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Sharon High School PTSO Meeting Tuesday, February 26, 2008. SHS Mission Statement.
SHS Mission Statement Sharon High School is a safe and supportive community that provides relevant and diverse opportunities for all students to become active learners and responsible citizens. By fostering a climate of respect, honesty, and accountability, Sharon High School empowers students to apply academic skills, take creative risks, strive for excellence, and achieve their highest potential.
Common Themes & Efforts • Differentiated instructional practices • MCAS preparation • Understanding By Design • Professional development • Embedding of instructional technology • Introduction of new courses • Proper course placement • Learning opportunities beyond the classroom
The Coordinators • English – Janet Picheny • Social Studies – Laura Smolcha • Math – Lesley Reardon • Science – Joan LaCroix • Foreign Language – Pat Mulcahy • Guidance – Judy Whittemore
English 2007-2008 Accomplishments & Highlights • Hosted live performances by Taylor Mali and the New Repertory Theatre (The Crucible) • Brought the sophomore class to see the movie Beowulf • 100% of the current junior class passed the ELA portion of the MCAS Exam (97% “Advanced” or “Proficient”) • Helped develop an MCAS Support Program • Continued the Children’s Storybook Project • Initiated teacher-led professional development seminars on the Socratic Method • Supported more published editions of The Talon than ever before
English 2008-2009 Goals and Initiatives • To pilot an American Studies program • To increase the use of laptops within the classroom setting • To examine our elective offerings and ensure that they are meeting the interests and needs of students • To incorporate instructional strategies that will improve our students’ ability to answer open-response questions • To find creative ways to encourage and promote reading • To continue exposing students to the connection that exists between literature and the arts • To increase opportunities for collaboration between middle school and high school teachers
Social Studies 2007-2008 Accomplishments & Highlights • Successfully introduced two new courses: World Religions and The World Today • For the 2nd year in a row, SHS students participated in Student Government Day in Boston • Offered four Advanced Placement courses • Collaborated with the Math Department to conduct a school-wide Mock Election and produce an analysis of the results • Began integrating Web 2.0 technology into instructional and assessment practices (i.e. Podcasts and blogs) • Hosted presentations on Sudan and Mali, as well as two movie nights that coincided with national/state elections • Participated in the Harvard Model U.N. Conference
Social Studies 2008-2009 Goals and Initiatives • To pilot an American Studies program • To introduce two new courses: The Ethics, Philosophy, and History of Altruism and Love andSince JFK: American History and Culture Since 1960 • To expand the use of interactive whiteboards within the department • To explore additional ways in which Web 2.0 technology can be integrated into the delivery of the curriculum • To prepare for the impending introduction of the state’s mandate that all students pass the History and Social Science portion of the MCAS Exam • To continue providing learning experiences beyond the classroom
Math 2007-2008 Accomplishments & Highlights • Purchased sets of TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculators and TI-30X Scientific Calculators for every teacher in the department • Successfully introduced a new course: Discrete Math • Incorporated the use of interactive whiteboards and ELMO projection systems • 95% of the current junior class passed the Math portion of the MCAS Exam (91% “Advanced” or “Proficient”) • Helped develop an MCAS Support Program • Participated in the AMC 10 and AMC 12, as well as the 44th Annual International Mathematics Olympiad • The Math Team achieved state and regional success
Math 2008-2009 Goals and Initiatives • To replace textbooks in the following courses: AB Calculus, BC Calculus, and APStatistics • To introduce the following course: Math Skills for Everyday Living • To expand the use of interactive whiteboards within the department • To work closely with the Guidance Department to ensure that students are choosing the most appropriate course for themselves • To maintain the rigor of the curriculum (which is aligned with the SPS Learning Standards and the Massachusetts Frameworks) • To increase available supplementary materials that can enhance instructional and assessment practices
Science 2007-2008 Accomplishments & Highlights • Completed the Science Program Evaluation • Successfully introduced a new course: AP Physics C • 98% of the current sophomore class passed the Science and Technology/Engineering portion of the MCAS Exam (73% “Advanced” or “Proficient”) • Collaborated with the Middle School to develop and teach a biotechnology unit • Brought students to the Boston University City Labs to study the transformation of DNA in cells • Attended and presented at the National Science Teachers Association Convention in Boston • Participated on state committees to evaluate student performance on the MCAS Exam, and to develop future questions for the MCAS Exam
Science 2008-2009 Goals and Initiatives • To outfit labs with equipment and materials that will ensure effective delivery of the curriculum • To continue the change to the science sequence • To adopt new textbooks in the following courses: Honors Chemistry (for sophomores) and Chemistry • To expand the use of interactive whiteboards within the department • To enhance the Biology program by integrating more biotechnology • To explore avenues for ensuring that we increase the number of students who are performing at an “Advanced” or “Proficient” level on the state’s MCAS Exam
Foreign Language 2007-2008 Accomplishments & Highlights • Introduced National Honor Societies for Chinese, French, Latin, and Spanish • Went on trips abroad to France and Spain • Hosted AFS students from other schools • Began transitioning from tape format to digital format in the Language Lab • Promoted National Foreign Language Week • Officially started the Chinese Exchange Program • Participated in the National Latin Exam • The Spanish Club donated time to Casa Nueva Vida and Cottage Street Elementary School
Foreign Language 2008-2009 Goals and Initiatives • To introduce the following course: Spanish Culture and Conversation • To update the Language Lab • To further integrate technology into the curriculum (through iTeacher initiatives) • To explore additional foreign exchange programs • To create a multi-lingual student publication • To facilitate opportunities for students to share their knowledge and understanding of a foreign language with other students in the district • To coordinate interdisciplinary lessons and activities between the Foreign Language Department and other curricular departments at SHS
Common Themes & Efforts • Differentiated instructional practices • MCAS preparation • Understanding By Design • Professional development • Embedding of instructional technology • Introduction of new courses • Proper course placement • Learning opportunities beyond the classroom
SHS Mission Statement Sharon High School is a safe and supportive community that provides relevant and diverse opportunities for all students to become active learners and responsible citizens. By fostering a climate of respect, honesty, and accountability, Sharon High School empowers students to apply academic skills, take creative risks, strive for excellence, and achieve their highest potential.