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The Price of Privilege: The “He-Cession,” the Fall of Conventional White Masculinity and its Last Bastions

The Price of Privilege: The “He-Cession,” the Fall of Conventional White Masculinity and its Last Bastions. Emmanuel Cannady M.S. Ed. Assistant Director – Gender Relations Center University of Notre Dame. Introduce yourself to the people around you more than just your job . Who are you?

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The Price of Privilege: The “He-Cession,” the Fall of Conventional White Masculinity and its Last Bastions

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  1. The Price of Privilege: The “He-Cession,” the Fall of Conventional White Masculinity and its Last Bastions

    Emmanuel Cannady M.S. Ed. Assistant Director – Gender Relations Center University of Notre Dame
  2. Introduce yourself to the people around you more than just your job. Who are you? Why are you here? What experiences inform you? What are you dreams and fears What do you value? What makes you feel loved? Exchange information We are Human ‘Beings’: not Human ‘Doings’
  3. You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him. – Booker T. Washington
  4. Where I was raised Where I went to school Church College Who I work with Who I interact with on a regular basis My Investment
  5. Our Journey Outline the history of the fall of conventional white masculinity Show how conventional white masculinity (white privilege) is undercutting progress for white men AND everybody else Identify and discuss failed coping mechanisms of changing social norms, the last bastions of obsolete white masculinity (including bro culture), and what is at stake Information: Learn, Process, Practice
  6. White Normativity Internalization: white definition of success -> white pain -> white coping we have been taught to consume it and produce it (i.e. media)
  7. Today’s Roadmap
  8. What is White Male Culture?
  9. Post-industrial Society (Daniel Bell) Production and consumption of SERVICES instead of GOODS History of White Male Decline 1960’s-2009
  10. Hunter-Gather/Agriculture – 1.8million years ago – Late 1700’s Industrial – Late 1700’s – 1960’s Post-industrial - 1960’s - present Brief History Human Societies
  11. Legislative Gains Brown v. Board of Education (1954) – desegregation of schools Civil Right Act of 1964 Title VII – workplace discrimination Loving v. Virginia (1967) – interracial marriage Education Amendments of 1972 – Title IX Illegal to prohibit participation, denied benefit of or subject to discrimination based on sex Backlash in the 1980’s under Reagan Administration The Great Recession and Obama Election (2008) Furthering Culture Shifts
  12. He-cession 80% of Job Losses from Nov. ‘08 – Aug. ‘09 were men (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) When the Housing Bubble Burst The Great He-Cession of 2009
  13. The New Deal vs. The Stimulus Package
  14. Pbs.org, hud.gov/recovery
  15. What do you see?
  16. Post-industrial Society (con’t) This: to
  17. Economic shift from manufacturing (heavy male sectors) to education, healthcare and other social services (heavy female perspective) “Women just as likely to be the primary bread earner, if not more likely, than men are today” – President Obama to NYTimes White Masculinity’s Obsolescence
  18. Percent of U.S. Adults Ages 25-29 With a Bachelor's Degree or Higher, 1969-2009 Source: PRB analysis of data from U.S. Census Bureau. Bachelor’s Degrees
  19. Life Expectancy
  20. Earnings
  21. Earnings
  22. 30% more likely to dropout than girls Girls outperform boys at all levels form elementary school to graduate school Boys less likely to get BA’s (44% vs. 56%) and graduate degrees (45% vs. 55%) Make up 2/3 of special Ed. students 5 times more likely to have ADHD Emasculation and Invalidity in School System
  23. Long Periods of unemployment are a strong predictor of heavy drinking (Social Science & Medicine) …of crime (Weinburg, Bruce - Ohio State) Fewer young men feel they can marry, therefore disciplining effects of marriage to young men will continue to fade. (Cherlin, Andrew) Psychological Effects
  24. Suicide rate between 2005-2009 (C.D.C.P) 25.96 per 100,000 for White Men 3 per 100,000 for Black Women Depression Psychological Effects Continued
  25. Traditional Jobs are obsolete Traditional values are obsolete Greatest rate of economic fall Others are gaining all around you Higher Unemployment Rates Depression – with no established coping mechanisms Not pursuing college education Life expectancy plummeting Suicide Rates highest among any other demographic Recap: New Paradigm of White Masculinity
  26. http://youtu.be/UVPpBD-mGLs Mr. Nichols - Coldcut
  27. What are some of your initial reactions? What are some pieces in the video that stuck out to you? What is the American Dream? Is the American Dream obsolete? Do you embody any beliefs or dreams that could be considered oversights? (I.E. do you preserve white normativity in your own life? What are your coping mechanisms for life’s challenges? Questions
  28. Usually a white middle-upper class college-aged male Deep seeded racism while idolize mainstream Hip-Hip and Black culture – Racism through Admiration Homophobic and homoerotic Alcohol, Sports, try to ‘out-funny’ Porn and video games “Awesome” Preservation of childhood Profiting from: Feeling Lost Fear Anxiety Anger Bro-Culture Anatomy
  29. Pitfall! – 1982 Super Mario Brothers – 1985 Profiting from: Feeling Lost Fear Anxiety Anger Brodom: Men in Video Games Street Fighter II – 1991 Duke Nukem 3D – 1996
  30. Halo: Combat Evolved – 2001 Gears of War – 2006 Gears of War 3 - 2011 More Video Games as Last Bastions
  31. Profiting from: Feeling Lost Fear Anxiety Anger Brodom: Last Bastions
  32. http://youtu.be/gRpTjr4L4T4 “Brodown”
  33. Men are Obsolete: Sex-Deprived Incompetent Gluttonous Dumb Affects Expectations of Men: Emasculation in the Media
  34. Coping: Guns In the News
  35. Telecom Act of 1996 and the hijacking of Hip-Hop music and culture 66-70% of consumers are white men (Washington Post, R.I.A.A.) School, church, mall, theatre shootings; assassination attempts More men between 27-35 – unmarried, lonely, hard-drinking – longing for the last bastions Depression and Suicide How it affects us all
  36. Increases in Organized Hate Southern Poverty Law Center
  37. Has told me I need: To get a good job Work hard and I will be rewarded Get a family and support it Save for retirement Buy a car Buy a House ….now the rules are changing. Personal Affects of White Normativity
  38. http://youtu.be/SNXmDMn1E-U So when I watch, I can relate.
  39. …How about you?
  40. Affects How I help my Students
  41. Resistance Adaptation or
  42. What do you currently believe and do to reinforce old masculinity and the resistance? What media do we consume inhibits adaptation? Define the New Man Moving Forward: Redefine Masculinity
  43. Today’s Roadmap
  44. We are at another crossroads in our society History over the last 50 years, catalyzed by the He-Cession has brought to this crossroads White Privilege and white normativity has ill-prepared many white males (especially those with other types of privilege) to psychologically cope We are all connected!! – so the ill-preparation affects us all White men (and everybody else) have a choice(adaptation or resistance) – resistance means isolation and self-destruction Conclusion
  45. Thank You! ????’s A lot of Info = open discussion Emmanuel Cannadyecannady@nd.edu574-631-2604
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