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Niagara Working Committee/ On-site Reps Meeting September 4, 2013

Niagara Working Committee/ On-site Reps Meeting September 4, 2013 Sir Adam Beck Complex Niagara-on-the-lake, ON. 2. Status of 2012-13 Lake Erie – Niagara River Ice Boom Report. 3. Status of 2012 INC annual report. 4. Update On Lake Erie/Niagara River Conditions. Reporting Period.

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Niagara Working Committee/ On-site Reps Meeting September 4, 2013

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  1. Niagara Working Committee/On-site Reps Meeting September 4, 2013 Sir Adam Beck ComplexNiagara-on-the-lake, ON

  2. 2. Status of 2012-13 Lake Erie – Niagara River Ice Boom Report

  3. 3. Status of 2012 INC annual report

  4. 4. Update On Lake Erie/Niagara River Conditions

  5. Reporting Period A very wet spring and start to the summer resulted in a sharp rise of lake level.

  6. Reporting Period During the reported period ,the basin received XXX cm (XXX in) of precipitation. That is XX% above average for the period.

  7. Reporting Period Net Basin Supply is the sum of precipitation on the lake and runoff into the lake minus the evaporation over the lake.

  8. Reporting Period

  9. Reporting Period

  10. Reporting Period

  11. Reporting Period

  12. Reporting Period

  13. 5. Chippawa-Grass Island Pool update5. a) Operations during reporting period

  14. NRCC Report to INBC/INC Working CommitteePeriod March 21, 2013 to September 19, 2013 Regulatory Gauge Outages Fort Erie May 11, 2013: from 5:15 to 6:14 due to high winds in area August 8, 2013: from 18:44 to 21:33 due to defective modem August 14, 2013: from 8:31 to 14:43 due to incorrect modem settings August 15, 2013: from 8:31 to 14:43 due to gauge transmitter failure Frenchman’s Creek No outages during the reporting period Material Dock May 30, 2013: from 10:51 to 12:32 due to gauge transmitter failure July 15, 2013: from 9:14 to 9:45 and 11:31 to 14:33 for end-to-end verification Slater’s Point May 30, 2013: from 13:10 to 13:34 due to gauge transmitter failure Ashland Avenue April 11, 2013 from 7:30 to 7:40 and 9:01 to 9:08 for calibration and adjustment May 22, 2013: from 11:47 to 11:58 for calibration OP Tailwater No outages during the reporting period

  15. Treaty Violation Reporting March 21, 2013 - Falls flow violation for HE4. Violation occurred as a result of over-closing control gates with presence of heavy lake ice in Maid-of-the-Mist pool. April 17, 2013 - Falls flow violation for HE8. Violation occurred due to failure to account for declining inflow to GIP and coincident increase in flow correction. July 28, 2013 - Falls flow violation for HE8. Violation occurred as a result of police request for no flow changes to facilitate body recovery in lower Niagara River. No violations in GIP Elevation Limits or Ranges for the reporting period GIP Departure Point Accumulation March 21, 30, 31, 2013: waived due to ice conditions April 1-3, 2013: waived due to ice conditions July 28, 2013: waived due to emergency

  16. ICD Outages Gate 1: U/A for Niagara Tunnel Project until March 8, remains U/A pending minor overhaul in Q4 2013 Gate 2: U/A on April 12, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 3: U/A on April 12, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 5: U/A on April 11, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 5: U/A from April 12 – April 15, 2013 due to debris in pilot valve Gate 5: U/A on April 15, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 6: U/A on April 11, 12 and 15, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 7: U/A on April 15, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 8: U/A on April 15, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 9: U/A on April 15, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 10: U/A on May 17, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 11: U/A on April 10, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 11: U/A on July 7, 2013 due to failure of oil pressure switch Gate 12: U/A on April 10, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 12: U/A from April 19-26, 2013 for diving inspection and installation of upstream dewatering structure Gate 13: U/A on April 10, 2013 to carry out control oil piping modifications Gate 13: U/A from April 19-26, 2013 for diving inspection and installation of upstream dewatering structure Gate 13: U/A on May 8, 2013 – to repair main pump contactor interlock Gate 14: U/A from October 11, 2012 and continues for major overhaul

  17. Gate 15: U/A from April 19-26, 2013 for diving inspection and installation of upstream dewatering structure Gate 16: U/A from April 11-12, 2013 - for oil piping modifications Gate 16: U/A from April 19-26, 2013 for diving inspection and installation of upstream dewatering structure Gate 16: U/A from May 3-29, 2013 – due to oil leak from Nordstrum valve (Cdn) and to assess cause Gate 16: U/A on July 17, 2013 – due to oil leak from Nordstrum valve (U.S.) Gate 18: U/A from April 5-9, 2013 due to defective PLC ICD Environmental May 3, 2013: Annual gull egg count was undertaken on Gull Island prior to AM transition. May 3, 2013: during routine inspection, an oil leak was discovered on Gate 16 Nordstrum valve (Cdn). It was later determined to be caused by air trapped in pressure relief system. Approximately 55 litres of oil was spilled, but contained within the pier.

  18. Ice Management March 20, 2013: Ice boom span D was reported open and was not repaired due to the anticipation of spring opening March 25, 2013: Fixed wing ice flight revealed 228 km2 (88 mi2) of ice in eastern basin of Lake Erie March 25, 2013: Ice boom opening operations commenced with ice boom spans Q, R, S, T, U, V removed March 26, 2013: Ice boom spans A, B, C, D, N, O, P removed March 27, 2013: Ice booms spans K, L, M removed March 28, 2013: E, F, G, H, I, J removed April 8, 2013: MOMP ice bridge gone for season April 9, 2013: All ice boom buoy barrels removed from Lake Erie

  19. Other Niagara Tunnel Project milestones: SAB T3 Full Flow Verification test was completed on July 23-24, 2013. Flow velocity measurements were undertaken over top of SAB T3 on August 6-7, 2013. April 15, 2013: Chippawa Gate opened to commence 2013 navigation season. Installation of Gate 14 upstream dewatering structure was undertaken from April 22 – 26, 2013 and carried out using the NYPA Havasu Barge due to the continuing load restriction on the ICD. May 16, 2013: To comply with OPG Dam Safety requirements, Gate 9 and 13 were operated through a full cycle using external power source. June 16, 2013: Public safety occurrence - vessel operating ~500 feet downstream of Tower Island

  20. The accumulated deviation of 0.14 metre-months on March 31, 2013 was tied with March 2010 as the lowest since 1990. Accumulated deviation was XX metre-months on August 31

  21. Daily range did not exceed limit during reporting period

  22. 5. Chippawa-Grass Island Pool update5. b) Maintenance issues

  23. The new tunnel was deemed available for commercial operation on March 8, 2013. Gate 1 remains out-of-service in anticipation of rehabilitation work following the completion of the Niagara Tunnel Project. Work to repair hinges and replace seals will be undertaken in the fall of 2013. Following the failure and subsequent replacement ofa flexible hydraulic hose associated with the control system for Gate13, OPG initiated a program to replace all similar hydraulic hoses on the INCW. The piping and hose assemblies needed were fabricated off site and their installation for all gates was completed between April1 and May17, 2013. During a structural inspection of the INCW carried out in November2012, OPG identified a potential issue with the concrete stability of its bridge supports. A load restriction has been put into place for vehicles operating on the structure. Consulting engineering firms have been commissioned to provide options for bridge strengthening. No final report is available at the time of submission. Work to determine the most appropriate repair and method of execution are on-going.

  24. 5. Chippawa-Grass Island Pool update5. c) Review of directive

  25. 6. Niagara Tunnel Project6. a) Update on tunnel operations

  26. 6. Niagara Tunnel Project6. b) Impact on CGIP fluctuations

  27. 7. Plant upgrades and unit testing7. a) OPG

  28. 7. Plant upgrades and unit testing7. b) NYPA

  29. 8. Review discharge measurements program8. a) Welland Canal, water use, installation of 2nd canal flow meter

  30. Welland Canal Measurements April 30 – May 4, 2012 Cooperative Measurements with Environment Canada and US Army Corps of Engineers Welland Canal Measurements Weir 8 & ADVM Location Measurement Location

  31. 8. Review discharge measurements program8. b) Niagara River

  32. Schedule for Hydraulic Flow Measurement Program Niagara River and Welland Ship Canal (as of September 2013) Also: NYSCS May & Nov 2012

  33. International Railway Bridge Measurements April 30 – May 4, 2012 Cooperative Measurements with Environment Canada and the US Army Corps of Engineers Downstream Section International Railway Bridge Upstream Section

  34. Report on 2012 International Railway Bridge Measurements • Sent out for review 7Aug2013 • All 2012 measured Q higher than presently used 2001 rating • May 2012 measured Q very near the proposed revised equation • Nov 2012 measurements showed d/s measurement section farther from the bridge was better.

  35. Report on 2012 NYSCS Measurements Sent out for review (19Aug2013) Diversion from the Niagara River Watershed Historical estimate = 31 m3/s 2012 Measurements (m3/s):

  36. 8. Review discharge measurements program8. c) Update on revising the Buffalo flow equation

  37. Proposed Revised Rating Equation for Niagara River Flow At Buffalo, NY • The 2013 version • out for review • very similar to the 2012 version • 1974 measurements not used • included 2012 measurements • Revised rating compared to Present (2001) Rating • gives higher flows • better fits the measured data • better fits the monthly estimate of Niagara River flow (open water)

  38. 8. Review discharge measurements program8. d) Need for updating Fort Erie equation

  39. The present Fort Erie Rating Equation Under-estimates the Niagara River flow by about 3%

  40. 9. 2013 Meeting with the public9. a) Date, venue, and format

  41. 2013 Meeting with the public WHEN Thursday, September 19, 2013 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. EDT WHERE In person: Mori Room, Niagara-on-the-Lake Community Centre, 14 Anderson Lane, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. By toll-free telephone or webinar (first time)

  42. 10. Review of 121st semi-annual progress report

  43. 11. Other business11. a) American Falls bridges

  44. 11. Other business11. b) Falls recession and international boundary location

  45. Falls recession West line East line Center line

  46. Falls recession West line

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