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The use of the Nominal Group Technique in evaluating student experience . Diana Williams OCSLD. Background. National Student Survey provides quantitative information about the student experience
Directorate of Human Resources The use of the Nominal Group Technique in evaluating student experience Diana Williams OCSLD
Background • National Student Survey provides quantitative information about the student experience • Concerns that the lowest scoring response (3.1) " /Feedback on my work is prompt/" had not changed
Aims of the study: • To use a systematic method of evaluation to gather qualitative data on the student experience of feedback on their assessed work • To improve the assessment process for students. • To explore the use of an alternative approach to the collection of student evaluation data
Nominal Group Technique • Originally developed as an organisational planning tool by Delbecq, Van de Ven and Gustafson in 1971 • Also been used in higher education for various purposes
Curriculum innovation: reactions of students to new courses in higher education (Chapple & Murphy, 1996) • Assessment: to incorporate college students’ perspectives into assessment, (Farone et al., 1998), • Course evaluation: investigated the strengths and weaknesses of BEd programmes (O’Neil, 1981)
Nominal group technique (NGT) • Structured group interview technique • Takes a qualitative approach • Draws quantitative estimates The
Why? • It generates issues that are important to the students themselves, rather than generating answers to questions posed by the evaluator
Facilitates a balance of participation across members • Allows equal weighting of all contributions in the final decision making stage
More structure than the focus group, but still takes advantage of the synergy created by group participants
Who? • Second year undergraduates or first year diploma students • 2/3 groups with 7-8 participants each • Over lunch – 45 minutes
Data Collection • Generation of ideas by individuals • Round-robin 3) Clarification and elaboration of each idea 4) Anonymous ranking
Data Analysis 1)The facilitator collects and calculates the ratings and records the cumulative rating for each idea 2) Discussion of ideas can be recorded and analysed for further qualitative data
First comment recorded: /I think some of the feedback could be more prompt/
A More prompt B Contact between tutors on advice they are giving C Feedback sheet – strengths and weaknesses D Individual, personal feedback – how you are doing? Where you are, what you need to do E Follow up chat after feedback F More time – technical tutorials G Group tutorial to discuss with three tutors) H 2 / 3 minutes 1:1 tutorial before main tutorial I Clarify system of marking
J Relate to our personal aspirations (learn new things, learn about design) K During the year – where I stand L Peer assessment from year above M Peer assessment
/I know personally then I find it hard to continue with what I was doing coz I didn’t know how I had done in the previous subject so sort of holding me back/ • /And also everything is related/ /unless you know if you have done well you cant really move on/ • /Because in a way was there any point if I had gone down the wrong tangent is there any point in me going onto the next bit/
/I know like from **** we get my unit get pretty prompt emails in the next couple of days which is good /but ummm/ • / But generally with **** you know how it goes/
/A feedback sheet with strengths and weaknesses that sends out something more individual / • /Every individual is different its so hard to categorise somebody on a sheet like that/ • /I think what we feedback could relate more to what we want to get out of the course what are our aspirations what do we want to get out of the course/ • /Some are here to improve their design, to try new things, the thought process tie it in more tightly/
Discuss in threes • Who you might use NGT with if at all? • For what purpose? • How would you use it? • If not discuss some of the reservations or hindrances to its use