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. The NHS Next Stage Review describes a visionfor the NHS that delivers high quality for all andgives staff the freedom to focus on quality.Achieving this vision requires us to provide thebest possible education and training for futuregenerations and to ensure that our existingstaff get
1. Aspiring to excellence “To deal with many of the deficiencies identified and to ensure the necessary concerted action, the creation of a new body, NHS:Medical Education England (NHS:MEE) is proposed. NHS: MEE will relate to the revised medical workforce advisory machinery and act as the professional interface between policy development and implementation on matters relating to PGMET. It will promote national cohesion in England as well as working with equivalent bodies in the Devolved Administrations to facilitate UK wide collaboration. The Inquiry has charted a way forward and received a strong professional mandate. The Recommendations and the aspiration to excellence they represent must not be lost in translation. NHS:MEE will help assure their implementation”
2. The NHS Next Stage Review describes a vision
for the NHS that delivers high quality for all and
gives staff the freedom to focus on quality.
Achieving this vision requires us to provide the
best possible education and training for future
generations and to ensure that our existing
staff get the support they need to continuously
improve their skills.
4. Sir John Tooke’s response to ‘A high quality workforce’ “I am particularly pleased to see the creation of Medical Education England which will give the profession the strong voice and the scrutiny function that it needs”
5. Structure of MEE
6. Structure of MEE
7. NHS NSR:A high quality workforceMEE agenda 1 Suggest more valid and reliable selection methods
Commission a formal evaluation of the 2 year Foundation programme and consider an alternative model linked to wider reform of postgraduate medical education
Look at the balance between generalist/core training and specialty training
Reach a consensus on PGME and training structure by August 2010
Continue discussions with Royal Colleges, deaneries, junior doctors, patients, employers, trade unions, SHAs and other stakeholders on how to take PGME and Training forward.
8. NHS NSR: A high quality workforceMEE Agenda 2 Work with the Royal College of General Practitioners to develop cost- effective proposals for training at least half of doctors going into specialty training as GPs.
Strengthen the public health workforce and produce a system of dual accreditation
Be responsible for the development of modular credentialing
Advise on how the training of dentists should reflect the changing pattern of dental needs
Develop modular training for healthcare scientists leading to the post of accredited specialist
Promote the incorporation of leadership and management training into undergraduate curricula
9. NHS NSR: A high quality workforceMEE Agenda 3 Ensure that educational supervisors in secondary care undergo mandatory training and review of their performance
Promote the incorporation of academic pathways as per the Walport report.
Develop the modernising scientific careers programme (Life Sciences, Physiological Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering each with a rotating training programme)
Take responsibility for the development of the training programme for pharmacists with the new emphasis on promoting health and well-being and giving life-style advice
Take on the responsibility for low volume specialties that require national planning
Take on the job of working with the newly established HIECs to develop a model interface between universities and the NHS for innovation in education, training, certification, local workforce development and translational research.
10. Additional items suggested by Board members Quality of training agenda; developing trainers; metrics and incentives; effect of EWTD
Disseminating information on workforce planning; working with CoE
Development of a national simulation strategy including collaboration with MoD
Ensuring that all final year medical students have an opportunity to shadow in the hospital in which they will be working
11. The 2007 / 08 PMETB survey showed the following implementation rates for F1 shadowing. Lowest Highest Warwick 48%
Cambridge 45%
Oxford 42%
Keele 42%
Birmingham 37%
Belfast 96%
Glasgow 86%
Aberdeen 81%
Barts 78%
Dundee 78%
12. Kieran Seyan et al BMJ 2004
13. Kieran Seyan et al BMJ 2004 Asians Social Class 1 6.07
Whites 0.73
Blacks Social Class IV 0.07
No black people from Social Class V were admitted to Medical School
Females 1.15
Data from 1996-2000
14. Gender balance in Medical Schools
15. Graduate entry into Medicine Normal mode of entry in USA for many years
1997 Four Australian Medical Schools changed exclusively to graduate entry
Ireland has now changed to graduate entry
16. GP Analysis:There is a clear risk of an undersupply of GPsAnalysis with impact of supply side variation May 12 Not intended for publication 16
17. Specialist Analysis:There is a clear risk of an oversupply of CCT holders Analysis with impact of supply side variation May 12 Not intended for publication 17
18. HIECs Health Innovation and Education Clusters (HIECs) are aimed at more rapidly translating research and innovation into clinical practice, and linking workforce planning to a quality framework of education.
HIECs could be one of the key ways in which MEE is ‘plugged in’ at a local level
19. HIECs A partnership between
NHS organisations (primary, secondary and tertiary)
HE sector (universities and colleges)
Industry (healthcare and non-healthcare)
20. Principles of HIECs Span settings (Trusts, FTs, private sector; primary, secondary and tertiary care)
Span sectors (NHS, HE, Industry)
Span professions (i.e. Multi-professional)
Deliver measurable impact in innovation
Focus on quality
Support the purchaser-provider split in education and training
21. HIEC 2009 timetable May distribution of national prospectus to outline HIEC’s concept, application process
May- July regional stakeholder events run by SHA
Early September completion of pre-qualification questionnaire
October submission of formal applications
November presentations to National selection panel
December first wave of HIECs announced
22. EWTD: John Black’s February Newsletter ‘Carpe Diem’
23. EWTD: ASiT survey Jan 2009 ASiT suggest that to ensure optimal training, with adequate time for exposure and high quality patient care with increased continuity, it is necessary to return to a working week of approximately 65 hours. For higher specialty trainees (ST3 and above), on-call rotas rather than shift working would best protect training opportunities, and would be the optimal arrangement where workload permits.
24. Evaluation of the Introduction of the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme Professor Michael Eraut
University of Sussex
25. JCST discussion document of the Eraut report “..disturbing insight into the current condition of surgical training in the UK. Many factors are identified as being responsible for this unwelcome state, not all of them obviously remediable.”
“Allowing for the environmental factors identified in the Eraut report is the ISCP ‘fit for purpose’ as a curriculum for surgical training?” (these factors included the EWTD and the MTAS disaster)
26. Annual Specialty Report Overview JCST ISCP:
“despite its many strong points, the ISCP continues to generate a degree of discontent amongst some trainees and trainers, and engagement with both groups, in some areas, is less than the JCST would wish to see”
Opportunities for training in operative surgery:
29% ST1 trainees have access to less than two operating sessions per week; “JCST would like to see a commitment to innovative training methods such as simulation to help offset this reduction in clinical experience”
Support for trainers:
“..widespread evidence that surgical trainers are poorly supported by their employing Trusts. Urgent action is needed to correct this before consultant surgeons become completely disengaged from the training process”.
27. Summary The creation of MEE is an opportunity to produce a more coherent approach to manpower planning and the promotion of excellence in the education and training of doctors, dentists, pharmacists and healthcare scientists
If we are to tackle the very challenging agenda then the MEE Board and Subcommittees will need to work closely together to produce a consensus which best represents the interests of the professions, trainees and, above all, patients