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Energy, Environment, and Industrial Development

Energy, Environment, and Industrial Development. Frederick H. Abernathy Michael B. McElroy Lecture 1 Feb. 1 st , 2006. Teaching Staff. PROFESSORS Frederick H. Abernathy Pierce 326, 495-4709, fha@deas.harvard.edu Michael B. McElroy Pierce 100E, 495-4359, mbm@io.harvard.edu

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Energy, Environment, and Industrial Development

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  1. Energy, Environment, and Industrial Development Frederick H. Abernathy Michael B. McElroy Lecture 1 Feb. 1st, 2006

  2. Teaching Staff PROFESSORS Frederick H. Abernathy Pierce 326, 495-4709, fha@deas.harvard.edu Michael B. McElroy Pierce 100E, 495-4359, mbm@io.harvard.edu TEACHING FELLOWS • Easan Drury, drury@fas.harvard.edu Pierce 110G 496-9428 • Patricia Moreno, pmoreno@fas.harvard.edu Pierce G2C 495-8051

  3. MBM office hours: Mon & Wed 330-430pm or by appointment FHA office hours: by appointment Section time/location and TF’s office hours will be announced later. Course Webpage:http://my.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?course=fas-scia52

  4. Objective for the Course • To provide a perspective on the technologies that shape the modern world, the scientific considerations that enable this technology, how it developed, the energy sources on which it depends and the related environmental and social implications.

  5. Grading Strategy Final grade based on following: Participation: 10% Homework and writing: 20% Mid-term: 20% Final: 50%

  6. Elements of the Course • Lectures • Reading materials • Weekly Homework • Occasional writing assignments • Sections • Field trip • Mid-term exam • Final exam

  7. Lecture Schedule • Feb 6 A brief history of human development: from hunter-gathers, to the development of agriculture, the emergence of early civilizations, the origins of the global trading system and the factors that led to the Industrial Revolution. (MBM) • Feb 1 Introduction. Plans for the course. Placing the human in a geological context. (MBM) • Feb. 8 Introduction to basic physical concepts: force, work, angular momentum, energy and power. Units for measurements. (MBM) • Feb. 13 Introduction to mechanical systems. (FHA) • Feb. 15 Introduction to basic chemical concepts: atoms and molecules, oxidation and reduction, energetics of reactions, and properties of materials. (MBM)

  8. Lecture Schedule • Feb. 22 Work and energy in pre-industrial society: wind, water and animals. (FHA) • Feb. 27 Wood, the primary energy source for pre-industrial societies. Introduction to the carbon cycle – how solar energy is transformed to chemical energy in the form of biomass; how wood was used and how civilizations rose and fell depending on its supply. (MBM) • Mar. 1 The age of steam. Properties of water. The first steam engine, its operational properties, applications and short-comings. (MBM) • Mar. 6 The beginning of the industrial age and the mechanization of textile production. (FHA) • Mar. 8 The first textile factory in the US. The Waltham system and the development of Lowell – the first Industrial City in the US. (FHA)

  9. Lecture Schedule • Mar. 13 Watt’s perfect engine. (FHA + MBM) • Mar. 15 Mechanization of the steam engine - flywheels, gears, linkages, valves, and motive power for boats, railroad and the generation of electrical power. (FHA) Mar. 20 Midterm Exam • Mar. 22Emergence of coal as a primary fuel. The origin of coal, how it was used, and the associated environmental costs. (MBM) Spring Recess – March 25 ~ April 2 • Apr. 3 Coping with urbanization. The challenge to supply cities with clean water, disposal of sewage and to cope with disease. How these issues were addressed in some major cities. (FHA) • Apr. 5 Introduction to scientific principles underlying electricity and magnetism. (MBM)

  10. Lecture Schedule • Apr. 10 Technological applications of electricity: Morse, Edison, Tessla, and Westinghouse. (FHA) • Apr. 12 Electrical devices: telegraph, lights, motors and refrigeration. (FHA) • Apr. 17 Emergence of oil as a primary energy source. (MBM) • Apr. 19 The internal combustion engine: Otto, Diesel, Daimler and Ford. (FHA) • Apr. 24The airplane: from the Wright brothers to the 747. (FHA) • Apr. 26 Nuclear power. What is it? What are its problems and prospects? (FHA + MBM) • May 1 Manufacture of critical materials: iron, steel and cement. Chemical and energy considerations. (MBM) • May 3 Retrospective and prospective. (FHA + MBM)

  11. Earth Events • Earth forms from a spinning mass of gas and dust composing the original solar nebula: 4.6 billion yr BP • Differentiation into core, mantle, crust, ocean, atmosphere occurs soon thereafter

  12. 50 Ma (Cenozoic/Tertiary/Paleogene/Eocene/Lutetian) 100 Ma (Mesozoic/Cretaceous/Gallic/Albian) Picture source: Windley, Brian F. The Evolving Continents. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1995. Figures adopted from http://www.dinosauria.com/dml/maps.htm

  13. 170 Ma (Mesozoic/Jurassic/Dogger/Bajocian) 220 Ma (Mesozoic/Triassic/Tr3/Norian) Picture source: Windley, Brian F. The Evolving Continents. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1995. Figures adopted from http://www.dinosauria.com/dml/maps.htm

  14. 260 Ma (Paleozoic/Permian/Rotliegendes/Artinskian) 320 Ma (Paleozoic/Carboniferous/Pennsylvanian/Bashkirian/Yeadonian) Picture source: Windley, Brian F. The Evolving Continents. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1995. Figures adopted from http://www.dinosauria.com/dml/maps.htm

  15. 410 Ma (Paleozoic/Silurian/Pridoli) 510 Ma (Paleozoic/Ordovician/Canadian/Tremadoc) Picture source: Windley, Brian F. The Evolving Continents. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1995. Figures adopted from http://www.dinosauria.com/dml/maps.htm

  16. Earth Events • Oldest preserved rocks show indicatives of simple prokaryotic life forms – bacteria and blue-green algae • More complex life forms, eukaryotes, develop 1.5 billion yr BP. Fusion of cells from pre-existing prokaryotes?

  17. Earth Events • A further billion years elapse before appearance of first multi-cellular animals – flat, pancake shaped, soft-bodies organisms named for a region in Australia when their fossils were first detected – the Ediacara fauna. • Profusion of life forms detected soon thereafter in the Burgess Shale, discovered by C.D. Walcott in the Canadian Rockies in 1909 • Vascular plants, 445 million yr BP • Life spreads from ocean to land, 440 million yr BP

  18. Earth Events • Amphibians, 300 million yr BP • Massive extinction, 225 million yr BP. As much as 96% of all existing life forms eliminated. • Mammals develop 160 million yr BP • Dinosaurs eliminated in second major extinction event 65 million yr BP • Homo erectus, 1.7 million yr BP • Homo sapiens, 150 thousand yr BP

  19. Earth Events • Migration of humans around globe, 50 thousand yr BP • First humans reach Americas, 20-30 thousand yr BP • Development of agriculture and domestication of animals, 10 thousand years ago in the Fertile Crescent – Jordan, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey • Industrial Revolution, 250 years BP

  20. Earth Events 4.5 4 3 2 1 0 (billion yrs BP) • Burgess Shale • Eukaryotes • formation of Earth • Prokaryotic 5 4 3 2 1 0 (100 million yrs BP) • amphibians • mammals • Vascular plants • Life expands to land • extinction eliminates dinosaurs • mass extinction

  21. Earth Events 2 1 0 (million yrs BP) • homo erectus 200 150 100 50 0 (thousand yrs BP) • Homo sapiens • human migrates • Humans reach Americas

  22. Earth Events 30 20 10 0 (thousand yrs BP) • Humans arrivals in Americas • development of agriculture 1000 750 500 250 0 (yrs BP) • Industrial Revolution

  23. Earth Events

  24. Earth Events

  25. Density of the human population 1994 (Source: CIESIN; Figure adopted from http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/210_3_4.html).(yellow = low density - dark red = high density)

  26. Rates of population growth (billions of people) (Source: UN; Figure adopted from http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/210_3_4.html).

  27. Percentage of people age 60 years and older, 1999 (Source: UN; Figure adopted from http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/210_3_4.html).

  28. Percentage of people age 60 years and older, 2050 (Source: UN; Figure adopted from http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/210_3_4.html).

  29. Journey of Mankind http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/journey/

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