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Key Competences For All research and development towards a brand solution for telecentre learning resources Results of a multi-country analysis: Context analysis in five European countries Budapest, 14th October 2010 Gabriel Rissola, JRC-IPTS Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Key Competences For All research and development towards a brand solution for telecentre learning resourcesResults of a multi-country analysis: Context analysis in five European countriesBudapest, 14th October 2010 Gabriel Rissola, JRC-IPTS Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Prospective Technological Studies The European Commission’s Research-Based Policy Support Organisation
Key Competences For All research and development towards a brand solution for telecentre learning resourcesResults of a multi-country analysis: Context analysis in five European countries
Groups massively unemployed/underemployed RO:Ex -Industry workers (mining, metallurgy, etc); Subsistence agriculture workers; Ethnic minorities (rroma); Women; Under-skilled people BE:Low-skilled young people (Youth unemployment is a structural and recurrent problem in Belgium); Migrant people (from outside EU-25); Over 55 people (due to the use of anticipated retirement schemes for laid-off workers above 50 years old) UK:Women Returners, Single Parents, Refugees, Ex-Offenders, People with disabilities (particularly those with mental health issues), NEET generation (young people who have slipped through the education, employment and training systems) ES: Youngs under 25 (including the NEET generation subgroup), Immigrants, Women over 45 years, Disabled people and Long-term unemployed (+ 12 months).
Adult education LV: Adults are participating quite actively in lifelong learning (mainly the women). However, obstacles for a more extended participation are led by Training cost; lack of time because of family responsibilities; and conflicts with the work schedule. RO: Percentage of adult population participating in lifelong learning is quite low (1,5%). BE: 42% of adult population takes part in any activity of continued training (slightly higher proportion or men, 44%, it decreases with age: only 27% in the 55-64 age group while the gap between men and women increases in this group). 82.5% do it mainly for professional reasons, 17.5% for personal or social reasons. 40% of salaried workers takes part in training activities linked to vocational training (in telecommunications, finance, chemistry and energy utilities, the rate raises to more than 60%, while in the construction sector, wood industry, textile and clothing, and catering, it decreases to less than 25%). UK: Overall, participation of adults in training in the UK is higher than the EU average. In 2006, 68.2% of all adults reported participating in some type of learning and 46.6% participated in taught courses (a downward trend in adult participation was observed for the following three years). However, UK has a continuing challenge to increase participation in learning among adults, especially those 'hard to reach‘.
Job assistance and guidance: (Self) assessment of own skills and interests, choosing a career (what to value) Job guidance, job profiles, search job vacancies Assistance in CV preparation and assessment, application forms Development of interview skills Assistance in communication with potential employer via Internet Promotion of Volunteering as a means to gain labour experience Guidance for foreign workers Help and advice for ex-offenders and other target groups with special needs Access to information and funding opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship TCs contribution to User Employability process
Training: Access to Vocational training opportunities Access of unemployed people to training programs Help for students with disabilities Advice on paying for learning Advice for choosing the right course Help with reading, writing and numbers [literacy and numeracy] Certification (ECDL, etc) for people looking for job, as well as a proof of qualification rise of employed people TCs contribution to User Employability process 6 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
TCs contribution to User Employability process Personal and social issues linked to Employability: Advice on finding and paying for childcare Show the way to save money (internet bank, news on Internet etc.) Provide valuable information, for example, realization of hobbies, finding persons who share one’s views and interests Support social life improvement by better communication with family, friends, relatives abroad, local community, decreasing the digital gap 7 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Conclusion I: target groups for the toolkit Surveyed target groups LV: 70% women, 52% tertiary level studies RO: 62% women, 55% tertiary level studies, ex-industry workers, ethnic minorities, agricultural workers, women, underskilled people BE: 87% women, 47% long term unemployed, low qualified, young people, migrants, only 30% learned ICT at school UK: diversified profiles ES: 67% women, young (neither study, neither looking for job), migrants, long term unemployed Selected target groups LV: unemployed | people looking to improve their qualifications for working purposes |disadvantaged groups- seniors, people with low income RO: underskilled | women | ethnic minorities (roma) | entrepreneurs? BE: Young people | non-EU Migrants UK: women, „hard to reach“ communities, without school certificates, low-numeracy skills ES: <25 unemployed | long-term unemployed | immigrants | women >45 8 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Conclusion II: languages and ICT-skills Users need to be addressed in their mother tongue ICT use is widely spread (but we asked only telecentre users in courses!) Internet access is widely spread Users prefer courses that can be used at home AND in the TC Users prefer assistance in the TC (blended learning) 9 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Topics differ between countries LV: foreign language, entrepreneurship, RO: maintain positive digital identity BE: foreign languages, high level eSkills (because of service sector) UK: fill in official application forms ES: self-evaluation and diagnosis tools, skills for designing a CV, employing internet employability tools, entrepreneurship Most common topics ICT skills, languages, personal skills Conclusion III: topics for the toolkit 10 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
LV: skills level diagnostic, upgrade road map, language learning, tools for employability issues (starting business, creating profile...) BE: competence assessment tools, orientation tools towards other actors, social competencies (punctuality etc.), no need for basic ICT skills, tools and guide to find a job, office automation, RO: focus on advanced IT skills, attractive entrepreneur modules with success stories ES: skills diagnostic, how to design a CV online Conclusion IV: skills to be addressed 11 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Key competences: offer & demand matching X = Explicit Demand/Offer X = Tacit Demand/Offer ■ = Partner’s choice ■= Common choice 12 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Possible end users for the KC4all toolkit Partners’ target groups LV: unemployed | people looking to improve their qualifications for working purposes |disadvantaged groups: seniors, people with low income RO: underskilled | women | ethnic minorities (roma) | entrepreneurs? BE: Young people | non-EU migrants UK: ES: <25 unemployed | long-term unemployed | immigrants | women >45 Agreed target groups for the KC4all toolkit: Women in working age „vulnerable people“ 13 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Competences to be addressed by the toolkit Competences taken from the list of key basic competences Digital competence Learning to learn Interpersonal and civic competences Entrepreneurship 14 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Contents for the KC4all toolkit Common contents of all partners’ TC networks: Basic skills, advanced skills, skills for online learning, creating web content Basic ICT, special ICT Employing internet employability tools 15 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Resource list for the KC4all toolkit 16 28/11/2014 KC4all project funded by LLP/Grundtvig
Thank you Gabriel.Rissola@ec.europa.eu http://is.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pages/EAP/eInclusion.html http://is.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pages/EAP/eLearning.html migarrid@uw.edu http://tascha.washington.edu/