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education. Lorain County Community College. economy. An innovative leader in education, economic, community and cultural development EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER SESSION. community. culture. Partnerships and Engagement: Embedded in LCCC’s Mission, Values, Priorities. Mission. Values.

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  1. education Lorain County Community College economy An innovative leader in education, economic, community and cultural development EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER SESSION community culture

  2. Partnerships and Engagement: Embedded in LCCC’s Mission, Values, Priorities Mission Values Strategic Priorities Lorain County Community College, an innovative leader in education, economic, community and cultural development, serves as a regional catalyst for change in a global environment through accessible and affordable academic and career-oriented education, lifelong learning and community partnerships. • EXCELLENCE • LEARNING • INDIVIDUALS • PARTNERSHIPS • INNOVATION • DIVERSITY • STEWARDSHIP • ENGAGEMENT • Raise the community’s participation and attainment in higher education • Prepare globally-competent talent to compete in the innovation economy • Accelerate business and job growth to enhance regional competitiveness • Connect Lorain County with regional priorities and partners • Serve as a catalyst for enhanced community life • Build the College’s resource capacity

  3. Stakeholder Example: Vision 2015 Council • Involved 1,795 Participants • Created 1,272 Building Block Ideas • 97% of participants believe these are the right priorities! • 94% of participants committed either personally or through their organization to the implementation of Vision 2015

  4. Stakeholder Example: LCCC Foundation Board of Directors • Comprised of 50 Regional Leaders representing all sectors of our community, including: business, education, government, economic development, healthcare, among others. • Charged with advancing the strategic priorities of the LCCC Foundation through increased philanthropic support and expanded partnerships.

  5. Foundation Board Composite

  6. Completed In Progress Next Steps Overview Step 2A Vision Development (Adopted 11-9-05) Step 3 Engage with College in visioning process for Vision 2015 (Current to Summer 2006) Step 1 Mission Refinement (Adopted 11-9-05) Step 2B Indicators Of Effectiveness Process (Begin Implementation July 1, 2006) Step 5 Strategy Development and Implementation at Committee Level to Advance Foundation’s Vision 2015 Strategic Goals (Mid 2007) Step 4 Establish Specific Strategic Priorities for Foundation directly related to Vision 2015 (Late 2006 to Early 2007)

  7. Vision 2015 - Priority 6: Build College’s Resource Capacity

  8. Feedback from Feasibility Study, Conducted Summer 2007 with 75 Community Leaders & Stakeholders “It’s amazing the way they [LCCC] understand the health of our community and address our needs.” “Lorain County Community College is most forward-thinking, non-political entity in this region.” “The College is one community bond that we all share.” “Biggest driver of business growth and economic development hands down.” “This [Vision 2015] is put together very well. They always impress me with their vision and forward thinking.” “This plan [Vision 2015] is going to benefit everyone in Lorain County.” “It’s [LCCC] a strong well led organization.” Vision 2015 - Priority 6: Build College’s Resource Capacity Qualitative Indicators of Stakeholder Support: 61% of interviewees would rank the Vision 2015 campaign as their high/highest priority (typical feasibility rating – 40%) 87% of interviewees said they would support the campaign financially (typical feasibility rating of 55%) 70% of interviewees indicated a willingness to assume a leadership role in the campaign (typical feasibility rating of 40%)

  9. Partnerships at Work: A few examples… INNOVATION ALLIANCE A Partnership Between The University of Akronand Lorain County Community College P-16 Council and Greater Lorain County Schools

  10. Partnerships at Work: A few examples… Priority 3: Accelerate business and job growth to enhance regional competitiveness Lorain County Community College Lorain County Commissioners Lorain County Chamber of Commerce

  11. education Lorain County Community College economy An innovative leader in education, economic, community and cultural development EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDER SESSION Discussion community culture

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