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EXERCISES FOR CHOSEN MUSCLE GROUPS. To encourage students to do more physical activities during the lesson you will be shown a few sets of exercises for chosen muscle groups . They are chosen : To affect the most important muscle groups ,
To encouragestudents to do morephysicalactivitiesduringthelessonyou will be shown a fewsets of exercises for chosenmusclegroups. Theyarechosen: • To affectthe most importantmusclegroups, • to be as simple as theycan and simultaneouslyeasyenough to do themathome, • to enable to conjointhefunwiththeworkout.
Abdominalmusclesjointhechestwithpelvis. Theyareveryimportant part of the body because: • they help youkeepstraight and standing position • theykeep body organsintheirplaces • theytake part inthebreathingprocess Strong and trainedstomachmusclesshouldbehave as a flatwall. Ifthereistoo much fat on themthey will becomeweakerwhichin a consequenceleads to backaches as theposture of the body changesfromnormal to bend one.
EXERCISES • Sit down withstraightlegs. Keepingtherightanglebetween body and legsroll on your back and try to holdstraightlegsinthe air. Do not moveyourhipsfromthefloor.
2. Lie down on your back withbentlegs. Keepyourfeet on thefloor. Straightenyourarmsaboveyourhead. Thenraiseyourhead and upper body and try to touchyourkneeswithhands. Thisexercisecan be done as a sort of competition. Youcan limit the time and do as many reps as youcan for 30 seconds for example. Duringthisexercise student should not catchtheknees but onlytouchthemwith his hands.
3. Sit withbentknees. Supportyourupper body on yourarmsbehindyou. Keepfeet on thefloor. Raiseyourlegsinthesky and holdit for 10 seconds. Youcan do thisexercise as a form of competition – checkwho will holdlegsinthe air longer. Remember to keepstraight back and legs.
4. Pair your students. Students sit in front of each other with straight legs. One student raises his joined legs on the partner’s calves level and moves them over the partner’s legs. When at home you can move your legs over the ball, or a few books laid one on another. Remember to do not touch partner’s legs or ball.
5. Sit with straight legs. Support you upper body on your arms behind you. Place a ball on your legs near the feet. Then, raise your legs and let the ball roll towards your hips. Then, lower your legs and let the ball roll again towards your feet. Keep your legs slightly apart so the ball won’t fall off your legs. This exercise should be demonstrated only on one of the students.
Muscles of thehipprovide: • Position and stability of pelviswhichiswhytheyhave influence on theshape of spine, • Stability and movement of thehip. Strong and welltrainedmuscles of thehip influence thelook of hips and buttocks.
EXERCISES • Kneel and supportyour body on yourarms. Outstretch one leg and raiseitabovethefloor, then swing itupinthe air.Remember not to moveyourhipsorupper body whiledoingtheexercise; bothhandsshouldtouchthefloor and be straight.
2. Lie on yourstomachwithoutstretchedlegs. Putyourhands under yourchin. Then, slightlyraisebothlegsabovethefloor and movethemapart and togetheragain. Whatisimportanthere do not raiseyourlegstoo high as thismaydeepenlordosis. Thatis not thedesiredeffect of thisexercise.
3. Sit withbentlegs. Keepfeetfirmly on thefloor. Supportyourupper body on yourarmsbehindyou. Lift yourhips to thechestlevel, holdthisposition for 10 seconds. Thisexercisecan be doneinpairs. One person doestheexercise as writtenabove and thesecond person pushes his partner’ships.
4. Lie on thefloor on one side. Movethe leg whichlies on thefloor to yourchest, second leg should be outstreched and liftedupinthe air. Then, movelifted leg forward and backward. The leg whichisinthe air must be straight and intheaxis of the body.
5. Do the same exercise as the one mentionedearlier but this time lift theupper leg higher – on thelevel of thepelvis. Then, moveitforwards and backwards.
ERECTOR SPINAE MUSCLES Erectorspinaemuscles, extensormuscleinparticular help the body to maintainstraightposture. Itisparticularlyimportantnowadayswhentheyouthspend most theirtimesatschoolsittingbehindtheirdesks, orin front of the TV or computer. Children’sbackstend to round so theposturelookshunched. Thiseffecthampersthe development of thespine and leads to many abnormalities. Weakmuscles of this group and hunchedpostureharms respiratory tract. Strongmuscles make theposturemoreresilient, and the body morehigher.
EXERCISES 1. Lie on yourstomach, outstretchyourarmsforward, yourlegsliejoinedtogether. Lift yourheadforwardstilllooking on thefloor. Raiseyourarmsabovethefloor, count to 20. Youcancompetewiththe partner – who will lastlongerinthispositionwins. Remember to not to moveyourchestfromthefloor. Alsothenoseshould be near theground. Loudcountingforceschildren to breathe.
2. Lie on yourstomach, outstretchyourarmsforward, yourlegsliejoinedtogether. Lift yourheadforwardstilllooking on thefloor. Raiseyourarmsabovethefloor, clapyourhand, thenmoveyourarmsbackwards and clapthemagain on thelevel of thehips. Then, moveyourarmsforwardagain and clapthem for the third time. Youcancheckhow many timesyou will clapyourhandswithouttouchingthegroundwith one of yourhands. Yourchestmustfirmlylie on thefloor, and yourheadshould not be raisedvery high. Remember to keepyourarmsstraight.
3. Sit down withbentknees, your back straight. Moveyourhead as high as youcan, observetheareain front of you. Joinyourhands on yourocciput, yourelbowswideapart. Counting to 10 try to pushyourheadforwardsimultaneouslykeepingitstiff and in one place. Pressure of yourhandsshouldprovideproperposture of thespine. Loudcountingenablesbreathingwithout holding breath.
4. Sit down withbentknees, your back straight. Moveyourhead as high as youcan, observetheareain front of you. Moveyourbendarms to theside. Keepyourforearmsupright. Then, moveyourarmsbackwardssimultaneouslypushingyourchestforward.
5. Sit on yourfeet, keepyourspinestraight, yourheadstretchedupwards. Outstretchyourarmsaboveyourhead, thenbendyourupper body forwarduntilyoutouchthefloorwithyourpalms. Be sure to steadyyourfeet so they not move. Nextthing to do is to go back to startingposition, but remember to keepyour back straight. Whenyouarepreparing to bendforwards first moveyourchest, thenarms. Whengoingbackwards do thisprocedureinreversed order.
6. Lie on stomach. Legsoutstretched and joinedtogether, armsstraightlie on bothsides. Lift yourheadslightlyabovethefloor, keepwatchingthefloor. Raiseyourarmsabovethefloor and thenquickly lift themhigher. In thisexercisethechestmustlie on theflooratalltimes, noseshould be close to thefloor.
CHEST MUSCLES Thesemuscles, particularypectoralis major and minor influence thelook of thechest. Theyaregivenspecialattention as far as body-buildersareconcerned. Alsowellbuilt, shaped and strongchestmusclescanenhancethelook of thewomen’sbust. The development of this group of musclesshould be complete, not partial as partial development canlead to forming of „hollow” chest. Chestmusclesarealsoauxiliarymusclesthattake part inbreathingprocess.
EXERCISES 1. Sit on yourheels, keepyourspinestraight, yourheadstretchedupwards. Outstretchyourarmsaboveyourhead, thenbendyourupper body forwarduntilyoutouchthefloorwithyourpalms. Be sure to steadyyourfeet so they not move. Nextthing to do is to go back to startingposition. Rememberthatwhen lifting your body upwardsyoumust sit firmly on yourheels and start thewholemovementfrommovingthehips up.
2. Sit down withcrossedlegs. Holdyourarmsin front of you on thesternumlevel. Joinyourpalmstogether and try to pushthem as strong as youcan for 10 seconds. Rememberthatthepalms and elbowsmust be on theappropriatelevel.
3. Sit down withcrossedlegs and holdyourhandsin front of you. This time grab yourpalmsonly by yourfingers and try to pullthem as hard as youcan so to separatebothhands. In thisexercisethepalmsshouldalso be on thelevel of thesternum.
4. Do thechinups. Thisexerciseshould be demonstrated on one of thestudents.
5. Kneel and supportyourupper body on yourarms. Bendthearms and touchthefloorwithyourchin so it will be 20 cm furtherthanyourpalms. Boyscan do pushupsinstead of thisexercise.
BREATHING EXERCISES Breathingexercisesareuseful for: • Expandingthemovement of thechest • Enhancingcapacity and ventilation of lungs • Improvingbreathingprocess Whendoingbreathingexercisesyoushouldrememberthatexercisesthatconsistindeepbreathingshould not be doneinthe same pace for everyone. Youalsocannotbreathetoo much air in a row as thismaylead to hyperventilation.
EXERCISES 1. Sit down withyourlegscrossed. Then, takethedeepestbreathyoucanwithyournose, and breathe out withyourmouth. Keepyour back straightduringthisexercise.
2. Sit down withcrossedlegs. Take a deepbreath and try to exhalethe air as slow as youcansimultaneouslypronouncingtheletter „s”. Youcancompetewithyourfriend. The one whoendsexhalinglie down on his back.
3. Lie on your back withbendknees and yourfeetfirmlylying on theground. Holdthetabletennisballaboveyourmouth, takedeepbreath and exhaletrying to holdtheballintheairflow. Thisexercisemust be shown and doneonlyduringthelesson. Itisadvisabletheteacherdoesthisexercisebeforethelesson as itis not easy and isfailed by many students, especiallywhendone for the first time.
4. When standing, hold a featheror a piece of cottonaboveyourhead and keepitinthe air as long as youcan by blowingit.
5. Form pairs. Stand in front of eachother, thenkneelin front of your partner and supportyour body on yourarms. Thedistancebetweenyou and your partner should be 1 meter. Put a tabletennisballinthespacebetweenyou. Next, try to pushtheballbeyondthelinemade of yourpartner’shands by blowingit as strong as youcan. Set a score limit. Whoscoresf.e. 3 pointsisthewinner.
EXERCISES FOR PROPER POSTURE Body postureisthe motor skill. There a fewfactorsthatdeterminethequality of theposture: • morphologicalfactors (structure of bones, strenght and durability of muscles, joints, ligaments), • Socialconditions, • Habit of keepingthe most popular postures (takenduringthedayatwork, inschool, duringwatching TV). Creatingtheproper habit of keeping correct posture first teachthestudentsthe correct posture. The most commonexercisehereis„wall” test.
EXERCISES Tell students to stand upagainstthewall. • Wall test. Stand back to wall and keepyourheelsnext to thewall. Try to touchthewallwithyour body. Lift yourheadup and keepyoureyes on one point in front of you. Keepyourshoulderstight and lowered. Armsarehungfreelyalongthe body, chestbroughtup, breathein so to flatenyourstomach, buttocksshould be tight. Remaininthisposition and remember to breathe. A person thatconductstheexercisecheckswhethertheassumedpositionis correct or not.
2. Assumethe same position as inpreviousexercise, but this time take one step forwardwithoutchangingtheproperposition. Theconductor of theexercisechecksifitisdoneproperly.
3. Face the mirror, assumethe correct posture and controltheline of shoulders by watchingtheminthe mirror. Checkwhetherthelinebetweenyourchin and umbilicusisstraight. Thisexerciseshould be taughtearlierduringthelesson and doneathome.
WALK EXERCISES Walk exercisesarealsoexerciseswhich help to keep correct posture of the body. The correct way of walking – keeping back straight, thewayheadisexposed, ortakingstepsin one line (as models do) increasesthelevel of attractiveness of every girl and woman.
EXERCISES 1. Start walking and followstraightline. Youcandraw a line on thefloororuseexsisting one, f.e. the one of the lines on theplaying field. Thisexerciseis for girls only. In themeantime, boyscan start doingsecondexercise.
2. Walk withthebookorwithsmallbag on yourhead. Whilewalking, try to do a sit-up, and then sit down withoutdroppingthebook on thefloor. Theconductor of theexercisegivescommandswhen to do sit uporwhen to sit down.
SETS OF EXERCISES The role of exemplarysets of exercises for chosenmuscle parts given to students, is to enablethem to do theseexercisesathome. They will help to correct theposture. Initially, theseexercisesmayseem a bit difficult and causemassiveexhaustion. However, after a fewtrainingdaysthey will not causeanytroubleatall and thenumber of repetitions will increaseitself. We mustrememberthat we cannotexpecttheeffects to appearovernight. Thedesiredeffect will be seenafter a fewweeks of solid training(at least 3-4 times a week). Apartfromthevisiblechangesinthesilhouette we canexpectthechanges as far as staminaisconcerned. But the most importantchange will be the one which will occurinourlifestyle.
How much energy do youneed?Energy supplynorms for teenagers and youngadultsbetween 10-19 years of agein Poland.
SCHEDULE OF MEALS DURING THE DAY Dailyrequest of the body – 100% I option: 5 mealsduringthedaywithtea and lightsupper. II option: 4 mealsduringtheday / withouttea and withdecentsupperwhichshould be consumed not laterthan 2 hoursbeforegoing to bed.