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Elberta Middle School PTSO Newsletter November 2008. From the Principal’s Desk November 2008 Parents and Students,
Elberta Middle School PTSO Newsletter November 2008
From the Principal’s Desk November 2008 Parents and Students, I wanted to give you a brief update on safety procedures at EMS. Our school has a safety plan with procedures for the safety of everyone; we practice lock down and school-wide evacuation with our students as well as other safety and severe weather drills. I want to share some of our safety procedures so you will understand and feel more secure about your children’s safety. The following is a brief summary of some of our procedures. *Students and teachers are instructed in all safety and severe weather procedures *We require all visitors to report to the front office *Visitors on campus must wear a school pass or display a Baldwin County employee photo ID *Teachers are instructed to keep classroom doors locked at all times *Staff are trained in first aid, some in CPR and use of an AED *Parents are asked to not call the school or come to school to get their children in the event of an emergency until an incident has been secured by local authorities If you have suggestions or ideas please share them with us. Also, you are welcome to see our written safety plan. Mr. Ellis is in charge of safety drills, you may make an appointment to meet with him orme if you wish to review our plan.
The Continuous Improvement Team is hard at work. This group includes members from all stakeholders in our school community, student input through the SGA, teachers, parents and community members. It is the responsibility of this team to make recommendations and determine the process of implementation for: 1) improvements to the school in all areas 2) academic challenges 3) safety and discipline 4) buildings and grounds 5) any other areas that affect student life at EMS The CIT met last week and determined there are safety concerns with students waiting for pick up at car riders. Please support us in instructing your children to sit on the benches and wait for you to pull up to the pick-up zone then to quickly walk to your car for loading. Students need to remain seated until you are in position to ensure their orderly dismissal and safety. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Spending time with your children reading is a great way to keep children and parents close and for you to encourage your children’s love of books and reading. It’s never too late to read to your children, no matter what their age. I’m sharing a few tips on making read-aloud time successful with your child. Try it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the time with your child and you may even learn some new things about your child’s interests you didn’t know!
Keep it short – try 5 to 10 minutes then gradually increase the time Offer a variety of interesting things to read --magazine articles, letters, recipes or brochures Share the spotlight – let you child choose a book for you to read It will soon be time for fall break/Thanksgiving Holiday – November 27 & 28, 2008. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful break and I encourage you to spend family time together – maybe reading! Jan Peacock
PICTURES Due to you not receiving information about fall pictures Jim Owen Photography will be here on November 13th to take pictures again. Only students with money and order form will have their picture taken that day. This is a pre-paid only opportunity. Look for a flyer and order form soon. These will be sent home with your child. So remember – November 13th Picture Day at EMS.
Our first Elberta Essentials have been named and received their first award. This means that ALL of these students were here everyday for the first reporting period, they ALL made A,B, or C on report cards, and they ALL were free and clear as far as discipline! Way to go Essentials! Everyone received a frozen juice at break and were honored at morning assembly. We hope that at midterm these students will be ready for their second recognition and reward!
Elberta Raiders had a "Perfect Season" going 8-0 for the first time in school history. They were crowned this year's1A football County Champions. You will be able to see the Raiders and their Championship trophy on December 6th, as they will be walking proudly in this year's Elberta Christmas Parade. Congratulations on agreat job and a great season. "It's Great To Be An Elberta Raider!!"
SGA News The SGA sponsored the United Way Drive this year. United Way helps students in Baldwin County each year with things like going to the doctor and getting medication or eyeglasses for students that could not otherwise get these items. The SGA set the goal at $1,000.00 (about $350.00 higher than last year). The drive was a change collection competition between boys and girls. The girls brought in $536.09 and the boys collected $453.22. We surpassed our goal by collecting a total of $1,016.31! Way to go EMS students!
Mrs. Goforth’s Family and Consumer Science classes enjoyed the Sweet Potato contest in September. Twenty-five students entered the contest, and the teachers and staff really had a hard time choosing the winners. Maggie Milstead won third place, Kelton Kaiser came in 2nd, and Morgan Bornholt won first place and entered the county contest at the Baldwin Co. fair. She did well there, earning Honorable Mention with her great Sweet Potato Gingerbread with Maple Pecan Butter Sauce.
The Beef Contest was held Oct. 8. Maggie Milstead placed 3rd in this contest also. Kelsey Cassebaum placed 2nd, and Tiffany Vautrin won first place and entered the contest at Foley High School. She placed 2nd in the county contest!
Our FCCLA club entered an exhibit at the Baldwin Co. Fair. The title was “Actions of Distractions,” showing an accident scene because of a driving distraction. We won first place, a blue ribbon, and $100 for the club. Much thanks to the following students for their hard work: Trudie McGuire, Brittany Bonine, Jodie Davis, Anna Claire Peaden, and Katarina Frank.
ATTENTION: Important Lunch Money Information State regulations require that students may not charge food in the school cafeteria. We have established the following plan so no child goes without food. We need your cooperation. School lunch applications are available for those needing help. A student may borrow money from the cafeteria only once. It must be repaid the following day. If the situation arises for borrowing a 2nd time, an office referral slip will be sent home that day showing the amount owed. It must be signed by the parent and returned with the amount owed the following day. FAILURE TO RETURN THE SIGNED SLIP WITH ALL MONEY OWED THE NEXT DAY WILL RESULT IN OCS. No more money can be borrowed until complete balance has been repaid. The cafeteria accepts weekly, monthly or yearly payments to lunch accounts.
JOINT PTSA PROGRAM ON “INTERNET SAFETY” Mark your calendars now for a special joint PTSO Parent Meeting the night of January 20, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Elberta Elementary and Elberta Middle Schools will co-host Mr. Tommy Loftis from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Mobile. Mr. Loftis shares with parents much needed current information on topics such as the dangers of chat rooms, MY SPACE accounts, exploitation of children online, etc. Invite your friends and relatives and plan to be at the Elberta Middle School Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. on January 20, 2009.
Red Ribbon SERVICE PROJECT Each year the Mobile Drug Education Council sponsors the “Superintendents’ Red Ribbon Leadership Awards Program.” An outstanding student is selected from every school in Mobile and Baldwin counties to head up a special service project. Representing ELBM this year is Miss Laura Whitlow, an 8th grader. Laura has a passion for reading and has chosen as her project the collection of new and used children’s books and stuffed animals which she will distribute to local hospitals. The first two weeks of December students at Elberta Middle School are asked to bring to their homerooms children’s’ books and stuffed animals. As we enter the holiday season, this is a great opportunity for our students to think about the needs of those less fortunate and to show what a caring community we are.
COUNSELOR’S CORNER • As usual, it's a busy time in the Counselor's Corner at Elberta Middle School. We have enjoyed many special activities the past few weeks and have lots of exciting events coming up. Take a look at the list and call if you have questions: • RED RIBBON WEEK (27 - 31 October) was a blast! Students focused on making good choices when it comes to illegal drugs by wearing RED, crazy socks and ties, mismatched clothes and their favorite “team” shirts. They attended a SAFETY FAIR and in addition to learning about drug safety, they heard presentations on boating safety, internet safety, fire and first aide safety, power line safety as well as flu and hurricane preparedness. • HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE - A “green” flyer went home with students on Friday, October 31, that contained information for holiday assistance. If you need additional information, please phone the school and ask for Ms. McLean, the school counselor. • RED RIBBON WEEK (27 - 31 October) was a blast! Students focused on making good choices when it comes to illegal drugs by wearing RED, crazy socks and ties, mismatched clothes and their favorite “team” shirts. They attended a SAFETY FAIR and in addition to learning about drug safety, they heard presentations on boating safety, internet safety, fire and first aide safety, power line safety as well as flu and hurricane preparedness.
COUNSELOR’S CORNER • SPECIAL “JOINT” PTSA Parent Meeting - Scheduled for January 20, 2009. Mr. Tommy Loftis from the U.S. Attorney's Office will address parents from both Elberta Elementary and Middle Schools at 6:30 p.m. in Elberta Middle School's Auditorium and discuss INTERNET SAFETY. Mr. Loftis was present for our SAFETY FAIR and shared some awesome information with our students. Now he would like to talk to the parents. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. • SERVICE PROJECT (1 - 12 December) - Students are asked to bring in new or used children's books and stuffed animals for the Red Ribbon Service Project. These items will be distributed to local hospitals' children's clinics and wards.
Attention Parents! All walkers that leave our campus should be walking home and not to an awaiting car off campus. We have no way to supervise who is picking up students by car if they walk off campus. This is a major safety concern for students and drivers. We have been informed by the police department that they will begin ticketing cars that are parked in areas that are not designated pick-up areas. Please use our car line to pick up students. The carline operates from 3:00-3:30. A walker is a student who is walking home or to a care facility. Any student that does not regularly walk home must have a written request from the parent to the office. The request must be approved by a school administrator before the student leaves campus. Thank you for your help! Jonathon D. Ellis Assistant Principal