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RA VI WG PIW, Langen, 23-25 January 2007

RA VI WG PIW, Langen, 23-25 January 2007 Strategic Plan and Action Plan of WMO Regional Association VI (Europe) By: Dušan HRČEK WMO Representative for Europe DHrcek@wmo.int and Christian BLONDIN Co-Chair of the RA VI Task-Team International Affairs Manager Météo France

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RA VI WG PIW, Langen, 23-25 January 2007

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  1. RA VIWG PIW, Langen, 23-25 January 2007 Strategic Plan and Action Plan of WMO Regional Association VI (Europe) By: Dušan HRČEK WMO Representative for Europe DHrcek@wmo.int and Christian BLONDIN Co-Chair of the RA VI Task-Team International Affairs Manager Météo France christian.blondin@meteo.fr

  2. Outline • Some important decisions of XIV-RA VI, and follow-up • RA VI Action Plan, objectives related to WG PIW • Information on the draft Strategic Plan for the Enhancement of NMHSs in RA VI (Europe) based on WMO Strategic Plan

  3. Working Groups in RA VI • Planning and Implementation of WWW • Climate-related Matters • Agricultural Meteorology • Hydrology • Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation • Management Group

  4. Rapporteurs/Task Team in RA VI • Instruments • CLIPS • Global Atmosphere Watch • Atmospheric Ozone • Marine Meteorological Services • Aeronautical Meteorology • THORPEX • Education and Training • WMO Space Programme • GEOSS Task Team on Strategic and Action Plan

  5. Regional Climate Centre XIV RA VI decided to take immediate steps to implement a network of multiple multifunctional centres and/or specialized centres on a pilot basis as the structure for implementing RCC activities in RA VI, in order to determine optimal composition of the RA VI RCC network which would best comply with the functions of RCC.

  6. REGIONAL INSTRUMENT CENTRES XIV RA VI designated the Calibration Laboratory of the Slovak Hydromet. Institute and the Calibration Laboratory of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia as new Regional Instrument Centres (RIC) for RA VI (in addition to the old one – RIC Trappes (Meteo-France).

  7. Plans in SE Europe • New challenges establishment of the Sub-regional Centers of Excellence • Drought management Centre • Trening and education centers • Marine Meteorology Centres • Calibration Center • Such ambicious vision needs support and assistance trough • WMO Technical Co-operation Programmes, • EU Commission suport, • World Bank • others

  8. Drought Management Centre Centre for South-eastern Europe A unanimous agreement has been reached in April 2006 on establishing a sub-regionalDrought Management Centre Centrefor SE Europe. At the meeting in Geneva on 26 September 2006, Slovenia was selected to host the Centre. Subsequently, WMO and UNCCD Secretariat are preparing a comprehensive project proposal in full cooperation with the host country.

  9. RA VI Strategic Plan The most important outcome of the 14th session of WMO Regional Association VI (Europe), held in Heidelberg, Germany, 7-15 September 2005, was a decision to develop the Regional Strategic Plan. The goal of the Strategic Plan is to strengthen the capabilities of all NMHSs in RA VI by providing appropriate meteorological, hydrological and related services in the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters, protection of life and property, safeguarding of the environment and contributing to sustainable development. The session adopted an Action Plan for implementation while the Strategic Plan is being developed.

  10. A Concept for the further Development of the Regional Association VI WMO-6th Long Term Plan European Driving Forces Technical Conference 14th Session of RAVI Brainstorming (RAVI Sess.) Strategies Programmes Members View Action Plan and Development of a Strategic Plan

  11. Strategy 1:To enable the delivery of increasingly accurate and reliable warnings of severe events related to weather, water, climate, and the related natural environment throughout the world, and ensure that they are able to reach their target audience (individuals, emergency services, decision makers) in a timely and useful manner.Sub-group on PWS: Objective 1.1, 1.2, 1.5Sub-group on DPFS: Objective 1.3, 1.4, 1.6

  12. Strategy 2:To enable the provision of increasingly beneficial weather, water and climate and related environmental services to the public, governments and other users/customers throughout the world.Sub-group on PWS: Objective 2.3Strategy 3: No objective for WG PIW

  13. Strategy 4:To inform and educate the public, governments and other interested parties about the socio-economic benefits of understanding the weather, water, climate and related environment.Sub-group on PWS: Objective 4.2

  14. Strategy 5:To understand and improve the modelling of the processes which affect the current and future state of the atmosphere, the weather, water resources, the physical state of the oceans, climate change and related environmental states such as air quality and pollution levels. Sub-group on DPFS: Objective 5.1, 5.2, 5.4

  15. Strategy 6:To observe, record and report on the weather, water resources, climate and the related natural environment, to use these data for the preparation of operational forecast and warning services and related information, and to maintain and enhance systems to exchange these data, products and information. Sub-group on IOS: Objective 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.10, 6.15, 6.16Sub-group on ISS: Objective 6.4, 6.8, 6.9, 6.14

  16. Strategy 7: No objective for WG PIWStrategy 8: products and information. To work more effectively with international partners, other relevant organisations, academia and the private sector.Sub-group on PWS: Objective 8.2, 8.7Strategy 9: No objective for WG PIW

  17. RA VI Technical Conference 2006 ATechnical Conference on strategic planning in RA VIwas held in Riga, Latvia, 6-7 November 2006. The Conference reviewed the preparatory work done by the RA VI Task Team on Strategic Plan and Action Plan.

  18. RA VI SP building process Key “players” • Management Group • President : Daniel Keuerleber-Burk (Switzerland) • Vice-Président : Andrei Leitass (Latvia) • Members : • Ivan Cacic (Croatia) • Magnus Jonsson (Iceland) • Wolfgang Kusch (Germany) • J.K Rabadi (Jordan) • Hydrologic advisor : Jan Kubat (Czech Republic) • INTAD 6 • President : Alex Rubli (Switzerland) • Vice-President : Vita Slanke (Latvia) • Members : • Representatives of 37 RA VI countries • Task Team • Co-Chairs : Mike Gray (UK) Christian Blondin (France) • Members : • Maria Hurtola (Finland) • George Kordzakhia (Georgia) • Alexander Gusev (Federation of Russia) • Jan Kubat (Czech Republic) • WMO Regional Office for Europe • DusanHrcek • Facilitator: Petteri Taalas (WMO) Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 18

  19. RA VI SP building process (cont’d) Roadmap SP Draft Extended Outline 1st SPDraft Version 1st SPDraft Version 2nd SP Draft Version Final SPVersion TT SRO SP Draft Extended Outline MG INTAD 6 RA VI Heidelberg Exeter Geneva Zurich Riga Paris Geneva IX 2005 IV 2006 VI 2006 IX 2006 XI 2006 I 2007 V 2007 Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 19

  20. RA VI SP rationale 7th WMO Strategic Plan policy anddecision makers Hydro-meteorological community RA VI Strategic Plan • Questionnaire: • Demands of information and services • External factors affecting services delivery • Database: • Members characteristics • NHMSs missions and means • Feedbacks: • Hydromet entities • European Union • Scientific and Academic bodies • ….. Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 20

  21. WMO Vision and Top Level objectives RA VI Vision Strategic Components Means within Region VI RA VI Strategic aims RA VI Expected Results Implementation RA VI SP general framework (cont’d) WMO RA VI SP Executive Summary • Purpose • Vision • Strategic Plan3a. Current Status, Trends, Developments and Evolving needs of Members and Society • 3b. Strategic aims 3c. Expected Results • Implementation • 4a. Process and governance • 4b. Priorities • 4c. Key Performance indicators and Targets • 4d. Action Plan Annex A: RA VI description Annex B: Building up the RA VI strategy and actions plan Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 21

  22. Strategic analysis Inward looking (Annex A) Outward looking (Annex B) Members NHMSs New services in weather, water and climate, incl. concern for Environment • External • Constraints: • Technical developments and advances in sciences • Economic pressure • Commercialization and competition Common features Common features Entities Specificities Specificities WMO Progs Involvement Implementation International Incl. Partnership Bilateral Bilateral Facts Impacts Thematic Networking Causes Political Int. Repr Ways forwards + SWOT RA VI strategic avenues Res & Edu Thematic Institutional Institutional Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 22

  23. Strategic analysis (cont’d) RA VI strategic avenues • RA VI key drivers: • Priorities to core missions and quality improved related services • Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters • Delivery of new and further services • Optimization of resources usage • Maintenance and improvement of infrastructures • Positioning with respect to commercial services delivery • RA VI strategic choices: • Strengthened co-operation within the Region • More exchange of knowledge, know-how and understanding to provide better services • Improved capitalization on Region assets (ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EUMETNET) • Improved interfaces with user communities • Alliances with new partners, including funding agencies Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 23

  24. Strategic aims Region VI strategic plan RA VI Vision Adaptation WMO Vision Key Social and Economic Drivers 5 Desired Outcomes 3 Top Level Objectives 5 Strategic Thrusts WMO Strategic Plan RA VI strategic analysis Specification RA VI strategic aims Adoption RA VI expected results Indicators Targets Contribution and Specification 11 Expected Results # Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) # Key Performance Targets (KPTs) Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 24

  25. Strategic aims (cont’d) WMO RA VI will be recognizedas the primary source of expertise [1] on weather, climate, water and related environmental [2] and development [3] issues throughout Europe, through a coordinated meteorological and hydrological infrastructure [4], and a major contributor worldwide [5] to the safety and well-being of people and to sustainable development [6]. Strategic Aim 1 : Work collectively to ensure that any available expertise within the Region is utilized to meet requirements for services. Strategic Aim 2 : Ensure that the information, knowledge and capabilities exist within RA VI to meet the expressed and expected requirements. Strategic Aim 3 : Ensure the decision-making bodies are aware of RA VI expertise and capabilities in order to make best use of existing assets and planned developments, and to avoid unnecessary redundancies. Strategic Aim 4 : Create a RA VI Hydrological and Meteorological Infrastructure which combine capabilities of NMHSs, regional and sub-regional organizations, and any voluntary contributors, under the supervision of an appropriate steering committee. Strategic Aim 5 : Create the framework to be able to project RA VI expertise and capabilities out of the Region in collaboration with other WMO Regional Associations and UN bodies working with WMO. Strategic Aim 6 : Identify and assess continuously key stakes and challenges related to sustainable development within RA VI, and deliver proper services to contribute to consolidate the sustainability of the Region. Building the RA VI Strategic Plan – Christian BLONDIN – Riga, Latvia, 6&7 November 2006 25

  26. The Way Forward TheRAVI Strategic Planshould be linked totheWMO 7SPand be valid for the same time period. This would require the final draft of the RAVI Strategic Plan to be presented to the RA VI President and the Management Group at the15th WMOCongress, and for the President to request any last amendments (following consultation with the RAVI Members at Congress) before approving the Plan for implementation fromJanuary 2008.

  27. Thank you

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