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Gender Based Violence. Incorporating training into an HNC A joint project with the Scottish Government and Women’s Aid Scotland Jane Ann Cameron cameronja@kilmarnock.ac.uk. Domestic Violence.
Gender Based Violence Incorporating training into an HNC A joint project with the Scottish Government and Women’s Aid Scotland Jane Ann Cameron cameronja@kilmarnock.ac.uk
Domestic Violence Domestic violence accounts for 16% to25% of all recorded violent crime. (Home Office, 2004; Dodd et al., 2004) 32% of women who had ever experienced domestic violence did so four or five (or more) times, and women constituted 89% of all those who had experienced 4 or more incidents of domestic violence. (Walby and Allen, 2004) On average 2 women a week are killed by a male partner or former partner: this constitutes around one-third of all female homicide victims. (Povey, (ed.) 2005; Home Office, 1999; Department of Health, 2005.) These statistics from Women’s Aid website
In just one month… January 2011 More than 4,500 cases of domestic abuse were recorded across Scotland during the festive period in 2010/11 These figures werereleased by the police, who described them as Scotland's badge of shame. They suggest that long-term efforts to tackle the problem are having limited effect.
Background The Equality Act 2006 introduced the Public Sector Duty for Gender which requires all public agencies to promote equality of opportunity between women and men, and eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment.. As it is one of the most sensitive indicators of gender inequality, violence against women has been identified as a ministerial priority.
Government Initiative The Scottish Government’s “Safer Lives” initiative involves partnership between: National and local government Government and community planning partnerships Actively encourages local responses to tackling violence against women including partnership with third sector organisations and public bodies
Healthcare Involvement Gender based violence (GBV) also presents a challenge for all healthcare professionals, both in its identification and in supporting clients who are experiencing GBV. Kilmarnock College’s principle attended a Principles’ forum where the Scottish Government presented in relation to their Safer Scotland Initiative specifically Gender Based Violence and in discussion with the speaker volunteered Kilmarnock College as a base for the pilot to take place.
Development Working with our partners the Scottish Government Equality Unit, the Healthcare Policy and Strategy Directorate and Scottish Women’s aid a scoping exercise was undertaken to identify the feasibility of incorporating this initiative into the HNC delivered in healthcare.
Links to the HNC • Values • Care Process assessment of needs • Positive Care Environment • Team working • Links also made to: • Psychology and Sociology, Principles of Health Care Practice, Health Care Policy and Workplace Experience
Training College staff underwent 1 full day and two ½ days training with staff from Scottish Women’s Aid • Received materials from Scottish Woman’s Aid and NHS Scotland for our own reading and to be available to our students Staff concerns
Staff Concerns Recent local events Students directly associated with these events Student’s own experiences Ability of staff to respond appropriately to students on the day
Preparation for the Training Discussion with students of possible content of training • Exploration of what they thought their responsibilities might be as a future health care professional http://www.nursingtimes.net/SearchResults.aspx?qsearch=1&qkeyword=domestic+violence&x=23&y=16 • Recent events in local communities • Counselling available on the day
1st Training Session Scottish Executive - rationale • Facilitated by Woman’s Aid – using a variety of delivery methods e.g. • Individual and group work, • Power Point presentation, • Video • Counselling support available for students
Post Session Debrief New understanding Listen better to friends Discussion of what a ‘professional response should be’ Where does the Code of Practice fit in
2nd Session Recap of first session • Case study exercise and discussion • Role-play • Class discussion • Overall evaluation
Case Studies Small group exercise with feedback to class using 6 case studies covering a variety of situations Possible indicators Initial response +/- Response of professionals Response of others Making links to the NMC Overall class discussion
Evaluation • Students – very positive. Enjoyed the experience and felt they had learned a great deal they could take forward into their future practice. • Staff – very positive, used similar format in HNC Social Care
The Future 1 day session Materials available on VLE for students to access pre and post training Future practitioners who have a heightened knowledge and understanding and a heightened awareness of inter-professional respect to facilitate the best possible response for the individual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team CPD for staff using the programme. - to raise awareness of the issue and promote positive attitudes.