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IB Psychology 2012-2013. Ms. Beetson 3018. Find someone who… Mnemonic technique in action. Who are we?. Essential Questions. What does the IB psych course look like? What are my responsibilities as an IB Psychology student? What is the definition of psychology?
IB Psychology2012-2013 Ms. Beetson 3018
Find someone who… Mnemonic technique in action Who are we?
Essential Questions • What does the IB psych course look like? • What are my responsibilities as an IB Psychology student? • What is the definition of psychology? • What are the main areas of psychology and how has it developed over time?
Course expectations • On the card, write down: 1)Your name, and some important information about yourself you feel I should know? 2) What you expect to gain from this course? 3)What you think your responsibilities are as a psychology student? 4)What personal learning strategies will you use to ensure you do well in this course?
What's psychology all about? • On a piece of binder paper:- 1)Write a definition of psychology 2)Write down three things that you know about how we behave 3)Write down how you know those things? You can work in pairs
What is psychology? In threes – discuss what this microscope symbolizes, and summarize on the same sheet Extension activity : sketch this diagram
What is psychology? • Psychology is the systematic study of behaviour and mental processes. Psychology has its roots in both the natural and social sciences, leading to a variety of research designs and applications, and providing a unique approach to understanding modern society. • IB psychology examines the interaction of biological, cognitive and sociocultural influences on human behaviour, thereby adopting an integrative approach. • Understanding how psychological knowledge is generated, developed and applied enables students to achieve a greater understanding of themselves and appreciate the diversity of human behaviour. • The ethical concerns raised by the methodology and application of psychological research are key considerations in IB psychology.
Classroom scavenger hunt Look at the posters and articles in 3018 and answer the following: • What are some of the important questions surrounding the study of cognition? • What are some of the functions of the frontal lobe of the brain? • What are our five senses? • How many neurons are there in the brain? • What is the myeline sheath? • What are two key social psychological questions? • What is abnormal psychology? • How might brain imaging be used in criminal cases? • What is at the middle of every neuron? • Who was the 1st psychological humanist? • Name two early child psychologists. • What are “smart” drugs? • What is cognition? • What part of the brain might shrink after PTSD?
Open your textbooks to page 8 and read the section ‘Pop Psych & Psychobabble’ and answer these questions How is the term pop psych used? What is psychobabble? What is the difference between scientific psychology and pop psychology? What type of psychology will we be studying on this course? What Psychology isn’t….
Some pop psych myths…. • Myth #1 : We Only Use 10% of our Brains • Myth #2 : Human Memory Works like a Video Camera • Myth #3 : Opposites Attract • Myth #4: Full Moons Cause Crimes and Craziness • Myth #5: People with Schizophrenia Have Multiple Personalities
The History of Psychology • Monday: group poster production and research • Tuesday & Thursday: mini presentations on the posters • Thursday: paragraph summary – minor assessment
The History of Psychology Where did psychology come from? philosophy Definition of psychology How did psychology develop? physics When did psychology start? 1879 psychoanalysis cognitive biology biological Behaviorism sociocultural 1800s 1940s present 1900-40s
APA format citations…. Check your planners (p68) for information about APA formatting. Here’s an example: Hill, G. (2001). Psychology Through Diagrams. Oxford: Oxford University Press You can also use www.bibme.org – this is a piece of software which creates references for you
Your task is to write two paragraphs (approximately 300 words total) the first paragraph should be a summary of the History of Psychology based on the work we have done as a class: Make sure you have a clear topic sentence at the beginning of your paragraph which states what you will write about in that paragraph The paragraph on the history of psychology is a ‘sequential paragraph’ - Start with the earliest influences on psychology and then take it through the three main levels of analysis studied today (about 200 words) The second paragraph should be a reflection on the first two weeks of psychology in terms of the process of completing the poster task and presentation and your general feelings about the course at this stage. (about 100 words) You can write the paragraphs in MS word, and then email to beetsonp@ismanila.org Writing a summary…
What is the definition of psychology? What date is commonly seen as the start of modern psychology? State how Philosophy has influenced Psychology Give one major contribution from the field of Biology to the psychology The psychoanalysts emphasized the importance of the u__________s mind when attempting to understand human behavior Name a famous Psychologist from the psychodynamic approach to understanding behavior What did the behaviorists emphasize the need to study? What are the three main levels of analysis in modern psychology? When did cognitive psychology begin to develop? What are the differences between the three levels of analysis? Quick Quiz
DEFINTION: Science • (from Latin: scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about the world and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories. (Wilson, 1999)
Psychology is one of the human sciences, so psychology uses empirical (scientific) methodology in order to gather data about behavior Question – looking at the history of psychology which areas do you think use the scientific method? Psychologists apply the scientific method to the study of behavior – but it is not without its problems…….. Research in Psychology
A West Virginia professor has good news for chocoholics -- eating chocolate improves memory, reaction time and cognitive ability. In 2006 Dr. Bryan Raudenbush of Wheeling Jesuit University led the study, "Effects of Chocolate Consumption on Enhancing Cognitive Performance," Reliable Plant reported. He found that subjects who had consumed either milk chocolate or dark chocolate 15 minutes before they were tested performed better than those given carob or nothing at all. "These findings provide support for nutrient release via chocolate consumption to enhance cognitive performance," Raudenbush said. Chocolate increases cognitive performance
So now in groups, imagine you want to carry out an experiment to investigate the effect of ‘chocolate on STM performance’ How would you carry out research to find out about this? Carrying out psychological research
Short-term Memory • Selective attention determines what information moves from sensory memory to short-term memory. STM is most often stored as sounds, especially in recalling words, but may be stored as images. STM can be transferred to LTM though rehearsal. • Limited capacity and duration: Works like RAM memory in computers; provides a working space. Is thought to be 7 bits in length, that is, we normally only remember 7 items (Miller, 1956). • Let’s try the STM Visual Memory Task to see if this is true. – You have 1 minuteto look at the following picture and remember as many objects as possible.
Visual Short-term Memory • Now write down the names of all the objects you can remember. • How many objects did you remember?
MCEG Evaluation in Psychology Gender Equal no of M & F PPs? Can results be Generalised? Methodology Culture Controls? Variables? Reliability (is it replicable/ is it a consistent measure?)? Validity? (does it measure What it is supposed to measure?) Ecological and Cross cultural) ? Ethics From what culture are the PPs? Is it generalisable? Are PPs protected from psychological and physical harm? Informed consent & debreifing? APA Guidelines followed?
Is the study based on a representative group of people (sample)? Was the study conducted in a laboratory or in a natural setting? Where what the participants where asked to do far from real life? Are the findings of the study supported by the findings of other studies? Do the findings have a practical relevance? Ethical considerations Points to consider when evaluating research
Examine the schema theory from the cognitive level of analysis and a key study from this field Develop your understanding of experimental and non experiential methods in psychology Practice unpacking question and writing a response to an 8 mark SAQ question Weekly Lesson Objectives
What areparticipants? What is arepresentative sample? What is opportunity sampling & what are its strengths and weaknesses? What is a self selected sample and what are its strengths & weaknesses? What is snowball sampling and what are its strengths and weaknesses? What is random sampling & what are its strengths and weaknesses? What is stratified sampling & what are its strengths and weaknesses? Sampling Methods
Why are ethical guidelines particularly important when carrying out psychological research? What is informed consent and why is it important? What is debriefing and why is it important? What is the right to withdraw and why is it important? What is participant confidentiality and why is it important? What is protection from psychological and physical harm and why is it important? APA (American Psychological Association) Ethical Guidelines **use examples to enhance your explanation of these ethical guidelines**
Why should we consider whether research has applications? What is cross cultural validity? What is ecological validity? What is reliability? Reliability & Validity **use examples to enhance your explanation of reliability and validity**
Is the study based on a representative group of people (sample)? Was the study conducted in a laboratory or in a natural setting? Where what the participants where asked to do far from real life? Are the findings of the study supported by the findings of other studies? Do the findings have a practical relevance? Ethical considerations Six questions to ask when evaluating research **use examples to enhance your explanation of these questions**
Research in Cognitive Psychology • Copy the picture of a chair that the previous person has drawn… • This is called serial reproduction… it changes… and our existing schemas influence these changes • Now read the story on page 83 out loud… • This is called repeated reproduction..
Research Methods: Quick quiz • What type of relationship between variables does an experiment aim to establish? • What does IV and DV stand for? and what relationship between these is examined in an experiment? • What is a hypothesis? • Give one strength and one limitation of laboratory experiments • What is the difference between a field and laboratory experiment? • Explain what is meant by demand characteristics • What are confounding variables, and why are they a problem for experiments? • What is the difference between a positive and negative correlation? • What is one of the main weaknesses of correlational studies? • What is one of the strengths of qualitative research? • What is a strength and a limitation of participant observations? • How is a structured interview different from a unstructured interview? • What are some of the limitations of interviews? • What does triangulation mean? • What is a case study?
Culture can be defined as the human made part of the living environment. It refers to shared values. Human beings create culture and are also influenced by it. (It is both subjective – attitudes, beliefs norms & objective – literature, poetry, cooking pots, weapons) In the psychology cultural bias can occur in may ways: Researchers/ theorists may ignore the influence of culture or see all of human life through the perspective of one culture. Key evaluation point: Culture
Moghaddam (1993) Humans have an ‘interactive’ relationship with culture – we shape culture and we are also shaped by it Jahoda (1978) believes that ‘Cultural Evolution’ rather than ‘Biological Evolution’ the reason for our progress and civilization today The danger is that many Psychologists adopt the ‘universal man’ assumption – We are all the same – culture does not influence our behaviour Smith & Bond (1998) found that Psychology is Ethnocentric (western centred)– they reviewed textbooks and found that only 10% of the world is sampled in psychological research Cultural relativists believe culture is important vs. absolutists believe that our biology most important in determining our behavior Cultural considerations in psychology
Differences between cultures, that can be seen in terms of: 1) Cultural complexity The more complex/ industrialised/technological the culture, the more people must pay attention to time – west – time is linear, eastern cultures - circular 2) Individualistic(independent) (behaviour based on likes & dislikes, identity defined by personal choices) vs. collectivist (interdependent) (saving face, self as an extension to the group, identity defined by the characteristics of the group) dimensions Triandis (1990) ‘dimensions of cultural diversity’
3) Tight(e.g. Japan, Korea - homogenous) vs. loosecultures (UK, America – multi-cultural) 4) In addition to these, Triandis also discusses the more specific dimensions: emotional control vs. emotional expressiveness contact vs. non contact Horizontal vs. vertical relationships Ethnocentric research does not take these differences into account Triandis(1990) dimensions of cultural diversity
What is culture? What does Moghaddam (1993) say about an ‘interactive relationship’ with culture? What is Jahoda (1978) referring to when he mentions ‘Cultural evolution’? What did Smith & Bond (1998) discover about psychology textbooks? How does this relate to ethnocentrism? Give an example of an independent culture and an interdependent culture What is the main difference between independent and interdependent cultures? What explanation did people from independent and interdependent cultures give for the fishes behavior in last lessons study? Explain why this is so What differences did Marcus & Kitayama find between American and Japanese students descriptions of themselves? What did they sight as some of the reasons for these differences? In what countries is most of the research carried out in psychology? Why might this be a problem? Do you think that psychologists should be aware of culture? why? Culture: Quick Quiz – in pairs