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ITS and Smart Logistics towards Eco- Efficency

ITS and Smart Logistics towards Eco- Efficency. Claus Seibt, Independent Expert ( formerly Austrian Institute of Technology ). ITS in Eco- Efficient Freight Transportation and Logistics. Four Areas of ITS applications from a transport policy perspective

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ITS and Smart Logistics towards Eco- Efficency

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  1. ITS and Smart Logisticstowards Eco-Efficency Claus Seibt, Independent Expert (formerly Austrian Institute of Technology)

  2. ITS in Eco-EfficientFreight Transportation and Logistics Four Areas of ITS applications from a transport policy perspective Long and medium distance freight mobility and transport (Waterborne and Shift to rail for transport distance beyond 300 km) Long and medium distance passenger mobility and transport (European single sky and European High Speed Rail Network) Urban and urban area (urban regions) mobility and transport (CO2 Emission freeinnercityareas, smart urban logistics, etc.) Peripheral and shrinkingregionmobility and transport (demanddriven, multipurposefreighttransport: milk runs, etc.)

  3. Long & Medium DistanceFreight Transport and Logistic Cooperative Systems along European Green Transport Corridors • ITS ascooperativesystem (mode): vehiclescommunicatingwithothervehicles and transportinfrastructure; European smart corridorideasalongparticularroutesare in theplanning and demonstrationphase • ITS ascooperativesystem (intermodal): vehiclescommunicatingwithvehicles and infrastructure and transportcontainersarecommunicatingwith „placesoforigin and destination“ (tracking and tracing) • ITS ascooperativesystem (integrated): vehiclescommunicatingwithvehicles and infrastructureof different modes; European greencorridors,shifttorailand trafficmanagementstrategies in env. sensitive areas

  4. Urban & Urban Area Freight Transport and Logistics Cooperative Systems in urban and urban areas • ITS for smart urban freightlogistics: innercityfreighttrafficmanagement, congestion and areacharging, speedreduction & trafficflowmanagement, managementofloadingzones, distribution and consolidationcentres, etc. • ITS for smart urban freightmobility: organisationof urban and citylogistics and freighttransportoperation: transportdemandreductionbyfreightmobilitymangement, CO2 accounting for transportoperations in cities, etc. • ITS within smart cityconcepts: ITS systemsareinterlinkingtransportinfrastructurewithenergyinfrastructure and transportoperationwithenergydemandmanagement.

  5. Past and Future Promises and Expectations in ITS • Fast and dynamicdevelopments and innovations in theinformation and communicationtechnologies (ICT) areallowingnextgeneration ITS applicationsassoonastechnologiesaremature for thesector • However, the potential for increaseofeco-efficencyby ITS in thetransportsector was in thepast and istoday still over-estimated; around8 till 12 percentofincreasemaybefeasible in thefuture • But atthe end, thedigitalisationoflifeworld and production and livingenvironmentsmayas such transformtransportdemand and operation (ICT/ CIT asgeneraldivertowardseco-efficency)

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