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3,4-connected Net and its Sorption Properties John B. Parise, SUNY at Stony Brook, DMR 0800415.
3,4-connected Net and its Sorption PropertiesJohn B. Parise, SUNY at Stony Brook, DMR 0800415 Porous solid with pores of molecular dimensions could be beneficial for storage or selective separation of gases such as H2 and CO2. Corner-connected networks containing simple coordination geometries tend to form the more open structures. We are combining symmetric linker molecules such as BTC = benzenetricarboxylate/trimesic acid with 3-coordination sites, with main-group metals favoring 4-coordination, to form novel mixed 3,4-connected open nets. (right). We are in the process of testing the sorption properties of our materials and the first for hydrogen sorption are encouraging. Banerjee et al. (2010) Inorg. Chem (in prep.) Linker = BTC = L designated by the blue triangles in the 3,4 connected structure at right. GaO4 represented as green tetrahedra. Ga3L4 H2-uptake and desorption vs. pressure (P, atm)
3,4-connected Net and its Sorption Properties John B. Parise, SUNY at Stony Brook, DMR 0800415 Outreach: We continued our work with groups of high school honors students from local high schools (particularly nearby Sayville High on Long Island) who tour and do short projects in our laboratory. An annual open-night talk was presented as part of a series Friday evening lectures to the public. International: Sabbatical as senior Fulbright Fellow at Univ. Edinburgh working with JP Attfield on HP chemistry. Important part of the Fulbright was seminars/outreach to general public of UK, and with US Fulbright student scholars. Instrumentation: Seminars and proposals for Materials Diffraction Suite (MaDIS) for NSLS-II. MaDIS involved many DMR PIs. The MaDiS instrument proposal for 7/10 included “total crystallography” for determination of structure/properties on the 100 nm scale. Student D. Moueau demonstrating lab. techniques (Sayville HS students) PI during Fulbright orientation in London, UK interacting with Fulbright student scholars Beam-sample-detector configurations for diffraction at proposed Frontier Chemical Crystallography beamline, a collaboration with NSLS-II staff and Risø group of Poulsen.