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Developing an anti bullying policy- Hawthorns Juniors

Aims of today. Go through bullying definitions- national guidance and school council inputFeedback from staff and pupilsWhy we need a school policy/statutory requirementsLook at a recording and reporting system to be implemented from school. What's been done so far

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Developing an anti bullying policy- Hawthorns Juniors

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    1. Developing an anti bullying policy- Hawthorns Juniors Debs Fawcett Healthy Schools Specialist: Emotional Health and Well Being deborah.fawcett@blackburn.gov.uk 01254 666534

    2. Aims of today Go through bullying definitions- national guidance and school council input Feedback from staff and pupils Why we need a school policy/statutory requirements Look at a recording and reporting system to be implemented from school

    3. What’s been done so far…. Met with school council and looked at the definitions of bullying and how bullying situations should be dealt with Pupils questionnaires Staff questionnaires

    4. Definitions National “Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally” Blackburn with Darwen Borough council “Deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time and involves an imbalance of power, leaving the victim feeling defenceless”

    5. Feedback from pupils-264 returns 66% pupils felt the school needs to find out why the bully is bullying 30% felt they needed to be excluded 87% said they would tell a responsible adult if they were being bullied 40% felt the bully bullied to make others scared of them 47% of the children thought they may get bullied because they are carrying something valuable 64% felt a bystander is just as bad as the bully themselves

    6. Why do we need an anti bullying policy? It supports YOU Clear procedures Whole school approach Developed by children Governor involvement Share with parents Clarifies reporting

    7. What does the government say? Racist Bullying – May 2006 Safe To Learn – Autumn 2007 Cyber bullying – Autumn 2007 Homophobic – January 2008 SEND – June 2008 All the Guidance booklets can be accessed via www.teachernet.gov.uk

    8. SAFE TO LEARN Embedding anti-bullying work in schools-DCSF Sections on: Legal requirements Creating and implementing a whole school policy Preventing and responding to bullying Reporting and recording incidents of bullying Staff professional development plus various resources

    9. The Law Various legal requirements and powers for schools, relating to bullying – detailed in Sec 2 of Guidance. Implications for LAs, Governors, Heads and Teachers. Racial and sexual bullying must be reported as a one off incident. Education and Inspections Act 2006 also requires that Head Teachers must determine measures on behaviour and discipline that form the school’s behaviour policy. Schools have a duty to provide for the well being of it’s pupils Change to statutory responsibility for schools to address homophobic bullying

    10. Developing a consistent and workable reporting strategy for bullying incident In your learning trios discuss what system could work in your school to ensure the reporting of bullying is both in line with the definition. Comment on the reporting system that has been suggested Share with the other staff your views

    11. Where to from here? What strategies would work as a whole school to deal with bullying? Feed this into your new anti bullying policy incorporating yours, the pupils, parents and governors views.

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