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Ethics 7 chapters SEH

Ethics 7 chapters SEH. Hervé Maisonneuve, MD EASE, Blankenberge September 24, 2013 www.redactionmedicale.fr. Fraud is not French!. Ethics : 7 chapters. Dealing with fraud , Elizabeth Wager

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Ethics 7 chapters SEH

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  1. Ethics7 chapters SEH Hervé Maisonneuve, MD EASE, Blankenberge September 24, 2013 www.redactionmedicale.fr

  2. Fraudis not French!

  3. Ethics: 7 chapters • Dealing with fraud, Elizabeth Wager • Images in figures: quality control and managing illegitimateimage manipulation, David L. Vaux • Conflicts of interest in biomedical publications, Hervé Maisonneuve, Marc A. Rodwin • Editors and commercial companies, Elizabeth Wager • Plagiarism, Karen Shashok • Reporting guidelines: a tool to increase completeness, transparency, and value of health research published in yourjournal, IvetaSimera • Basic statistical reporting for articles published in clinical medical journals: the Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature, or SAMPL guidelinesThomas A. Lang, Douglas G. Altman

  4. The players: do they know whatisscientificintegrity? Authors Reviewers Editors Publishers Readers

  5. Authors: ghosts, honorary, etc..

  6. Fraud in anesthesia: nearly 300 retractions for S Reuben, J Boldt, Y Fujii

  7. Authors: publish or perish

  8. Is blindpeer-reviewethical?

  9. Editors

  10. Publishers

  11. Readers

  12. Open access: do APCs change the game?

  13. Gold?Green?Hybrid?Opaque?

  14. Predators: more than 300 publishers?

  15. Is good practices’ training effective? • Courses • Mentoring • Posters • Guidelines • Scientficintegrity: a daily practice? • Culture of integrity

  16. How to improvereporting?

  17. How to promoteintegrity?

  18. How to lie to everyone – Especiallyourselves • Professor of psychology and behavioraleconomics, Duke University • Director of the Center for advancedhindsight

  19. Dan Ariely, page 31 8 yearold Jimmy comes home fromschoolwith a note fromhisteacherthatsays, ‘Jimmy stole a pencilfrom the studentsittingnext to him’. Jimmy’sfatherisfurious. He goes to greatlengths to lecture Jimmy and let him know how disappointedheis, and he grounds the boy for 2 weeks. ‘And justwaituntilyourmothercomes home!’ he tells the boy ominously. Finallyheconcludes, ‘Anyway, Jimmy, if youneed a pencil, whydidn’tyoujustsaysomething? Whydidn’tyousimplyask? You know verywellthat I canbringyoudozens of pencilsfromwork.’

  20. Dan Ariely, page 39 A visiblyupset man goes to seehis rabbi one day and says, ‘Rabbi, youwon’tbelievewhathappened to me! Last week, someonestolemy bicycle from synagogue!’ The rabbi offers a solution: ‘Nextweek come to services, sit in the front row, and look at the people behindyou. Whenweget to ‘Thou shalt not steal,’ seewhocan’t look you in the eyes and that’syourguy.’ At the next service, the rabbi waits for the man, and askshim, ‘So, diditwork?’‘Like a charm’ the man answers. ‘The moment wegotto ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’, I rememberedwhere I leftmy bike’

  21. It canalwaysbeworse!

  22. www.redactionmedicale.fr Questions?

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