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Scottish Water Always serving Scotland

BATHING WATERS Kerry Davidson. Scottish Water Always serving Scotland. Bathing Waters & SW Assets. 82 Designated Bathing Waters 70 Have Potential to be Influenced by SW Assets Internal SW BW Targets. SW Bathing Water Assets. Pre Season Preparation. Pre-Pre Season Inspections

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Scottish Water Always serving Scotland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BATHING WATERS Kerry Davidson Scottish Water Always serving Scotland

  2. Bathing Waters & SW Assets • 82 Designated Bathing Waters • 70 Have Potential to be Influenced by SW Assets • Internal SW BW Targets SW Bathing Water Assets

  3. Pre Season Preparation • Pre-Pre Season Inspections • Internal SW Inspections • Feb/March • Issues Identified & Risk Scored • >400 Inspections Prior to BS 2010 • State of Readiness Report to RMG • Pre Season Inspections • Joint Inspections with Local SEPA Teams • April/ Mid May

  4. During the Season • Results • BW Mailbox • Early Warning of Fails • Results collated and analysed • RCA’s • Mandatory Fails • Near Miss Samples (>1600 FC) • Out of the Norm Results • Mid Season Joint Inspections with Local SEPA Teams • Joint Failure Investigations with Local SEPA Teams

  5. Internal BW Reporting • State of Readiness Report • Weekly Report to Internal Stakeholders • Monthly Report to Regulatory Management Group • Ongoing Risk Tracking & Reporting • Internal End of Season Bathing Water Report

  6. BW Stakeholder Engagement • Scottish Government • Local SEPA • Joint BW Inspections • Liaison Meetings • EPI & Ops Notifications • National SEPA • Joint SW/SEPA BW Grp • Improve Awareness of BW Compliance, Investment & Emerging Research • BW Review Panel • Provide Information on SW Assets • Panel Member • Keep Scotland Beautiful • Blue Flag Jury • Beach Managers Forum

  7. Investment to SW AssetsBW Improvements • SR06 (2006-2010) • Existing Bathing Water Directive • Portobello, Meadowhead & Stevenson • 53 UIDs Improved • Approx £20m • SR10 (2010-2015) • Existing Bathing Water Directive • Meadowhead & Stevenson SR06 Carry Over • 17 UIDs • Approx £60m • SR10 (2010-2015) • Revised Bathing Water Directive ‘Sufficient’ Status • 27 Studies for Build by Mar 2015 • 10 Studies for Build by Mar 2020 • Estimated cost £80m

  8. Thank You For Listening • Kerry.davidson@scottishwater.co.uk • Any Questions?

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