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How will TG support users of DataNet and other NSF CI programs?

How will TG support users of DataNet and other NSF CI programs?. Sergiu Sanielevici TG QM 9/18/2008 New Orleans. The Issue. NSF has CI initiatives other than Teragrid: DataNet : the two first round awards are expected soon;

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How will TG support users of DataNet and other NSF CI programs?

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  1. How will TG support users of DataNet and other NSF CI programs? Sergiu Sanielevici TG QM 9/18/2008 New Orleans

  2. The Issue NSF has CI initiatives other than Teragrid: • DataNet: the two first round awards are expected soon; • iPlant,http://www.iplantcollaborative.org/ is completing its community input gathering process and will define its Grand Challenges and CI tooling process. We know that DataNet and iPlant users will/should also want/need to use TG resources. Their requirements are generally data-centric and likely to differ from those of our “traditional” HPC users. John Cobb will illustrate by giving us a sense of one DataNet proposal.

  3. Proposed Solution • By analogy to our process to understand how to best support PetaApps, SDCI and STCI awardees, in collaboration with the Blue Waters project • This began with the 12/07 workshop in Tempe, AZ that brought together awardees and applicants for these grants, TG and BW staff. Led to community building, including non-TG people joining our XSWG; a follow-on workshop at TG08; and another workshop planned for Q1’09. • Similarly, start by organizing a brainstorming summit with users and providers of DataNet and iPlant?

  4. Join iPlant Activities Already Planned? • SC’08 BOF Wednesday 11/19 at 5:30 pm • CI Meeting at Biosphere-2 first week of January 2009 Dan Stanzione (ASU) requests TG representatives to participate, suggests designation of a TG POC for collaboration with iPlant, and offers to be our POC and Champion in iPlant. He has volunteered to be on the organizing committee for a TG-iPlant-DataNet brainstorming summit.

  5. Organizing the Brainstorming Summit • Who? Favorable reactions from Alex Szalay (JHU - DN community), Tim Nyerges (UW - DN community) in addition to Dan Stanzione (iPlant) Of course we also expect John Cobb to play a prominent role (DN community) Can’t do it without Scott Lathrop Dan Katz as TG Science Director Request assisance from NSF program officers?

  6. Organizing the Brainstorming Summit (cont’d) • When? March or April 2009? • Where?

  7. Discussion

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