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Julie Graber Jaymie Randel

“Shift Control”. Julie Graber Jaymie Randel. Session #1. Your Year at a Glance…. http://www.intel.com/education/elements/. Nexus404.com. Watch the following clip from Intel. Be prepared to discuss this question:

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Julie Graber Jaymie Randel

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Shift Control” Julie Graber Jaymie Randel Session #1

  2. Your Year at a Glance… http://www.intel.com/education/elements/ Nexus404.com

  3. Watch the following clip from Intel Be prepared to discuss this question: If this video was shared with your staff to kick off the professional development for the year, what would staff say they were going to learn?

  4. Processing… Find your partner Introduce Yourself, District, Position Share your responses

  5. If this video was shared with your staff to kick off the professional development for the year, what would staff say they were going to learn? If this video was shared with your students, what would they say?

  6. Technology… sixers4guidos.wordpress.com

  7. Google docs… Access: http://www.google.com • If you have an account, click on sign in located in the upper right hand corner. Enter your Google account e-mail and then your password. Click on Sign In. • Once you are signed in, click on more, drag down to Documents, and click.

  8. Google docs… Access: http://www.google.com • If you don’t have an account, click on sign in located in the upper right hand corner. Click on Create an Account Now. • Once you are signed in, click on more, drag down to Documents, and click.

  9. Google docs… • Designate one person as the official document manager. • Gather around the manager. • The manager clicks on Shift Control Resources. • Click on File – Make a Copy • Click on OK to Make a Copy

  10. Google docs… • Click on File – Rename • Enter a New Document Name – Name of School Shift Control Resources (XYZ School Shift Control Resources) • Click Ok • Click on Share in upper right hand corner

  11. Google docs… • Click on Share Settings • Add your school team members using their Google account e-mail addresses. Separate each person’s e-mail with a comma. • Make sure Can Edit is selected. • Click on Share

  12. Romeo & Juliet #1 Click on more, drag down to Documents, and click. Click on theRomeo & Juliet document.

  13. Form Teams

  14. Think back when . . . You were a freshman taking English 9 studying Romeo & Juliet. Use the Google Docs. spreadsheet to complete the information found in the unit.

  15. In your team brainstorm & record answers to these questions. 1. What are the student objectives for the unit? 2. What are the major activities for the unit? 3. What assessments will you use throughout the unit? 4. What technologies, if any, will you use during the unit?

  16. In your team… Using the information you have from your team’s responses to the unit that you remembered studying when you were a student, find and record the CEI (START) and the 21st Century Technology Skills. Each team will share examples of what they found.

  17. Managing the documents… Hard copies: CEI and Technology Literacy OR One person on the team has the CEI open on a laptop, a second person has the Technology Literacy Skills open on a lap top, and the third person has the Google docs spreadsheet open.

  18. In your team… Using the information you have from your team’s responses to the unit that you remembered studying when you were a student, find and record the CEI (START) and the 21st Century Technology Skills. Each team will share examples of what they found.

  19. In teams… Each team will share examples of what they found.

  20. Romeo & Juliet #2 Repeat the process used for R & J #1

  21. 1. What are the student objectives for the unit? (Things You Need – Standards) 2. What are the major activities for the unit?(Instructional Procedures – stop at Differentiated Instruction) 3. What assessments will you use throughout the unit? (Things You Need – Assessments) 4. What technologies, if any, will you use during the unit? (Instructional Procedures – stop at Differentiated Instruction & Resources)

  22. In teams… Each team will share examples of what they found. As one team shares, the other teams need to challenge or support the findings. Given additional information teams have the option of making changes on the Google docs to reflect their new understanding.

  23. In your team… Study each team’s information listed for assessments (1) & (2) & determine a word or phrase that describes the essence of the assessment practices and enter it in the Google docs. What pattern(s) emerge?

  24. Rejoin your school team

  25. Participants will improve student learning by … … understanding the difference between shallow teacher practices that are considered representative of the CEI and deep teacher practices that are representative of the CEI … understanding the difference between shallow technology uses and deep technology uses … using their understanding to move more instructional practices toward deep teacher practices and technology uses that are representative of the CEI on continuum of quality from superficial to deep challenge current thinking about what is being accepted in terms of instructional practices lthe level of quality regarding the CEI … understand how TPCK, the 5-Step Planning Process & the Activity Types can help teachers move from Technology Literacy Uses and/or Adapting Uses to Transforming Uses … understand how to use the ITSE Essential Conditions to update the district technology plan for effectively leveraging technology for learning

  26. elliemeyer.blogspot.com elliemeyer.blogspot.com

  27. Evidence of the Learning… • Participants will create units that are aligned to the ICC Essential Concepts & Skills, the Characteristics of Effective Instruction, and 21st Century Technology Literacy Skills. • Participants will create units that engage their students in rigorous and relevant learning experiences utilizing transformational technologies.

  28. Evidence of the Learning… • Participants will create and/or use existing assessments that address 21st century skills, provide strategies to make assessment an integral part of their teaching, and help students understand content more deeply, think at high levels, and become self-directed learners in authentic ways.   • Participants will identify what will be needed to design a district technology plan that incorporates the ISTE Essential Conditions.

  29. Objectives for the day… Participants will be… • Introduced to Intel • Encouraged to learn technology in the context of content, instruction, and/or assessment • Challenged about their current beliefs and practices regarding the CEI, classroom technology uses, and 21st century technology literacy skills • Encouraged to believe this is the right type of professional development for teachers

  30. Technology Debrief… Name of Tool Purpose of Tool Tool Matched to Purpose (y or n) - Explain. Effective Use (y or no) Explain.

  31. Technology Debrief… Access your Shift Control Resources and record ways for using Google docs back in your school.

  32. partyplannergurl.wordpress.com

  33. Intel Education… • Number off 1-7. • Individually study the assigned area and be prepared to share what you find helpful/useful. • Join the others who studied the same area and share your thoughts. • Select 2 points to share with the large group.

  34. Intel Education… #1 Assessment Strategies #2 Hear from Educators #3 Unit Design #4 Modules #5 Assessing Projects #6 Thinking Tools #7 An Innovation Odyssey

  35. Intel Education… • Join the others who studied the same area and share your thoughts. • Select 2 points to share with the large group.

  36. Think about it.. Use TodaysMeet to record . .. Q1: Why did we have you do the scavenger hunt?

  37. Technology Professional Developer Provider System

  38. Professional DevelopmentProvider http://www.intel.com/education/elements/

  39. Directions… In your school team, discuss the connections between the examples and the CEI & record them in TodaysMeet Q2:

  40. Objectives for the day… Participants will be… • Introduced to Intel • Encouraged to learn technology in the context of content, instruction, and/or assessment • Challenged about their current beliefs and practices regarding the CEI, classroom technology uses, and 21st century technology literacy skills • Encouraged to believe this is the right type of professional development for teachers

  41. Participants will improve student learning by … … understanding the difference between shallow teacher practices that are considered representative of the CEI and deep teacher practices that are representative of the CEI … understanding the difference between shallow technology uses and deep technology uses … using their understanding to move more instructional practices toward deep teacher practices and technology uses that are representative of the CEI on continuum of quality from superficial to deep challenge current thinking about what is being accepted in terms of instructional practices lthe level of quality regarding the CEI … understand how TPCK, the 5-Step Planning Process & the Activity Types can help teachers move from Technology Literacy Uses and/or Adapting Uses to Transforming Uses … understand how to use the ITSE Essential Conditions to update the district technology plan for effectively leveraging technology for learning

  42. Evidence of the Learning… • Participants will create units that are aligned to the ICC Essential Concepts & Skills, the Characteristics of Effective Instruction, and 21st Century Technology Literacy Skills. • Participants will create units that engage their students in rigorous and relevant learning experiences utilizing transformational technologies.

  43. Evidence of the Learning… • Participants will create and/or use existing assessments that address 21st century skills, provide strategies to make assessment an integral part of their teaching, and help students understand content more deeply, think at high levels, and become self-directed learners in authentic ways.   • Participants will identify what will be needed to design a district technology plan that incorporates the ISTE Essential Conditions.

  44. Closing Remarks Next Session – facilitated online learning • Bring a unit that will be taught between April 19 – May 3 • Bring teachers that teach the unit • Other team members that need to attend are an administrator, tech. coord., teacher librarian, and curr. coord.

  45. Affirmation… In your school team, discuss are you staying the course with Shift Control? Why or Why Not?

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