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IB Group 4 Project 2012-2013 Fabulous Food . As an individual, identify 1-2 ideas you have about FOOD… ? A fact ? ? An opinion ? ? A question ?. Task 1a & 1 b. Turn to the person(s) next to you and share your ideas. Share a few ideas with the class.
As an individual, identify 1-2 ideas you have about FOOD… ? A fact ? ? An opinion ? ? A question ? Task 1a & 1 b Turn to the person(s) next to you and share your ideas. Share a few ideas with the class.
So - what IS the purpose of the Group 4 Project? This project allows students in different group 4 sciences to work together on a scientific or technologic problem.
The project will provide you with an opportunity to… appreciate the environmental, social and ethical implications of science; understand the limitations of scientific study; experience interdisciplinary cooperation; and focus on the processes involved in scientific investigation, more than the products of such investigation.
The Project… Will be completed in small groups… of 4-6 students Must include 2 students enrolled in HL Biology and 2-4 students enrolled in HL/SL Chemistry Each student must be a welcome member of a group. IB HL Biology has 20 students (3 dual enrolled in HL/SL Chem) IB HL Chemistry has 42 students If a student is absent, they MAY be included in a group. Final group membership may be adjusted by instructors.
The Project May be practically or theoretically based.
Possible types of Projects laboratory investigation or fieldwork. data collection, manipulation and analyzing of data from other sources, such as scientific journals, environmental organizations, science and technology industries and government reports. design and use of a model or simulation comparative study in collaboration with another school
The Project You will design a project that can… “encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method” [IB Aim 10] ?How will our project reflect or relate to biology? chemistry? their interactions?”
The Project “develop and apply the students’ information and communication technology skills in the study of science” [Aim 7] ? How will our project utilize technology – to collect and analyze data? – to communicate about our findings?
The Project “raise awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using science and technology” [Aim 8] ?How will our project address one or more of these implications?
The Project may address the international nature of the scientific endeavor and the increasing cooperation required to tackle global issues involving science and technology. ?Will our project address international aspects? If so, how?
Use a cartoon (provided) to generate 2-3 ideas for a Fabulous Food project that addresses one or more of the Aims of the project. Task 2a
Project Stages The entire project will count for 10 hours* of your practical lab experiences for your IB science course. Think of the project in terms of 3 stages: Planning (~ 2 hours) Action (~ 6 hours) Evaluation (~ 2 hours)
Includes… forming a team and brainstorming/discussing possible topics to analyze or problems to study. [Submit initial proposal TODAY11/29] selection of ONE specific topic/problem or researchable question needs to involve all team members incorporate feedback from instructors (communicated through group leader by the end of the day on Wednesday, 12/5) Planning (~ 2 hrs)
Planning (~ 2 hrs) Includes… writing a detailed project plan - clearly defining the activities needed before and during the ACTION stage identify specific tasks decide when you will do them CAUTION – You must constantly remind yourself that this is a group project that needs to result in a dynamic and cohesive end product. You do need to work together as multi-subject groups communicating your detailed plan in writing to your instructors before beginning work – no later than the end of the day on Friday, December 14, 2012[Focus on DESIGN Criteria] - This means that you will have two IB Days (Dec 6 and Dec 13) to meet and complete your plan. You will NOT be field-tripped out of classes. If, upon review, your instructors have concerns they will require a meeting with your team before work begins.
Action (~ 6 hours) During this stage you will execute your plan… do what you need to do in order to analyze your topic or investigate your problem from the perspective of the various science disciplines. work collaboratively… findings of investigations should be shared with others working on the project… as it unfolds. pay close attention to safety, ethical and environmental considerations as you do your work. [Focus on DATA COLLECTION & PROCESSING Criteria]
Evaluation (~ 2 hrs) The final stage includes Sharing your findings – both your successes and your failures – with other students and staff at our ‘Fabulous Food Fest’ Symposium where a team gives a presentation of their project [PowerPoint? Video? Other?] and/or . . . Poster Session with a display highlighting your project [Focus on CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION Criteria]
Tentative Plans for the ‘Fabulous Food Fest’ Will be held February 28, 2012 during the school day… Periods 2, 3, 4 [This is an IB Day and you will be excused from your other classes.] May use one or both of the following formats Symposia featuring 15 minute presentation to a larger audience with 5 additional minutes allowed for questions. poster session featuring multiple short presentations to small groups This sharing activity will be assessed by teachers/staff and peers.
Assessment of Project You will earn a grade in the IB science class in which you are enrolled Your teacher will determine specifics, but this will be a ‘significant’ grade that will be based on Effective completion of the three stages of the project (plan, action, evaluation) Completion of the IB requirements (next slides)
Assessment of Project For IB, you will need to provide: [1] detailed evidence of your involvement a detailed log including date time spent work/tasks completed Reflection(s) – 4 See web-site for electronic file of log http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/CCPHS/files/ib%201213%20group%204%20individual%20log%20sheet.docx
a hard copy of the completed project laboratory/project report or handout from PowerPoint presentation or Clear photo of display board from poster session.
Assessment of Project You will also earn points towards your internal assessment for IB [2] Personal Skills Criterion Self-motivation and perseverance Working effectively in a group Self-reflection will include self- and group- assessment of personal skills this is the only place where this criterion is assessed !
Initial Proposal – due 11/29 • Generate 3 viable research questions • each addressing the major theme: Food • each with biology and chemistry aspects identified • each addressing the goals of this project • Access file at http://myteacherpages.com/webpages/ccphs/group4project.cfm • submit both hard copy [Goodwin] and electronically [Smith] • team leader will receive feedback and will share with team
Detailed Project Plan • Due before any action taken on project. • Submit no later than 12/14/2012(sooner is better!) • Form available on Ms. Smith’s web-site. • May require follow up team meeting with instructors if there are concerns. • Finalize team membership • Verify that project is well-defined and can be safely completed with available resources, including materials and time. • Insure that project/plan addresses aims 10, 7, and 8 • Check that necessary materials/resources are clearly identified and available • Insure that methods for collection, organization, and analysis of data are clearly outlined. • Verify that there is a clear plan in place, with specific tasks outlined, clear timeline established, and an understanding that this is a multi-disciplinary team project.
Sharing the Project • Finalized Scoring guides/rubrics will be made available in January 2013… including • Assessment of project sharing • Symposium presentation • Poster session presentations • Self and team assessments of personal skills (drafts are currently posted)
What NOW?Form Teams • Proposed Teams … • ideally formed around a common interest • Team of 4 – 6 including both biology and chemistry students • Must have 2 biology and min 2 chemistry students – may include additional chemistry students • EVERYONEmust be included in a team • Teachers reserve right to adjust teams as needed ! • Let’s try this…
Next Steps… • Get together with your team and explore the possibilities… • TODAY ! NOW ! You are ‘excused’ up through period 6. If you are NOT working on the project, go to class. • Room 18 is available during period 5 – You MUST sign in for attendance purposes. [Ms. Goodwin available for consultation.] • Rooms 15 and 18 are available during period 6 [Ms. Smith available for consultation.] • Ok to work in library or elsewhere. • Food Resources available….
Next Steps… • Complete your Initial Proposal and distribute to Goodwin (hard copy), Smith (electronic) and team (your choice). • Make a plan to meet as a team again. • Upcoming IB Days: December 6 and December 13 You are NOT being ‘excused’ from your classes… but your science classes will observe both of these as IB days. Use this time wisely !!!