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Prefix: a/an

Prefix: a/an. Meaning: Not or Without. Anorexia. Anorexia: an-without, orexis - appetite: Without Appetite. Anorexia Nervosa is a very dangerous eating disorder. . Prefix: ad. Meaning: Change, an addition, increase. Addicted.

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Prefix: a/an

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prefix: a/an Meaning: Not or Without Anorexia Anorexia: an-without, orexis- appetite: Without Appetite Anorexia Nervosa is a very dangerous eating disorder.

  2. Prefix: ad Meaning: Change, an addition, increase Addicted Addicted: ad-change to, addict- bound to: To become bound to something Nicotine makes people addicted to cigarettes.

  3. Prefix: contra Meaning: against/opposite Contradict Contradict: Contra-against, dict-spoken: Against what is spoken The story, Out of My Mind, contradicts what people have believed about people with disabilities.

  4. Prefix: ex Meaning: out/previous Exit Exclude: ex-out, it- location: To go out of a location Please be aware that you must exit through the doors at the back of the theatre.

  5. Prefix: post Meaning: after Postpone Postpone: post-after, pone- to place: To place an event after it was to occur Due to the thunderstorm, the baseball game was postponed until tomorrow.

  6. Prefix: pro Meaning: in support of, acting for Proactive Proactive: pro-acting for, activity-movement: In support of acting rather than reacting It is important to be proactive when completing your school work!

  7. Prefix: ultra Meaning: beyond/extreme Ultraviolet Ultraviolet rays: ultra-extreme: Extreme light rays It is important to wear sunscreen to protect from ultraviolet rays.

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