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Component Merging in the Subsolar Magnetopause Region for Northward IMF ? THEMIS Observations

S. Eriksson 1 , C. M. Cully 1 , J. T. Gosling 1 and the THEMIS Team 2 1 LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 2 SSL, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Component Merging in the Subsolar Magnetopause Region for Northward IMF ? THEMIS Observations.

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Component Merging in the Subsolar Magnetopause Region for Northward IMF ? THEMIS Observations

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  1. S. Eriksson1, C. M. Cully1, J. T. Gosling1 and the THEMIS Team2 1LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 2SSL, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Component Merging in the Subsolar Magnetopause Region for Northward IMF ? THEMIS Observations Contact: eriksson@lasp.colorado.edu

  2. THEMIS GSM Positions8 June 2007: 0500-1000 UT

  3. THEMIS GSE Positions8 June 2007: 0500-1000 UT

  4. THEMIS GSE Positions8 June 2007: 0500-1000 UT

  5. THEMIS 08 June 2007 0510-1000 UT

  6. THEMIS 08 June 2007 0640-0720 UT

  7. TH-A 08 June 2007 0645-0715 UT

  8. TH-A 08 June 2007 0715-0745 UT

  9. TH-A 08 June 2007 0745-0815 UT

  10. TH-A 08 June 2007 0815-0845 UT

  11. TH-A 08 June 2007 0845-0915 UT

  12. TH-A jets 08 June 2007 0700-0715 UT

  13. TH-A jets 08 June 2007 0715-0730 UT

  14. TH-A jets 08 June 2007 0730-0745 UT

  15. Summary • Magnetosheath field strength decrease seen from TH-B toward TH-A is consistent with an expanding magnetosphere over the s/c from TH-B toward TH-E. • Is TH-A boundary layer consistent with a Plasma Depletion Layer between the magnetosheath and the magnetopause with higher magnetic field strength, lower plasma density and higher speeds compared to magnetosheath [Wang et al., 2003]? …. (likely a BL inside magnetopause from other s/c observations) • Bipolar magnetic field signatures seen at some magnetopause crossings between the outer PDL and the magnetosphere. Are they northward IMF FTEs at the low-latitude dusk flank [Kawano and Russell, 1997; Wang et al., 2005] or KH-related [Nykyri et al., 2006]?

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