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Quiz Review

Quiz Review. The selling or buying of a position in a Christian church Simony. Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters. Secular. A person who controlled land and could therefore grant estates to vassals. Lord. A medieval merchant-class town dweller Burghers.

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Quiz Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quiz Review

  2. The selling or buying of a position in a Christian church • Simony

  3. Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters. • Secular

  4. A person who controlled land and could therefore grant estates to vassals. • Lord

  5. A medieval merchant-class town dweller • Burghers

  6. A lord’s estate in feudal Europe • Manor

  7. A person who received a grant of land from a lord in exchange for a pledge of loyalty and services. • Vassal

  8. A compromise between representatives of the Church and the emperor • Concordat of Worms

  9. A family’s payment of one-tenth of its income to a church • Tithe

  10. A code of behavior for knights in medieval Europe, stressing ideals such as courage, loyalty, and devotion • Chivalry

  11. A system of farming developed in medieval Europe, in which farmland was divided into three fields of equal size and each of these was successively planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring crop, and left unplanted. • Three field system

  12. An estate granted to a vassal by a lord under the feudal system in medieval Europe • Fief

  13. The everyday language of people in a region or country • Vernacular

  14. A unified body of law formed from rulings of England’s royal judges that serve as the basis for law in many English-speaking countries today, including the United States • Common Law

  15. An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes in France • Estates General

  16. One of the expeditions in which medieval Christian warriors sought to recover control of the Holy Land from the Muslims • Crusade

  17. “Great Charter”-a document guaranteeing basic political rights in England, drawn up by nobles and approved by King John • Magna Carta

  18. A medieval association of people working at the same occupation, which controlled its members’ wages and prices • Guild

  19. A body of representatives that makes laws for a nation • Parliament

  20. A deadly disease that spread across Asia and Europe in the mid-14th century, killing millions of people • Bubonic Plague

  21. The appointment of religious officials by kings or nobles • Lay investiture

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