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Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. Part B: Energie Work Programme Update: A New Approach Target Actions, Priorities and Calls for Proposals (2000-2002). Thematic Programmes. Improving Quality of life & Management of Living Resources. Creating User-friendly Information
Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Part B: Energie Work Programme Update: A New Approach Target Actions, Priorities and Calls for Proposals (2000-2002)
Thematic Programmes Improving Quality of life & Management of Living Resources Creating User-friendly Information Society Promoting Competitive & Sustainable Growth Energy, Environment and SustainableDevelopment Key actions + Generic technologies + Research infrastructure Horizontal Programmes International Role of Community Research Innovation and Participation of SMEs Human Potential & Socio-Economic Research Coordination and specific actions
Fifth Framework Programme for RTD (FP5) : Targets A Better Impact on Economy and Society • Support of upstream research • Bring the research closer to the market needs • Globalisation of the activities • Sharing risks • Better use of available results • Better valorisation of results • Enlarging partnerships for financing risks • Improved rules for intellectual and property rights
Driving Forces • Climate Change - International commitments • Strong socio-economic demand for clean affordable energy sources • Liberalisation of energy markets & globalisation of the economy
Energy Policy Targets: • Meeting Kyoto Objectives 8% CO2 reduction between 2008 and 2012 compared to 1990 level • Doubling the Share of Renewable Energy Sources From 6% to 12% final energy EUROSTAT convention • Improving Energy EfficiencyIncrease by 18% until 2010 compared to 1995 • Maintaining Security of Supply
Key Goals To develop sustainable energy systems and services for Europe: • High quality and low cost energy services • Increased security and diversity of supply, also in the long term • Improved industrial competitiveness • Reduced environmental impact
Energy, Environmentand Sustainable Development • Problem solving approach • Scientific and technological excellence • Multidisciplinary, integrated and targeted approaches • European dimension and European added value • Quantified objectives, emphasis on using results
Innovative approach for 2001-2002 • Concentration of ~60% of budget around a core set of Target Actions • ~40% of budget for topics in existing Work Programme; proposals to comply with priority(ies) of strategic importance to EU • Clear differentiation between short term (< 5 years) and medium-to-long term issues • Large projects with impact at an EU level (expected EC contribution >1.2 M€)
Proposals addressing the short-term (1) • Results to be exploited in less than 5 years • Mainly demonstration (and/or technology take-up, transfer and diffusion), actions aimed at integrating new technological solutions under real conditions • Contribute to reduce the costs associated with the implementation of new technologies
Proposals addressing the short-term (2) Proposals addressing the short-term (2) • Provide short-term solutions, closely linked with energy policy objectives and related regulations • enhance security and diversification of energy supplying sources • reduce emissions of main greenhouse gases and other pollutants • contribute to the objectives of the Renewables’ White Paper • contribute to the development of an effective internal market for energy
Proposals addressing medium-to-long-term (1) • Results would be exploited in more than 5 years • deal with S&T barriers or risks or socio-economic uncertainties • focus on problems for which the level of knowledge is not sufficient and R&D is needed • consist mainly of research projects and RTD related networking activities (including training fellowships for researchers)
Proposals addressing medium-to-long-term (2). • Generate new knowledge contributing to EC policies • research policy, reinforcement of EU S&T base to enhance competitiveness, with particular attention to the creation of the European Research Area • environment policy, in particular the reduction of green house gas emissions and mitigation of climate change • medium-to-long term objectives of the energy policy, in particular the diversification and security of sustainable energy supply, based more and more on renewables and on lower energy intensities
Target Actions to encourage the submission of a new class of projects • Integrating multidisciplinary and multisectoral activities, involving private-public sector partnerships and end-users from business, industrial and policy-making areas; • Combining different types of RTD actions, notably research, demonstration & accompanying measures • Proposing outstanding developments, with a significant impact at European scale, presenting cost-effective RTD arrangements that require substantial human and financial resources (order of magnitude of millions of €)
Target Actions Short-term • Fuel Cells and H2: Application driven fuel cells • Biomass for the Production of heat and electricity: Bio-electricity • Integration of REs and distributed generation of energy systems: Sustainable Communities • Rational Use of Energy: Clean Urban Transport • Rational Use of Energy: Eco-buildings • Clean Power Generation: Gas Power Generation
Target Actions Medium to long-term • Fuel Cells and H2: fuel cells and hydrogen • Biomass for the Production of heat and electricity: Bio Energy • Integration of REs and distributed generation : Integration • Rational Use of Energy: Cleaner Fuels for Transport • Storage of Energy: Storage • Photovoltaics: PV
Short-termTarget Application driven fuel cells Demonstrate technical and economical viability of innovative FC concepts and of new energy systems combining FC, RES and H2 infrastructure • introduction of FC systems in intermediate markets; use of FC in industry; distributed FC networks; • test-beds for various re-fuelling infrastructures
Short-term TargetBio-electricity Demonstrate and disseminate the benefits of using biomass and waste either in dedicated facilities or in co-utilisation with fossil fuels • innovative approaches to the large scale production and use of bio-electricity including CHP applications; • minimum installed capacity of 10Mwe and activity based at least 60% on the income from sale bio-electricity.
Short-term TargetSustainable Communities demonstrate and disseminate the benefits of RES integration for remote regions, islands and communities seeking more sustainable energy supplies • improve local and socio-economic development through technology innovation in natural habitats; • contribute to increased public awareness of cost effective and environmentally friendly new energy technologies in isolated regions and third Countries.
Short-term TargetClean Urban Transport “CIVITAS” Assess the impacts on energy consumption, traffic conditions and pollution in cities of radical new sustainable urban transport policy strategies, supported by innovative measures, technologies and infrastructures- in combination with the key action on Sustainable mobility and Intermodality - • combine energy-efficient, cost-effective and clean public and/or private vehicle fleets with a wider package of measures covering both transport demand and supply; • the package should include innovative demand management strategies, stimulate collective passenger transport, present new forms of vehicle ownership and use, innovative soft measures for managing mobility,...
Short-term TargetEco-buildings Increase the viability and potential cost-reduction of Eco-buildings design and management using a combination of energy efficient concepts (appliances and building energy systems) with renewable energy sources, in particular solar energy, day-lighting and comfort • 30% reduction in energy consumption, 30% of electrical and/or thermal energy consumption obtained from PV and other solar technologies ; • generate information which can contribute to the implementation of improved policy, or to legislative and regulatory measures.
Short-term TargetGas Power Generation Demonstrate gas turbine technologies which improve conversion efficiency and reduce NOx emissions; illustrate that micro or mini turbines can be integrated and efficiently used in advanced systems including CHP applications • higher pressure ratios and turbine inlet temperatures, new materials, spin-offs from aero-designs,….; • rapid user up-take, new measures combining technology and energy policy developments, involving enlarged partnerships of gas turbine suppliers, manufacturing industries and/or utilities.
medium to long-term targetFuel cells and hydrogen Introduction of fuel cells in a REs and H2 based supply scenario by reducing cost • RTD on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell and related Direct Methane Fuel Cell and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and related technologies for stationary and mobile applications • socio-economic and pre-normative research
medium to long-term targetBio energy Competitive penetration of biomass in primary energy supply • Co-combustion of biomass and bio-waste in coal fired electricity plants • conversion of biomass into heat and power • exploring further cost reduction • reduction of environmental impacts • socio-economic and pre-normative RTD
medium to long-term targetIntegration Facilitate access to energy networks of decentralised and RE sources • Develop new technologies and grid concepts for the operation and exploitation of REs and decentralised electricity systems in deregulated markets • Technical and non-technical issues related to large share of REs and decentralised energy systems • Integration of REs and non-REs and storage systems(e.g. stand-alone and hybrid systems) • Critical technologies offering high potential for distributed and decentralised generation(e.g. small turbines) • Socio-economic and pre-normative research
medium to long-term targetCleaner fuels for transport Replace competitively oil based fuels • Cost-effective and clean synthetic fuels from natural gas for combustion engines • explore the options and EU potential of biofuels • development of cost effective production methods for clean bio fuels for combustion engines and fuel cells • RTD on the optimisation of efficiency and pollutant emissions in combustion engines using new synthetic and bio fuels
medium to long-term targetStorage Develop new cost effective electricity and heat/cold storage systems • Batteries for meeting peak electricity demand without increasing the size of the power plant • short duration storage systems to temporarily increase the power of the system • material research to improve performance • electrical energy storage for high quality power • development of heat and cold storage systems
medium to long-term targetPhotovoltaic Development of cost effective and reliable PV technologies • Low cost and high quality silicon feedstock • optimisation of crystalline silicon process technologies with particular emphasis on cost and efficiency of wafer cell production • thin film technologies: highly efficient mass production, understanding of material limitations aiming at reducing costs • innovative PV concepts for cells and modules • RTD on cost reduction for other new and innovative components and systems
Existing Work Programme : • Priorities of Strategic importance to EU • Key Action 5 : Cleaner Energy Systems, including Renewables • Key Action 6 : Economic & Efficient Energy for a competitive Europe
Existing Work Programme :Priorities of Strategic importance to EU • Management of Greenhouse Gases emissions and climate change • Exploiting the potential of new ICTs in energy RTD including e-science issues • Socio-economic research related to energy technologies and their impact • International co-operation, co-ordination with MS research programmes, EU wide research networks • Pre-normative research of interest at EU level
Priorities of Strategic Importance I.Management of GHG Emissions and Mitigation of Climate Change Reference to Kyoto targets and post-Kyoto scenarios Proposals should quantify potential impact on reducing emissions and associated costs
Priorities of Strategic Importance II.Exploiting the Potential of New ICTs in Energy RTD , including e-Science Issues New approaches to collaboration on RTD through the use of high speed computer networks (WWG concept) in the context of the European Area (ERA) (Co-laboratories, Virtual Research Institutes, …) Applications of new ICTs to change the operation of energy markets and systems
Priorities of Strategic Importance III.Socio-economic Research related to Energy Technologies and their Impact Socio-economic energy related research towards the European Research Space (e.g. mapping of excellence, developing of indicators for research performance, promotion of mobility). Multidisciplinary RTD projects integrating socio-economic research aspects.
Priorities of Strategic Importance IV.International Co-operation, Co-ordination with Member State Research Programme and EU Wide Research Networks Thematic networks to coordinate on-going research activities, including national and European projects Projects (or clusters of projects) co-financed by EU and national programmes Projects with an international dimension, both on generating new knowledge (more developed regions) or sharing transferring technologies (more developing countries). Emphasis on GHG mitigation and facilitation of the Kyoto protocol.
Priorities of Strategic Importance • V.Pre-normative Research at EU Level • S+T contributions to norms, standards and regulations, typically addressing: • Health and safety issues • Market development issues (e.g. standardization of components, harmonized measurements of performance, etc.) • Removing barriers to allow introduction of new technologies
Key Action 5 - existing Work Programme“Cleaner Energy Systems, including Renewables” • Large-scale generation of electricity and/or heat with reduced CO2 emissions from coal, biomass and other fuels, including combined heat and power (CHP) • Development and demonstration, including decentralised generation, of the main new and renewable energy sources, in particular, biomass, wind and solar technologies, and of fuel cells • Integration of new and renewable energy sources into energy systems • Cost-effective environmental abatement technologies for power production
Large-Scale Generation of Electricity and/or Heatwith reduced CO2 Emission from Coal, Biomass andother Fuels, including CHP • Cleaner fuels by substitution and treatmentReduce CO2 emissions by 20% in 5 years • More efficient energy conversion processes or cycles, including combustion efficiency Reduce initial investment costs by 10% with a reliability of 95% • More energy efficient gas turbinesEnergy conversion efficiency up to 60% for combined cycles, 50% for open systems and 40% for small scale gas turbines • Optimisation of CHP systemsReduce specific investment and operating costs by 20%
Development & Demonstration, including for Decentralised Generation, of the Main New & Renewable Energy Sources (1/2) • Biomass (including waste) conversion systems Targets: 1500 € for kW installed, 0.05 €/kWh produced energyAim: 26 MToe in CHP by 2010 • Wind energy optimisationTargets: <700 € /kW installed and <0.045 €/kWh produced Aim: 40 GW installed by 2010 • Cost efficient photovoltaicTargets: <1 €/Wp (long term) 7-3 €/Wp (short and medium term)Aim: 3 GWp capacity in 2010
Development & Demonstration, including for Decentralised Generation, of the Main New & Renewable Energy Sources (2/2) • Solar thermal concentrating systemsTargets: 2500 € for kWe installed and 0.08 €/kWh for production • Other renewable energiesMajor contribution to RES share increase. Production costs: < 0.15 €/kWh for electricity and 0.05 €/kWh for heat • Efficient, reliable and cost effective fuel cell systems < 9000 €/kW and > 10 000 hrs for stationary applications < 1000 €/kW and > 1 000 hrs for mobile applications
Integration of New & Renewable Energy Sources into Energy Systems • Integrating renewable energy sources into the grid and stand alone systemsTarget: Assure cost effectiveness and system availability higher than 95% • Hybrid systemsTargets: Systems providing energy using RES more than half of operating time and ensure cost-effectiveness of electricity produced • Improving the acceptability of renewablesTarget: Demonstrate solutions to noise abatement, visual intrusion and other non- technical barriers
Cost Effective Environmental Abatement Technologies for Power Production Reduction of local and global environment degrading emissions • Reduction of polluting emissions Improve efficiency of current NOx reducing processes < 25ppm for natural gas, < 50ppm for liquid, < 100 ppm for solid fuels) and SOx processes (> 95% retention) • CO2 separation, capture and injection into reservoirs To explore the scope for CO2 separation and capture
Key Action 6 : Existing Work ProgrammeEconomic & Efficient Energy for a competitive Europe” • Technologies for the rational and efficient end use of energy • Technologies for the transmission and distribution of energy • Technologies for the storage of energy on both macro and micro scale • More efficient exploration, extraction and production technologies for hydrocarbons • Improving the efficiency of new and renewable energy sources • Elaboration of scenarios on supply and demand technologies in economy/environment/energy (E3) systems and their interactions
Technologies for the Rational and Efficient End Use of Energy (1/2) • Spatial integrationIntegrated energy solutions by optimising energy use • Building sustainability Reduce thermal losses by 25%in retrofit and by 30% in new build projects • Efficient space heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting systems anddomestic appliances, and integration of renewables into buildingsDecrease CO2 emissions by 25% for retrofit and 35-50% for new building
Technologies for the Rational and Efficient End Use of Energy (2/2) • Transport combustion optimisation with cleaner hydrocarbon and alternative transport fuelsImprove peak efficiency (45% Otto, 55% Diesel) and part-load efficiency • Hybrid & electric drivelines, energy storage & conversion devicesCompetitiveness, meet performance, lifetime and cost targets • Proving innovative public & private transport meansEnergy efficiency, emissions, feasibility, safety, operability & economics • Efficient cross-sectoral technologies & better managed industrial processes Secure energy intensity gains in industry including agriculture
Technologies for the Transmission and Distribution of Energy (1/2) • Assure electric power flow reliability and stability and increase power line efficiency• Faster and continuous control of power consumption and overload protection • Reduce losses by 2 to 4% in transmission • Increase by 20% the current carrying capacity • Interconnection and load shaping • Improvement of diurnal demand-side management
Technologies for the Transmission and Distribution of Energy (2/2) • More efficient and safer transport of gas • Maximise transport rate, cost effectiveness and reliability of gas and other fuels transportation • Reduce costs by >30% and environmental intrusion of new pipelines • Cost effective heating and cooling distribution • Reduction of system maintenance and installation costs respectively by >30% and >50%
Technologies for the Storage of Energy on both Macro and Micro Scale (1/2) • Optimise power quality, by means of energy storage, for stand-alone renewable and hybrid systems and for transport Achieve substantial energy savings. Avoid conventional grid extensions. Optimise charge- discharge control systems for a storage devices while doubling life time. Integrated fail-safe -power-electronics shall be >30% cheaper • Stability related electrical energy storage Meet industrial requirements for higher quality power, reducing outages and voltage dips. Power conversion and frequency control systems shall be >30% cheaper
Technologies for the Storage of Energy on both Macro and Micro Scale (2/2) • Seasonal storage of energy, including heat and cold storage Increase the capacity utilisation and enable higher penetration of RES • Safer, lighter and more energy-efficient gas storage Cost effective liquefaction, easy handling and harmonisation of standards for natural gas, LPG, LNG and H2. Cost effective peak flow rate satisfaction in grids • Reliable high capacity micro-storage Low cost, compact, reliable, high capacity energy storage for portable applications
More Efficient Exploration Extraction and Production Technologies for Hydrocarbons (1/2) • Cost effective and more efficient exploration and production of hydrocarbons Targets for 2010: Increase success rate of exploration wells from 20% to 40% Reduce time for first oil from 3 to less than 2 years Reduce E+P costs by 30% Increase recovery rate by 10%
More Efficient Exploration Extraction and Production Technologies for Hydrocarbons (2/2) • Deep waters, marginal fields and new frontiers, including Arctic Target: Meet technical and environmental requirements for E+P operations in difficult and hostile hydrocarbons prospects • Reduced environmental impact and improved safety in exploration and production Targets: • Reduce discharges of oil and contaminants by 80% • Cleaner, safer and effective removal / reuse of offshore installations
Improving the Efficiency of New and Renewable Energy Sources (1/1) • Cost effective wind turbines components Target: Increase energy capture, durability and operational life of installation reduce overall costs • Cost effective components for photovoltaic modules systems and solar thermal concentrating systems Target PV: Produce affordable an durable PV modules at lower costs (<1 €/Wp by 2010) Target TE: Reduce generation costs by half to 0.04 €/kWh