of Science high-end computing resources are far from adequate to meet the anticipated needs of its science and engineering missions and associated scientific communities. Recommendations Investment decisions in high-end computing should be guided by the science drivers Over a three-year time frame, substantial investments are required to begin to return the United States to leadership in high-end computing. The Office of Science should manage its advanced computing resources as a single, coordinated facility ASCAC Facilities ReportApril 2004 NERSC Users Group Meeting
American Competitiveness Initiative In the President’s State of the Union Address on January 31, 2006, President Bush stated, “I propose to double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research program in the physical sciences over the next ten years. This funding will support the work of America’s most creative minds as they explore promising areas such as nanotechnology, supercomputing, and alternative energy sources.” Secretary Bodman, Ibid “Developing revolutionary, science-driven technology is at the heart of the Department of Energy’s mission. To ensure that America remains at the forefront in an increasingly competitive world, our Department is pursuing transformational new technologies in the cutting-edge scientific fields of the 21st century—areas like nanotechnology, material science, biotechnology, and high-speed computing.” NERSC Users Group Meeting
What Does it Really Mean? The President’s FY 2007 Budget Request includes the American Competitiveness Initiative which contains $4B for the Office of Science distributed as follows: $318.7M is for the Advanced Scientific Computing Research Program $170M is for High Performance Computing Facilities NERSC Users Group Meeting
High Performance Computing Funding Profile Dollars in thousands NERSC Users Group Meeting
109th Congress HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Report 2d Session 109-474 ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2007 MAY 19, 2006.—Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Advanced Scientific Computing Research: The Committee recommendation is $318,654,000, the same as the budget request and an increase of $83,970,000 over the current fiscal year. The Committee commends the Office of Science and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research for their efforts to provide cutting-edge capabilities to meet current scientific computational needs, and at the same time to extend the boundaries of that cutting edge into the next generation of high-performance scientific computers and supporting software. Current FY2007 Budget Outlook NERSC Users Group Meeting
FY 2006 Facilities Target -- Focus usage of the primary supercomputer at NERSC on capability computing. “40% of the computing time used that is accounted for by computations that require at least 1/8 (768 processors) of the total resource” Performance Metrics ASCAC sub-committee charged to recommend new performance based metrics for FY2007 NERSC Users Group Meeting
80-85% -- Office of Science mission related Call for proposals issued for NERSC resources Dr. Orbach establishes allocations for Program Offices Associate Directors or their designees review proposals in their area and determine final allocations New allocation year starts mid January, 2007 10% --Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program Provides Office of Science computing resources to a small number of computationally intensive research projects of large scale, that can make high-impact scientific advances through the use of a large allocation of computer time and data storage Open to national and international researchers, including industry No requirement of DOE Office of Science funding Peer-reviewed Expanded in FY2007 to include resources 10% of resources at NERSC and the majority of resources on the LCF systems at ORNL and ANL when available Up to 10% -- Reserved for Director, Office of Science Allocation at NERSC for Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA to analyze hurricane coastal surges in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast Allocation of ASCR Facilities NERSC Users Group Meeting
From ASCR’s Mission: “…deliver forefront computational and networking capabilities to scientists nationwide that enable them to extend the frontiers of science” Delivering High Performance Computational Resources and Support--- This is what NERSC does best But… We can’t do it without the USERS NERSC Users Everything is about enabling Scientific Discovery NERSC Users Group Meeting