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Comprehensive Transportation Aid Report

Understand transportation output, mileage ratios, deductions, and expenses related to bus purchases, leases, equipment, and student transportation. Calculate ratios and deductions accurately for aid approval.

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Comprehensive Transportation Aid Report

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  1. Understanding the Transportation Output Report

  2. Transportation Mileage RatiosTRA Entries 1 - 12 • Mileage reported in State Aid Management System (SAMS) Form FT entries 111 through 115B is shown here and used to calculate ratios for the deduction of non-aidable other purpose mileage against transportation expense claims. • Non-allowable Pupil Decimal ratio is calculated based on submission of allowable and non-allowable pupil transportation counts in State Aid Management System (SAMS) Non-allowable Pupil Decimal Worksheets which are usually submitted once every 3 years.

  3. Selected Transportation RatiosTRA Entries 13 - 32 • This section calculates the State Share Ratio for Transportation Aid (TRA line 32) based on such factors as: • Valuation (taxpayer property value data from 2 years earlier) • Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) (pupil count data from prior year) • Local Sharing • Enrollment • Square Mileage • Sparsity Factor

  4. Retro Bus Purchase, Lease and Equipment AmortizationTRA Entries 33 - 38 • Are no longer used. This claim area was the calculation of retro amortization of historical data gathered between 9/1/98 and 8/31/06 from the State Aid Data Entry Assistant Schedule F1 and F2, Schedule G, Schedule I and the Application for Approval of Bus Purchases - SA-16.

  5. Prospective Bus Purchase, Lease and Equipment AmortizationTRA Entries 39 - 44 • Amortization of capital expenditures for Prospective bus purchases, bus garage or bus leases and equipment purchases made or beginning after 6/30/05 is calculated here. Links to Amortization Details are included in this area. • The expense for this claim area is gathered after 9/1/05 from the State Aid Management System (SAMS) Schedule G, Schedule I and the Application for Approval of Bus Purchases - SA-16.

  6. Transportation Deduction CalculationsTRA Entries 48 - 66 • Non-aidable other purpose mileage deductions and non-allowable pupil decimal deductions to be taken against bus purchases, leases and equipment are calculated here. • Deductions are calculated based on TRA entry 10, ratio for other purpose mileage deduct, and TRA entry 12, ratio for non-allowable pupil decimal deduct.

  7. Retro Bus Purchase, Lease and EquipmentTRA Entries 67 - 72 • Are no longer used. This claim area was used for Non-aidable other purpose mileage calculated deductions and non-allowable pupil decimal calculated deductions against Retro bus purchases, leases and equipment.

  8. Prospective Bus Purchase, Lease and Equipment TRA Entries 73 - 79 • Non-aidable other purpose mileage calculated deductions and non-allowable pupil decimal calculated deductions against Prospective bus purchases, leases and equipment are deducted here. • Deductions that were calculated in TRA entries 48 through 66 are applied to TRA entries 39 through 44. • TRA entry 79 is the total Prospective aidable capital expense.

  9. Operating ExpensesTRA Entries 80 - 109 • Operating expenses and deductions against operating expenses are calculated in this section, they include: • Employee Salaries (ST-3 account codes A5510.16 & A5530.16 minus Form FT line 174). • Employee Benefits (Form FT line 117 minus Form FT line 175). • Contractual expenses (Schedule I). • Supplies and Materials (Schedule H). • Insurance recovery and trans revenues (ST-3). • Other purpose mileage deductions (TRA entries 9 & 10) and non-allowable pupil decimal deductions (TRA entry 12).

  10. Contracted Student TransportationTRA Entries 110 - 133 • Contracted student transportation expenses and deductions against operating expenses are calculated in this section. • The expense for this claim area comes from the State Aid Management System (SAMS) Schedule J and Form FT lines 125A and 125B. • Deductions against this claim include the non-allowable pupil decimal ratio, unapproved contract expenses entered in Form FT lines 122 through 124B by State Aid upon audit review, revenues and refunds claimed in the ST-3 and Form FT line 126 for unapproved computerized routing .

  11. Public Service TransportationTRA Entries 134 - 141 • Public Service student transportation expenses are calculated in this section. • The expense for this claim area comes from the State Aid Management System (SAMS) Schedule K.

  12. Transportation Supervisors OfficeTRA Entries 142 - 151 • Expenses of the Transportation Supervisors Office approved for aid are calculated in this section, they include: • Transportation Supervisor’s Office Employee Salaries (ST-3 account codes A5510.15 & A5510.16). • Transportation Supervisor’s Office Employee Benefits (Form FT line 118). • Equipment for Trans Supervisors Office (Schedule L).

  13. Summary of Regular Transportation AidTRA Entries 152 - 163 • This section is a summary of regular transportation expenses approved for aid, they include: • District Operated Expense (TRA entry 107). • Contract Student Transportation (TRA entry 131). • Public Service Transportation (TRA entry 139). • Transportation Supervisors Office (TRA entry 149). • Total Assumed Capital Expense (TRA entries 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78).

  14. District Operated Summer School Transportation Aid TRA Entries 164 - 174 • This section is a summary of district operated summer school transportation expenses approved for aid, they include: • District Operated Summer Expense (TRA entry 109). • Contract District Operated Summer Student Transportation (TRA entry 133). • Public Service District Operated Summer Transportation (TRA entry 141). • Transportation Supervisors Office (TRA entry 151). • Entry 174 is Total Transportation Aid including summer school.

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