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Volume 1 WORSHIP GATHERING TIME EVANGELISM SLIDES. The SWTX Conference Evangelism Committee shares these downloadable slides in an effort to empower local churches to offer Christ to all.
Volume 1WORSHIP GATHERING TIME EVANGELISM SLIDES The SWTX Conference Evangelism Committee shares these downloadable slides in an effort to empower local churches to offer Christ to all. We thank Rev. Dr. Kwasi Kena, Evangelism Director, General Board of Discipleship, for permission to use visual elements on the slides.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
EVANGELISMGathering Time Slides • The Message • Everything you do is Evangelism • Evangelism has a human face • Eventually replace stock photos with member faces • Evangelism is... • A definition (yours, mine, many others) • Evangelism in the Holy Scripture • A bible quote • Evangelism encouragement • A thought-provoking statement for consideration
The next 4 slides are examples of what could be offered each Sunday, for example – Slide 1 – the main message Slide 2 – a definition of evangelism Slide 3 – a thought-provoking quote or Slide 4 – what the Scripture says Slide 3 could alternate with a quote one Sunday and the Scripture the next, so there would only be 3 slides per Sunday.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Many people who don’t go to church say the main reason is that no one ever invited them. When was the last time you invited someone to come to church with you?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (San Antonio), in all Judea (Bexar County), and Samaria (Texas), and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (adapted)
The next slide still has the same faces on it. Eventually these could be replaced with the faces of church members. Each Sunday different faces could be used. People could look forward to seeing their own face, prompting attendance and attention.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… bringing people to the love of God What’s your definition?
The next several slides are definitions of Evangelism gathered from many different sources. More are needed. A person who’s passionate about Evangelism can collect more and share them with the SWTX Evangelism Committee. The goal is to have at least 52 definitions (one per Sunday). Email to: lkeen@umcswtx.org
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… telling the good news, being the good news,and doing the good news What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… the sharing and joyous witness of the people of God What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… the primary mission of the body of Christ, the church What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… proclaiming the Good News of Christ crucified and risen What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… a spiritual journey of formation and transformation What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… the joyous witness of the people of God to God's redeeming love What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… yielding in traffic What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… the peculiar task of the Church to communicate the good news of God's love through Jesus Christ What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… helping people discover their faith in Christ What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… leading persons to receive the grace of God and the healing love of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… bearing the Light of God’s Love to those you meet What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… one beggar telling another where bread may be found What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… helping another come to know Christ by doing good, doing no harm, staying in love with God What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… “turning the village atheist into the blessed village saint” Wm. J. Abraham What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… the witness you make hour by hour, minute by minute, moment to moment What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… sharing Christian hope and hospitality What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… speaking up, empowered by faith, shining God’s light on injustice What’s your definition?
The following slides contain Scripture passages reflecting on Evangelism. More are needed. The goal is to have at least 26 passages that would alternate with quotations/questions every other Sunday. Email to: lkeen@umcswtx.org
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the nameof the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everythingthat I have commanded you. And remember,I am with you always, to the end of the age.”Matthew 28:18-20
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… “So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us.” I Corinthians 5:20
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… “But how are they to call on one in whomthey have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? Romans 10:14-15
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.” 2 Timothy 2:2
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… “As you go, proclaim the good news.” Matthew 10:7
The following slides are thought-provoking quotations & questions designed to help churchgoers reflect on Evangelism. More are needed… The goal is to have at least 26 that would alternate with Scripture passages every other Sunday). Email to: lkeen@umcswtx.org
Hospitality…is not a function of being friendly to friends but of learning how to be a good host and hostess to the stranger and the seeker who come to church in search of something they do not have. evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Many people who don’t go to church say the main reason is that no one ever invited them. When was the last time you invited someone to come to church with you?
Local Church Evangelism Team may • Use in this format • Determine number of slides per Sunday • Use Scripture quotes in any order or according to Lectionary (be creative!) • Evang Team members participate by sending additional quotes, definitions, etc. • Preferred Slide Transition (tech stuff for A/V Tech) • Fade through black; slow transition speed • No animation! • Timed long enough to be completely read
Thanks End of presentation evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
Slides for 9 Sundays of Aug/Sept 2009 Usually 2 slides per Sunday, sometimes 3
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… Sharing the cool news of Living Water on a hot summer day What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Hospitality…is not a function of being friendly to friends but of learning how to be a good host and hostess to the stranger and the seeker who come in search of something they do not have
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… sharing Christian hope and hospitality What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. The holy scripture on evangelism… Through Christ, we are sons and daughters of God.[2 Samuel 7]How can you show others they, too, are children of the Almighty?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism. Evangelism is… sharing the blessing (and fun!) of growing together in faith What’s your definition?
evangelism Everything you do is evangelism.