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Inner Circle. Matt Morrill Neal Trotter Leseamus Howard. Group Roles. Neal Mostly Documentation Wrote Technical Design Document, GDD, Concept Document, Project Plan, Work Breakdown Structure, Gant Chart, Presentation
Inner Circle Matt Morrill Neal Trotter Leseamus Howard
Group Roles • Neal • Mostly Documentation • Wrote Technical Design Document, GDD, Concept Document, Project Plan, Work Breakdown Structure, Gant Chart, Presentation • Implemented Mouse Input, converted standard screen coordinates to OpenGL coordinates. • Matt • Lead Programmer (Designed most of the code) • Implemented most of the classes for the game and fixed the majority of the bugs in the game logic. • Incorporated OpenAL and inserted music and sound effects. • Leseamus • Multimedia (Splash Screen, Menu Screen) • Setup a texture in OpenGL to use as a title and menu screen. • Helped debug code.
Group Problems • Main problem was meeting to work on the project together outside of class. • Mostly worked on project via Source Control separately. • Busy work schedules and extra curricular events outside of class made it hard to meet as a group in person.
Solution to Group Problems • Designated 2 crunch time sessions to meet up as a team. • Although not all members could meet up together for both sessions, all could meet up for at least one. • Gave us an opportunity to discuss important bugs to fix in person, rather than discovering them via Source Control.
Game Features Possible Moves Current Selected Piece The current player piece that Is selected to move is graphically Indicated by turning white. Highlights where the player Piece can move next according To the dots on the cell that the Player piece is on.
Game Features Level 1 Level 2 • The game features 4 Levels. • When all the survivals spots are filled up for one level, the next level starts up. • The higher the level, the less survival spots. • Player pieces that are not on survival spots when all survival spots are filled, die off. Level 3 Level 4
Game Features • Sound Effects: A thump is heard when you place a piece on a new cell. • Background music: Intense survival music from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Flying Battery Zone.