How successful was the war economy up to 1942?B aim – to analyse how successful the war economy was up to 1942 and what this suggests about the impact of war on the popularity of the Nazis A/A* aim – to analyse how successful the war economy was up to 1942, what this suggests about the impact of war on the popularity of the Nazis and link this to historiography What does this picture represent? Why was this chosen? What does this suggest about the Nazi War Economy?
Define Blitzkrieg • Explain why the Nazis chose this approach to war • Explain the economic consequences of this approach
Debate! • Nazi war economy up to 1942 was successful • Nazi war economy up to 1942 was unsuccessful Write a paragraph for each side
No coherent overall plan – shortages, bottlenecks, duplication, waste. No standardisation, competition and rivalry between parts of the armed forces and political infighting, especially from the Gauleiters. The ministries of armaments, economics, finance and labour all undermined each other. Britain was more efficient and produced 50% more aircraft with half the money. • The branches of the armed forces and their respective departments interfered with industry and drove for quality over quantity • It is thought that WWII broke out before Germany was ready, many of the major projects, e.g. autobahn building, couldn’t be completed in time • Hitler obsessed with V1 and V2 rockets and failed to exploit Germany’s technical advantage in jet aircraft which could have helped the Nazis win • Anti-Semitism harmed nuclear weapons development • Failed to mobilise women’s labour • Only one or two shifts a day instead of three. Didn’t have enough labour. • Todt began to try to develop industrial capacity and respond to military requirements, he did this by reducing military interference with industry. He believed that Germany should never have declared war on the USA. • By 1941 Germany was at war with Britain, the USSR and USA but still couldn’t produce enough arms, Hitler declared that labour and materials would stop being wasted • Which historiographical theories does this evidence support? • Did Nazi ideology inherently weaken Germany’s chances of victory in WWII? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjFTN-YdK_M&safe=active
Which historiographical theories does this evidence support? • Did Nazi ideology inherently weaken Germany’s chances of victory in WWII? • How successful was the Nazi War Economy up to 1942? Unsuccessful – labour shortages, lack of organisation, no coherent budget, lots of waste. • What were the main problems?
How successful was the war economy up to 1942?B aim – to analyse how successful the war economy was up to 1942 and what this suggests about the impact of war on the popularity of the Nazis A/A* aim – to analyse how successful the war economy was up to 1942, what this suggests about the impact of war on the popularity of the Nazis and link this to historiography B – How successful was the war economy up to 1942 and what does that suggest about the popularity of the Nazis? B – How successful was the war economy up to 1942 and what does that suggest about the popularity of the Nazis? How can you link this to historiography?
How successful was Albert Speer?B aim – to analyse how successful Albert Speer was and what this suggests about the impact of WWII on the German peopleA/A* aim - to analyse how successful Albert Speer was, what this suggests about the impact of WWII on the German people and connect this to historiography
Speer appointed as Minister of Armaments by Hitler, he used Hitler’s authority to cut through self interests and implement the programme of ‘industrial self-responsibility’ (remove excessive influence of the army and for the factories to answer to him) and rationalisation (introducing method, no waste) • What were Speer’s main aims? (use the words in bold) • What did Speer introduce? (in your words) • Central Planning Board 1942 • Put industrialists on his team, excluded the military • ‘technocrat’ who co-ordinated and rationalised war production • Cut through self-interests by blackmailing and charming other groups • Employed more women • Used prisoners as workers • Stopped losing skilled workers to conscription • Sum up Speer in 5 key words
Warning!! • Students often think that the war economy improved from Goebbels announcement of Total War in 1943 after the loss of the Battle of Stalingrad • In fact… It had already improved in 1942 from Speer taking power. • By late 1944 German war production peaked – but it never reached what it was actually capable of with its resources, it never achieved an output close to the USA or USSR – although it is thought some of this is blanket bombing
Speer was not very successful Speer was extremely successful • Why was Speer successful and unsuccessful? • How did this impact German people during WWII? • How did this affect Nazi popularity? • What historiography does this support?
Homework – Due Thursday • Complete focus route p. 416 pink book • Make two lists from pp 416-417 in pink book, one for Albert Speer’s successes, and one for his failures • Read pp. 209-215 in red edexcel book called ‘From Kaiser to Fuhrer’. Use statistics in this section to answer these questions… • What successes in the economy were there up to 1942? • What failures in the economy were there up to 1942? • What successes in the economy were there under Speer from 1942 to 1945? • What failures in the economy were there under Speer from 1942 to 1945?