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Presentation coaching How to make your case clear, memorable and compelling H ANIEL Group Chair of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Shanghai, CDHK 25.04.2008. 1. Today we will increase your skills in the following areas:. 1. Presentation coaching 1. Agenda. Topics of today’s workshop.
Presentation coachingHow to make your case clear, memorable and compelling HANIELGroup Chair of Marketing and Entrepreneurship Shanghai, CDHK 25.04.2008 1
Today we will increase your skills in the following areas: 1. Presentation coaching 1. Agenda Topics of today’s workshop • PowerPoint • Tips and Tricks • Layout guideline • Presentation • Types of presentation • Presenting • Story of your presentation 2
How to use PowerPoint 1. Presentation coaching 1. Agenda 3
The following commands I find most useful: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint PowerPoint functions: ? How to create a new slide (duplicate an old slide) How to duplicate objects on a slide How to arrange objects How to change the properties of objects How to group objects How to keep your files fast and small How to keep your boxes connected How to arrange bullet points How do access the master slide? 4
This are the 3 most useful rules: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Most useful rule: 1. Copy! 2. Copy! 3. Copy 5
How to create a new slide? – Duplicate the prior one 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: Ctr + D I almost never start from an empty slide. Student Task: • Please duplicate this slide 5 times! 6
How to duplicate objects on a slide: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: Ctr + Drag and Drop The advantage of copying is that many object properties such as spelling correction language are saved. Student Task: • Please duplicate this picture 5 times! 7
How to arrange objects: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - Highlight objects and use buttons - While copying keep “Shift” button pressed These buttons are my best friends! Student Task: • Please use those queer objects and but them in as many different orders as you like! 8
How to change the properties of objects: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - double click on object Right click, select “properties” This is most used when you have no chance to copy. Try to use the brush function first! Student Task: • Please change the color of these objects to that of this orange box and give it a red, bold frame! 9
How to group objects: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - Highlight objects, then press the group button or Ctr + Shift + g The group function is especially useful when you want to change the size of a multi-object entity without loosing its proportions: Student Task: • Please increase the size of the cute little face below by three times! 10
How to keep your files fast and small: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - Cut and compress your pictures: Professional picture artists always cut their pictures! Student Task: • Please eliminate everything on this picture, except the face, and then minimize the size of the picture”! 11
How to keep your boxes connected: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - Use sticky lines from the sticky button bar This function increases your flexibility to make future changes! Student Task: • Here some unprofessionally connections for the lines. Please adjust the picture! 12
How to make good bullet points: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - Use the ruler above your slide You should never use “space function” to arrange bullet points! Student Task: • Please change the bullet points so that it looks nice! (Left to right!) • Sadfasdfsad • Asdfsafd • SadfasdfsadfsafdsadasdfasdfasdfasASDFASDFASDsfdg • sfdg • Sadfasdfsad • Asdfsafd • SadfasdfsadfsafdsadasdfasdfasdfasASDFASDFASDsfdg • sfdg 13
How to make good bullet points: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: • Sadfasdfsad • Asdfsafd • SadfasdfsadfsafdsadasdfasdfasdfasASDFASDFASDsfdg • sfdg • Sadfasdfsad • Asdfsafd • SadfasdfsadfsafdsadasdfasdfasdfasASDFASDFASDsfdg • sfdg Student Task: • Please change the bullet points so that it looks nice! (Left to right!) 14
How to access the master slide: 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint Answer: - ? If there is something you cannot change on your slide it is probably hiddenon the master slide Student Task: • Please take away the blue bar at the bottom of this slide! 15
Layout guideline 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint 16
There are few rules that should be adhered to for creating effective presentations: 1. Presentation coaching 2.PowerPoint Rules for presentation: • Start from a presentation you like • Copy as much as you can • Less is better than more! 17
Chapter and hierarchy information The following has emerged as principle for HANIEL chair layout. 1. Presentation coaching 2.PowerPoint Description ofslide content, black, min 16 ppt Layout: Main Message, blue, 18 ppt • Standard type: Arial, 16pt • Main color: black • Highlighting color: blue (60,100,180) • Special color: orange (255, 170,0) Bottom line Page 18
Presentation structure 1. Presentation coaching 2. PowerPoint 19
Not all presentations are the same: 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Types of presentation: ManagementReport AudiencePresentation Start with executive summary Story telling 20
First we look at management reports. ManagementReport Start with executive summary 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Types of presentation: 21
Management reports can carry a lot of information… 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Characteristics of management report : Purpose • Inform management about important business aspects • Give management background information for effective decision making • Start with executive summary that contains main messages • Continue with slides that back up the executive summary with facts • If needed explicit additional “backup” section for less relevant, detailed information Structure • Be as short and concise as possible • Lists should have parallel structure within sections • Throughout presentation uniform use of terms and symbols, such as currency expressions Language 22
…so they should like appealing and are quick and effective to use 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Components of Management Report : Graphs • No 3 dimensional elements • Uniform layout across all graphs • Always need caption/legend “Legende” • Keep same style (font, size of font) across entire report • Written information to a graph can be attached by using * • Recommendations to language (as given above) apply Writteninformation • Overall design not too colorful • Keep a uniform and easy structure across the entire report • Content and headline must match Structuralelements All information you present needs to have a statement of source, linked via * 23
Example management report China Business Process Outsourcing LZ, ZY, CB, March 2009 CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 24
BPO industry in China Overview Macroeconomic market drivers Pros and Cons of entering the Chinese BPO market Company profiles of potential targets in the BPO/ITO industry CompuPacific Inc. (T/o USD 10m) M&Y Data Solutions (T/o USD 15m) Camelot Information Systems (T/o USD 25m) Masterpiece Group (T/o USD 25m) Summary of all relevant information Executive Summary Chinese BPO market at stage of early development; Low-end customer services largest segment; Only few Chinese players with international scope; Development mainly in cluster areas; Growing domestic and international customer base. Strong long-term gov. support; Vast pool of low/medium skilled labor. Attractive business opportunities esp. with Asian Pac. customers; Strategic fit given. Strong Chinese player with focus on serving Western firms; Sizeable track record. Bias to action Suggested focus Leading Chinese provider of data capture and related BPO services; 1/3 of t/o from international customers. Large player primarily engaged in upscale software consulting. Japanese firm focused on call center activities for Asian Pac. customers. CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 25
CTG BPO industry in China – Overview I Market size world and China (USDbn ) BPO subsectors in China (2006) N. America Procurement USD 5m 1% EMEA World CAGR06-10 15% Finance/Accounting USD 166m Asia Pac. 19% China CAGR06-11 25% Customer service USD 425m 50% HR services & training USD 5m 30% • In 2007, the domestic financial segment experienced the fastest growth Major players of IT enabled outsourcing* International Companies BPO industry in China at stage of early development. Low-end customer services build the largest subsector. Chinese Companies Only few Chinese BPO players serving Western markets. Japanese & Korean market Domestic market American& European market Do not forget to state the source !!!! *ITEO is the overarching term for the concepts of Information technology outsourcing (ITO) and BPO Source:IDC cited in China Outsourcing Institute, chnsourcing.com, McKinsey CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 26
BPO industry in China – Overview II Structural elements all the same Regional distribution of ITEO firms 07/08* Customer base • Prior to 2005, the majority of BPO activity was restricted to the large cities of Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. • More recently, new BPO hubs have been assigned, Dalian, Chengdu and Xi’an being important ones 1 • Companies from Japan, Korea and Hong Kong • Key customers of BPO businesses in China • Mostly outsourcing of low-end services • Focuson cost saving • MNCs with large manufacturing operations in China and Asia Pac. • Major motivation for BPO is to… • …harmoize processes, • …scale operations and • …save cost. • DSM, Danone, Fuji, Akzo Nobel (total of 32,000 employees in China) 2 # of company branches • Domestic Chinese companies • State-owned enterprises, gov. agencies and private/public enterprises • Very few experience with outsourcing, but starting out • E.g. Chinese banks have started to outsource such as low-end data processing, information validation and reference check 3 # of company headquarters * Total sample n = 69, Headquarters n = 45 Major BPO hubs in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dalian and Chengdu. Growing domestic and regional customer base. Source information Source: Internal report; Chinasourcing (2008), Li / Zhu (2007). CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 27
Macroeconomic market drivers GDP growth rate yoy from ’08 to ’10 Government support % • Context: Industrial growth will be limited by availability of resources, diminishing export demand and environmental restrictions General Objective of the “11th Five Years Plan” (’06 – ’11) is to bolster the service industry to sustain economic development • Special policies: USD 733.5m incentive package: • Set up 20 service outsourcing demonstration cities (incl. Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Chengdu, Dalian, Shenzhen) • Training of 300,000 to 400,000 personnel in BPO related subjects (1.2 million service outsourcing professionals by 2013) • Offer policy based loans to base cities for infrastructure improvements, quality assurance, etc. • A subsidy of up to RMB 4,500 p.a. per college graduate employed for at least one year (~ 1 month’s salary) • Flexibleworking hours for employees • Favorable tax policies in the demonstration cities, e.g. 15% corporate income tax instead of 25% in Suzhou Industrial Park Economy expected to grow fast despite financial crisis Talent pool and low wages 1 • Demographics: Favorable demographic development ensures large supply of service workers at relatively low wages • Education: • Poor English language skills obstacle for delivery of services to Western countries, but Asian language skills and cultural understanding likely to foster BPO within Asia Pac. • Broad base of IT skilled labor is growing and government incentivizes BPO related vocational training, practical training long-term availability of low/medium skilled workforce • # of call center staff hit 158,000 in 2007 (+22% yoy) 2 Strong government support and large low/medium skilled talent base will foster growth of BPO industry in China Source: Internal report; Global service 2008 CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 28
BPO market in China – attractive for Haniel? Unbiased information is given so that management can form own judgment Pros Cons • Growth prospects projected by many studies conducted by e.g. McKinsey, Gartner, IDC • Focus on China’s premature domestic market and outsourcing from other Asian countries as a first step towards offering services to Western companies (Japanese+ Korean market as big as EU+US market) • Superior infrastructure compared to India and strong government support with long term perspective • Big scale manufacturing bases by MNCs build attractive local customer base • Large pool of low/medium skilled labor (approx. 6-7 million university graduates p.a.) relatively low wages (currently USD 120 – 250 per month) • Financial crisis could spur BPO due to cost cutting pressure, but prices could deteriorate, according to the IAOP and CCID • Renown international BPO&ITO players like EDS, Convergys or Genpact service Asian clients from China • In China labor cost for university-educated personnel is 30%-50% less than India. While India is moving up the value chain in BPO, China could take the lead in relatively simple outsourced services • Shrinking workforce in many developed countries on the long run could boost demand for BPO • Currently China accounts for only a fraction (~3%) of the global BPO market and it is not clear whether this will change significantly in the next 3 – 5 years • Poor English language skills are a big obstacle for service outsourcing to Western countries. • Enforcement of intellectual property rights in Chinaas a major concern of many firms • Indian companies are far more experienced and renowned for superior quality and better English skills in the BPO and ITO business • Latin America is offering a compelling alternative for US business • Investment and M&A in BPO sectors shrank in ’08, due to the downturn of the capital market Despite the attractiveness of the BPO industry in China, competing countries are strong and the financial crisis could slow down the growth in the short/medium term. + Diversifying into BPO related firms could be a first step towards a long term commitment in a promising service industry. • Haniel has no experience in BPO and no related business units. - CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 29
CompuPacific Inc. – Company Profile I Summary T/o (USDm) and Headcount • CompuPacific International, Inc. is a provider of global BPO solutions headquartered in Plymouth (US). • Founded in 1998 and focusing on serving corporate and government clients in North America, Europe, Australia and China from the major BPO hub in Xi’an that operates 24/7. • Further branches are in Beijing, Manila, Melbourne, and London. 90% of T/o generated in Western markets. • Focus on end-to-end solutions in insurance and financial industries • Strategy*: • Increase share of Chinese business from < 10% to 40% in 2010. Two new locations in Chinese 2nd tier cities planned. • Increase workforce from 1080 (Jul. 2008) to 30,000 – 50,000 in 2013 • Seeking strategic investment of USD 10m. • IPO planned after two more rounds of financing. T/o T/o CAGR04-10 35% # of employees • Net margins 10-20%* • Labor turnover rate 10-20% p.a.* Investment history n.a. Do you still remember how toarrange your bullet points? Management Company profiles should look uniform across companies • Michael Liu,(founder), 40 – CEO 10 years in health insurance industry, 10 years IT mgmt. (U.S) • Sunny Sheng, 40 – VP Information Technology 15 years IT solutions (U.S.) • Dan Schottenfels, 55 – VP Operations, 20 years in healthcare operations, IT mgmt. and consulting (U.S.) • Michelle Huang, 37 – Vice General Manager, 6 years in BPO data processing (PRC) • Lee Schottenfels, 56 – VP Business Development, 20 years in sales, client relations (U.S) * Forecast prior to Q4 2008 Source: Hina, Own research CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 30
CompuPacific Inc. – Company Profile II Services Track record • Company recognized for*: • Top 10 in China by employment • Best 10 focused on healthcare industry • Best 10 offering human resources management services • Best 20 focused on insurance industry • Best 20 offering document management services • Major clients: >50 US customers incl. Boeing, Unisys, brother, Lazard, GMAC, Allstate, DealTrack, corbis,… • Strategic alliances with EDS, IBM, Fuji Xerox Service offerings Target clients • Data capture • Digitalization of paper based documents • Electronic content mgmt. (e.g. data analysis, indexing) • Electronic storage vaults • Build-operate-transfer services* • Financial services • Government • Retail & marketing • Health insurance • Title industry • Insurance * Provision of technical, HR, and other infrastructure for market entry * According to the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (2008) Corporate/Regional structure Recent development • In ‘07, CompuPacific together with Beyondsoft and Dalian Hi-Think signed and investment agreement with TEDA* and registered a capital of RMB 10m to fund a project designed to provide international customers with service outsourcing solutions • Company was ranked among the top 100 global service outsourcing providers in 2008** • Current financial crisis could affect demand from Western customers CPI China CPI US • Michael Liu 29% • Sunny Sheng 29% • Dan Schottenfels 22% • Lee Schottenfels 20% • Michael Liu 83% • Xi’an Software Park 7% • Yingluo Wang 5% • Xi’an Investment Inc. 3% • Xiaojun Tan 2% • CPI plans to set up a Chinese holding company supported by future investor • IPO at domestic stock market is planned within the next 2 years (‘09-’10) • The UK & Australian affiliates are independent, they act for local sales purposes only and can be integrated fully after investment * Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area ** Global Services Survey (media platform) Broad range of service offerings and sizeable track record. High exposure to volatile Western markets. Source: Hina, Own research CB, LZ,ZY March 2009 31
Now we look at audience presentation: 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations AudiencePresentation Story telling 32
To be good at presentations in front of an audience, you have to manage three major components 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Elements of presentation in front of an audience : Slide design • 1 main message per slide • Appeal to both parts of the brain, i.e. include graphical element • Less information is better than more • You are the leader of your presentation – behave like it! • Stand straight and smile! • Be convinced of what you have to say YOU • SCQA scheme to lead to topic • PYRAMID logic to support it Your story 33
To be good at presentations in front of an audience, you have to manage three major components 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Elements of presentation in front of an audience : Slide design • 1 main message per slide • Appeal to both parts of the brain, i.e. include graphical element • Less information is better than more 34
Layout for presentations to hold in front of an audience: 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations 35
Layout for presentations to hold in front of an audience: 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Complete sentence as main message Heading for main graphical support 36
Layout for presentations to hold in front of an audience: 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Picture to appeal to the emotionalside of your brain 37
Layout for presentations to hold in front of an audience: 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Can you recognize the mainmajor elements? 38
To be good at presentations in front of an audience, you have to manage three major components 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Elements of presentation in front of an audience : • You are the leader of your presentation – behave like it! • Stand straight and smile! • Be convinced of what you have to say YOU 39
To be respected as a speaker it is good if you display a strong personality. There should be a flow of energy from the speaker to the audience. 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations How to leave a big, dynamic impact: Convincing speakers… • are extrovert and wide awake • are convinced about what they say • are convinced by their own competence • are always a cultivated appearance 40
The way you use your voice will have a big impact on the effect of your presentation. 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Recommendations for your voice: • Vary your tone • Punch key words • Raise and lower volume • Pause for impact • Vary the speed Student Task: • Say the two sentences below by specifically varying the impact parameters as described above! • “I will do this only for you!” • “If we all try very hard, the world can be saved!” 41
Eye contact is a very important and professional means of drawing your audience into your presentation as it builds trust and credibility. 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Importance of eye contact: • Look into the eyes of your audience. – There are many eyes • At the beginning look for one contact person in the audience • Face the audience 42
You communicate with your voice and your eyes – but also with your body. 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Recommendations for body language: • Stand stable • Move slow and calmly • Make big, open gestures 43
To be good at presentations in front of an audience, you have to manage three major components 1. Presentation coaching 3. Presentations Elements of presentation in front of an audience : Your story • Determine the main message -SCQA • Support the Main Message – Logic Pyramid 44