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GEO-V Preparation item 12. Darasri Dowreang darasri@gistda.or.th November 11, 2008. GEO-V Plenary Session. The GEO-V Plenary and its side events will take place in the Palace of the Parliament. Bucharest, Romania From 17 to 20 November 2008
GEO-V Preparationitem 12 Darasri Dowreang darasri@gistda.or.th November 11, 2008
GEO-V Plenary Session • The GEO-V Plenary and its side events will take place in the Palace of the Parliament. • Bucharest, Romania • From 17 to 20 November 2008 • The plenary room and exhibition room will be next to each other
GEO-V Demo Preparation Telcon • 1st telcon on October 10, 2008 Participants: ESA, EUMETSAT, GEOSEC , GISTDA, JAXA, NASA, NOAA, USGS • 2nd telcon on October 17, 2008 Participants: ESA, GISTDA, GEO/NOAA, GEOSEC, NASA, NOAA, USGS • 3rd telcon on November 3, 2008 Participants: CSIR, ESA, GEOSEC, GISTDA, NASA, NOAA, USGS
Exhibitions from CEOS • CEOS main activities to support GEO • Land Surface Imaging Portal • Climate Diagnostics Portal
Exhibition Inputs from CEOS • 1-CEOS Banner • 6-pattern of Constellation Posters • 1-LSI Portal Poster • 50-DVDs (25-NTSC and 25-PAL versions) • 200-CEOS Handouts • Demonstration areas of LSI and Climate Portals
LSI Constellation Portal Concept Provides users with a single web destination where they can go to obtain the fundamental information about operating mid-resolution LSI satellite systems and data Provides users with active links to the data search and order tools for all CEOS agency mid-resolution LSI systems that offering open user access, and it provides links to a wide variety of free mid-resolution sample data
LSI Portal Concept (cont.) The CEOS LSI Constellation Portal was designed and built by the LSI Constellation and WGISS. CEOS agencies participating in development of this Portal include CNES, CONAE, GISTDA, INPE, ISRO, JAXA, NASA, and USGS. The website currently provides information about, and links to, mid-resolution optical data that currently are being collected by the aforementioned agencies or have been collected by them over the past 35 years.
LSI Portal Concept (cont.) The portal intends to provide sufficient information so that the site will meet a high percentage of user requirements for such information while avoiding over-population with minute detail and extraneous information Sample data provided by the LSI portal include: Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+ (USGS) SPOT HRV, HRVIR, HRG (CNES) RESOURCESAT LISS-III & AWIFS (ISRO) ALOS AVNIR-2 (JAXA) CBERS-2 HRCC & IRMSS (INPE) ASTER (NASA/METI) SAC-C HRTC (CONAE) EO-1 ALI & Hyperion (NASA)
LSI Portal Concept (cont.) Current LSI Constellation Portal homepage:
Climate Diagnostic Portal Concept The "Climate Diagnostics" portal was inspired by the ideas and foresight of Mitchell D. Goldberg, NOAA/NESDIS, SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR), and Chief of the Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division. The climate visualizations, also known as "Climate Diagnostics", are targeted to address the Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs). Climate SBA lead, Mitch Goldberg, is responsible for actions related to GCOS. He is collaborating with the CEOS IDN to complete this task.
The vision is to offer a resource that will provide information to enhance GEOSS by providing visualizations of climate trends and variability. WGISS has used the CEOS International Directory Network (IDN) to provide a portal to data through the GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). Every climate visualization/diagnostic identified in the directory is tagged with one or more of the potentially significant SBAs. Climate Diagnostic Portal
The visualizations are expected to be supportive and useful in decision-making processes. The goal is to offer only visualizations that are cited in peer-reviewed literature. (Currently, 83% comply.) An additional capability, available through the “Climate Diagnostics” website, is the “Builder” authoring tool. The “Builder” tool is targeted for individuals wishing to share the graphics from scientific data analyses. Summary
Authoring Tool • Climate Diagnostics Authoring Tool