PADRE NUESTRO • Padre nuestro, que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amén.
FOUR MAIN GROUPS OF VERBS EN ESPAÑOL • Verbs that end in -AR (verbos que terminan en -AR) • Verbs that end in -ER (verbos que terminan en -ER) • Verbs that end in -IR (verbos que terminan en -IR) • Irregular verbs • Each group has a set of rules that all of its verbs follow (except irregulars, which do not follow any rhyme or reason)
IMPORTANT VOCABULARY • Verb: part of speech connoting action or being • Subject Pronoun: personal pronouns that are subjects of verbs in sentences. English: I, you, he, she, it, etc. • Conjugate: changing the endings on a verb so the form matches its subject • Conjugation: the set or table of the different forms of a verb. • Infinitive: the basic form of a verb (where it ends in -AR) and means "to _______." ex. hablar = to speak or to talk
CONJUGATING -AR VERBS • When we conjugate –AR verbs, we follow this process: • 1. Find the infinitive. To wear is "llevar" • 2. Take off the ending -AR. You're left with the stem "llev" • 3. Add the endings (next slide)
WHAT IS THE PRESENT TENSE? • To describe action that is taking place right now, that happens • For example, to speak. We translate this as in the present as 'I speak' or 'I am speaking.'
TRADUCIÉNDOLOS • 1. Yo miro: __________ • 2. Carlos mira: _________ • 3. Vosotros habláis: _________ • 4. Ellos hablan: ___________
¡PRACTIQUEMOS! • 1. Conjugate the verb practicar. What does it mean? • 2. Conjugate the verb estudiar. What do you think it means?
¡TE TOCA A TI! • Translate the following sentences into Spanish: • I need a pair of shoes for school. • Carlos and Maria are using the textbook. • I work at the ice cream shoppe. (ice cream = helado). (at = en)
EN CONTINUACIÓN • 4. Martin is speaking to Señor Stein in the classroom. • 5. Ya’ll (informal)need to do the homework—it’s quite important. • 6. What would you like? What size do you wear? • (you is formal and singular here)