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Learn how to effectively engage with the media to promote your message and gain coverage. Discover strategies for developing a media strategy, understanding media bias, and handling negative attacks.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WORKING WITH THE MEDIACommunications The National Democratic Institute

  2. INTRODUCTIONS/ GROUND RULES • Introductions • Ground rules • Ice breaker exercise Photo: Amy Hamelin, NDI

  3. WORKING WITH THE MEDIA OBJECTIVES • Identify benefits of and strategies for engaging media • Learn how to prepare a media strategy and gain coverage of your message • Understand media bias and attacks and how to respond

  4. TOPICS • Definition and forms of media • Media relationships • Media strategies • Tips and tools to gain coverage • Media bias • Negative attacks

  5. WHAT IS MEDIA? Photo: Susan Markham, NDI

  6. KEY TERMS • Editorial (Op-ed) • Media bias • Other terms? Photo: Caroline Hubbard, NDI

  7. PRINT MEDIA • Newspapers • Magazines • Newsletters

  8. ELECTRONIC MEDIA • Television • Radio Photo: NDI

  9. SOCIAL MEDIA • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • Personal/organization website

  10. INFORMAL MEDIA • Word of mouth • Pamphlets/flyers • Loudspeakers • Special events • Community meetings • Walk-abouts Photo: Amy Hamelin , NDI

  11. MEDIA RELATIONSHIPS • Why media relationships? • How do we establish them?

  12. DEVELOPING A MEDIA STRATEGY • Involve others • Goals/objectives • Message • Target audience • Media opportunities • Resources • Be flexible!

  13. EXERCISE: DEVELOPING A MEDIA STRATEGY • Goal? • Message? • Target Audience? • Resources? • Relationships? Photo: Amy Hamelin , NDI

  14. GAINING MEDIA ATTENTION • Supply photos, sound clips, video • Appeal to their audiences • Tell a “newsworthy” story • Link to current news • Time special events carefully

  15. PREPARING A PRESS RELEASE • Who? • What? • When? • Where? • Why? • Best Practices: • Be Brief • Follow up!

  16. PRESS CONFERENCES • Location • Lighting and sound • Photo/video • Copies of documents • Advance notice Photo: NDI

  17. WRITING EDITORIALS • Own your expertise • Stay current • Go for good • Be creative • Use plain language • Respect the reader Photo: Shiho Fukada for The New York Times

  18. EXERCISE: MEDIA STRATEGY CASE STUDY • Plan press event • Develop press release • Convince reporter to cover the event

  19. MEDIA BIAS • Gender discrimination and sexism in coverage • Reversibility test • Unequal air time

  20. PREPARE FOR NEGATIVE ATTACKS • Anticipate attacks • Assess vulnerabilities • Have a plan Under attack? Stay on message! Photo: www.pixabay.com

  21. HANDLE NEGATIVE ATTACKS • Deny • Admit and explain • Admit and apologize • Admit and compare

  22. WORKING WITH THE MEDIA REVIEW • Identify media outlets and develop relationships • Develop media strategy • Gain coverage by using tools • Identify media bias • Prepare for attacks

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