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Field Safety. GES 394 Revised by Mr. Brian Oram http://www.water-research.net. Three Main Goals !. Everyone comes home Safe ! We have a fun productive learning experience. The equipment and supplies return to Wilkes University in Good Working Order. Primary Field Problems.
Field Safety GES 394 Revised by Mr. Brian Oram http://www.water-research.net
Three Main Goals ! Everyone comes home Safe ! We have a fun productive learning experience. The equipment and supplies return to Wilkes University in Good Working Order.
Primary Field Problems • Injury – Trip and Fall Hazards • Improper Clothing (poor foot wear, etc) • Work Overload – 12 hours of field work in 8 hours • Heat Stroke – Heat Exhaustion • Hypothermia • Dehydration • Sun Burn • Contact with the Wildlife- ticks, snakes, etc • Automobile Incidents • The Public and Us ! • Getting Lost – compass, local map, GPS, and road map.
Trip and Fall Injuries No Jumping Off Rock Outcrops ! Keep Laboratory, Field Areas, and Office – Pick Up and Secure
Prepare for Conditions Know the work conditions and the environment. What specific safety equipment is needed ?Know the work hazards ? Bring a field first aid kit ? Let Someone or at least two people know where you are going and when you will return?Bring water, flashlight, matches, and a snack – Just in Case !What work clothing is required- Check the Weather Forecast ? Work in Pairs (Team Approach !). For all field work, the field clothing will include long panties and hiking boots.
Field Clothing- Better Choices ! • Hats – as Needed ! • 2) Boots – Steel Toes (optional) • 3) Sneakers – NO ! • 4) Eye Wear – Safety Glasses as • Needed ! • Prescription Glasses – YES • Contacts – Not Recommended • 5) Hard Hat – Not Required in Most • Cases • 6) Safety Vests (as needed) • Note: Test Pits over 4 feet are • Confined Spaces !
Heat Cramps and Heat Exhaustion Heat Cramps Heat Cramps are muscle contractions, usually in the gastrocnemius Or hamstring muscles (the muscles at the back of the calves). These contractions are forceful and painful. These cramps seem to be connected to heat, dehydration, and poor conditioning, rather than to lack of salt or other mineral imbalances. They usually improve with rest, drinking water, and a cool environment. Heat Exhaustion Although partly due to exhaustion -- and feeling like exhaustion, as the name implies -- heat exhaustion is also a result of excessive heat and dehydration. The signs of heat exhaustion include paleness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting, and a moderately increased temperature (101-102 degrees F). Rest and water may help in mild heat exhaustion, and ice packs and a cool environment (with a fan blowing) may also help. More severely exhausted patients may need IV fluids, especially if vomiting keeps them from drinking enough. Severe Cases – Go to the Hospital !
Heat Stroke Result of long, Extreme exposure to the Sun, Humid Environments, or unvented environments (Level A and Level B Protection). Your body does not have enough water to sweat enough to reduce body temperature. Can develop rapidly – I have only seen this happen, but we were working in teams. Requires immediate medical treatment Symptoms: disorientation, not sweating, rapid pulse.
Avoid heat stroke: Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water and sports drinks. Avoid tea, coffee, soda and alcohol. Wear lightweight, tightly woven, loose-fitting clothing in light colors. Avoid strenuous hiking or digging in the heat of the day. Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat and sunglasses. Increase time spent outdoors gradually to get your body used to the heat. Take frequent drink breaks; If it’s going to be really hot, mist yourself with a spray bottle to avoid becoming overheated. Try to avoid outdoor work on very hot and humid days Heat Stroke
Bad Decisions ! Drink alcohol- rather than water Go to work sick Overwork Work hard in sunny, dry and/or windy weather Work by Yourself Do Not Watch Out for Field Team Good Decisions ! Bring Adequate Water Drink Water- Eat Fruit Wear Proper Clothing Take a Break at Regular Intervals Watch out for Team Eat Breakfast, Lunch, and other meals and Bring a Snack (Smaller Meals are Better !) Wear a Hat and if necessary sun block. Dehydration- We Have a Choice !
Excess loss of body heat Symptoms: Shivering Disorientation Very cold hands and feet Drop of temperature in body core Avoid hypothermia: wear a hat; 80% of body heat can be lost through an uncovered head stay dry; wet clothing sucks heat from your body dress in layers; if you warm up and start to sweat, peel off layers to stay dry wool retains much of its heat-holding capacity even when wet Hypothermia- Excess Loss of Body HeatNot Just in the Winter !
Hypothermia- More Tips Avoid hypothermia: • a scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth • sleeves that are snug at the wrist • mittens (they are warmer than gloves) • water-resistant coat and shoes – Stay Dry ! Layer Clothing. • Wool, silk, or polypropylene inner layers of clothing hold more body heat than cotton
Hypothermia Get Help ! – This is why The body system is so Important.
Overexposure to SunThis can happen in the Winter ! Avoid sunburn: • wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 • wear a hat • wear sunscreen-rated clothing • stay out of the sun as much as possible between 10am and 2pm Image Source: jadesphotolife.blogspot.com/
Van and Vehicle Safety • Seat belts on driver and every passenger, all the time, no exceptions. • Drive within the posted speed limit and in a safe manner for the conditions. • Remember the Van has a LOGO – Someone will call ! • At least one person in vehicle has a cellular phone with a call list. • Vans driven only by Wilkes University Employees (includes Work Study Students)
The Environment- “The Wildlife” Plus Spiders, Ants, Bees and large predators DO NOT Forget the Bacteria, Protozoa, Fungi, Worms and other organisms living in the soil. !
Ticks Deer Ticks carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease (bacteria) Symptoms: up to 2 weeks after bite Rash, fever, aches in joints or muscles The bullseye rash is an early symptom of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by the bite of an infected tick. Proper treatment with antibiotics is mandatory. If untreated, Lyme disease may progress to a chronic stage that can be disabling and difficult to cure
Falling Off Ledges- Not Good !Even If Your Swimsuit is ON Yes, this can happen. Watch where you put your feet, especially when you are looking through a camera Work in pairs. Check ledges before putting your full weight on them. Just Stay as Far away as Possible ! Stop Jumping Off the Rocks !!!!
Field Etiquette Close fences and Leave the Area as You Found. Respect private property – This is good reason to have a camera. Bring your trash home – do not bury or leave your trash Or waste when in field Fill in holes, test pits, auger holes, percolation holes, shovel pits, and cores. When walking stay at least 6 feet behind the other person.
Call Before You Dig-Drill- Blast !The PA ONE Call Pennsylvania One Call System is a non-profit Pennsylvania corporation created to protect the underground facilities of members through communication with any person (s) planning To disturb the earth. Identifies utility right-of-ways ! (Gas, Electric, Telephone, Pipeline, Water, Cable TV, Fiber Optics/ Telecommunications, and Local Governments. Remember: Please call 3 working days before digging. It’s the law, and the safest thing to do. http://www.pa1call.org Phone: 1-800-248-1786 925 Irwin Run Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15122
The PA ONE Call Color Code Temporary Marking Standard – ANSI Stnd Z535.1 http://www.pa1call.org White – Proposed Excavation Pink – Temporary Survey Markings Red – Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit, and Lighting Cables Yellow- Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum, or Gaseous Materials Orange – Communications, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables Or Conduit and Traffic Loops Blue – Potable Water Purple – Reclaimed Water, Irrigation, and Slurry Lines Green – Sewers and Drain Line Phone: 1-800-248-1786 925 Irwin Run Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15122 American National Standards Institute - ANSI
Biggest Field Danger ! A Human Brain that is NOT THINKING !THINK BEFORE YOU ACT !!!!!
Multiple Hazards – Note Hearingand Head Protection Field Safety GES 394 Revised by Mr. Brian OramWilkes Universityhttp://www.water-research.net Unknown SeepageChemical/ Biological Hazard Equipment Hazards